ح ك م
Derived terms
- Verbs and verb derivatives
- Form I: حَكَمَ (ḥakama, “to judge, sentence, adjudge, govern, command, decide”)
- Form I: حَكَمَ (ḥakama, “to restrain, to bridle”)
- Form I: حَكُمَ (ḥakuma)
- Verbal noun: حِكْمَة (ḥikma)
- Form II: حَكَّمَ (ḥakkama, “to appoint as ruler”)
- Form III: حَاكَمَ (ḥākama, “to prosecute, interrogate, put on trial”)
- Verbal noun: مُحَاكَمَة (muḥākama), حِكَام (ḥikām)
- Active participle: مُحَاكِم (muḥākim)
- Passive participle: مُحَاكَم (muḥākam)
- Form IV: أَحْكَمَ (ʔaḥkama, “to tighten, to clench, (in a bysense, and so translatable) to consolidate, to increase in strength; to get hold of, to seize, to bring or maintain under control, to grab tightly on [+ عَلَى (object)]; to master, to know well or to be proficient in, to be able in”)
- Form V: تَحَكَّمَ (taḥakkama, “to have one's own way, pass judgement, dominate”)
- Verbal noun: تَحَكُّم (taḥakkum)
- Active participle: مُتَحَكِّم (mutaḥakkim)
- Passive participle: مُتَحَكَّم (mutaḥakkam)
- Form VI: تَحَاكَمَ (taḥākama, “to bring one another before a judge”)
- Verbal noun: تَحَاكُم (taḥākum)
- Active participle: مُتَحَاكِم (mutaḥākim)
- Passive participle: مُتَحَاكَم (mutaḥākam)
- Form VIII: اِحْتَكَمَ (iḥtakama, “to act according to one's own judgment”)
- Verbal noun: اِحْتِكَام (iḥtikām)
- Active participle: مُحْتَكِم (muḥtakim)
- Passive participle: مُحْتَكَم (muḥtakam)
- Form X: اِسْتَحْكَمَ (istaḥkama, “to be strong, become stronger, become ingrained”)
- Verbal noun: اِسْتِحْكَام (istiḥkām)
- Active participle: مُسْتَحْكِم (mustaḥkim)
- Passive participle: مُسْتَحْكَم (mustaḥkam)
- Nouns and other parts of speech
- حُكْمِيّ (ḥukmiyy, “legal”)
- حَكَم (ḥakam, “arbiter”)
- حِكْمَة (ḥikma, “wisdom, aphorism”)
- حِكْمِيّ (ḥikmiyy, “aphoristic”)
- حَكِيم (ḥakīm, “wise”)
- أَحْكَم (ʔaḥkam, “wiser”)
- حُكُومَة (ḥukūma, “government”)
- حُكُومِيّ (ḥukūmiyy, “governmental”)
- مَحْكَمَة (maḥkama, “court”)
- حَاكِمِيَّة (ḥākimiyya, “sovereignty, jurisdiction”)
- Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne (1881) “ح ك م”, in Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes (in French), volume 1, Leiden: E. J. Brill, pages 309–311
- Freytag, Georg (1830) “ح ك م”, in Lexicon arabico-latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum Arabum operibus adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris confectum (in Latin), volume 1, Halle: C. A. Schwetschke, pages 411–412
- Kazimirski, Albin de Biberstein (1860) “ح ك م”, in Dictionnaire arabe-français contenant toutes les racines de la langue arabe, leurs dérivés, tant dans l’idiome vulgaire que dans l’idiome littéral, ainsi que les dialectes d’Alger et de Maroc (in French), volume 1, Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, pages 470–472
- Lane, Edward William (1863) “ح ك م”, in Arabic-English Lexicon, London: Williams & Norgate, pages 616–618
- Steingass, Francis Joseph (1884) “ح ك م”, in The Student's Arabic–English Dictionary, London: W.H. Allen, pages 290–291
- Wahrmund, Adolf (1887) “ح ك م”, in Handwörterbuch der neu-arabischen und deutschen Sprache (in German), volume 1, Gießen: J. Ricker’sche Buchhandlung, pages 534–535
- Wehr, Hans (1979) “ح ك م”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, →ISBN, pages 228–231
- Wehr, Hans with Kropfitsch, Lorenz (1985) “ح ك م”, in Arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart (in German), 5th edition, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, published 2011, →ISBN, pages 280–284
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