Conjugation of
(form-I sound, verbal noun حَبْس)verbal noun الْمَصْدَر |
ḥabs | |||||||||||
active participle اِسْم الْفَاعِل |
حَابِس ḥābis | |||||||||||
passive participle اِسْم الْمَفْعُول |
maḥbūs | |||||||||||
active voice الْفِعْل الْمَعْلُوم | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | حَبَسْتُ ḥabastu |
حَبَسْتَ ḥabasta |
ḥabasa |
حَبَسْتُمَا ḥabastumā |
حَبَسَا ḥabasā |
حَبَسْنَا ḥabasnā |
حَبَسْتُمْ ḥabastum |
حَبَسُوا ḥabasū | |||
f | حَبَسْتِ ḥabasti |
حَبَسَتْ ḥabasat |
حَبَسَتَا ḥabasatā |
حَبَسْتُنَّ ḥabastunna |
حَبَسْنَ ḥabasna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أَحْبِسُ ʔaḥbisu |
تَحْبِسُ taḥbisu |
يَحْبِسُ yaḥbisu |
تَحْبِسَانِ taḥbisāni |
يَحْبِسَانِ yaḥbisāni |
نَحْبِسُ naḥbisu |
تَحْبِسُونَ taḥbisūna |
يَحْبِسُونَ yaḥbisūna | |||
f | تَحْبِسِينَ taḥbisīna |
تَحْبِسُ taḥbisu |
تَحْبِسَانِ taḥbisāni |
تَحْبِسْنَ taḥbisna |
يَحْبِسْنَ yaḥbisna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أَحْبِسَ ʔaḥbisa |
تَحْبِسَ taḥbisa |
يَحْبِسَ yaḥbisa |
تَحْبِسَا taḥbisā |
يَحْبِسَا yaḥbisā |
نَحْبِسَ naḥbisa |
تَحْبِسُوا taḥbisū |
يَحْبِسُوا yaḥbisū | |||
f | تَحْبِسِي taḥbisī |
تَحْبِسَ taḥbisa |
تَحْبِسَا taḥbisā |
تَحْبِسْنَ taḥbisna |
يَحْبِسْنَ yaḥbisna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أَحْبِسْ ʔaḥbis |
تَحْبِسْ taḥbis |
يَحْبِسْ yaḥbis |
تَحْبِسَا taḥbisā |
يَحْبِسَا yaḥbisā |
نَحْبِسْ naḥbis |
تَحْبِسُوا taḥbisū |
يَحْبِسُوا yaḥbisū | |||
f | تَحْبِسِي taḥbisī |
تَحْبِسْ taḥbis |
تَحْبِسَا taḥbisā |
تَحْبِسْنَ taḥbisna |
يَحْبِسْنَ yaḥbisna | |||||||
imperative الْأَمْر |
m | اِحْبِسْ iḥbis |
اِحْبِسَا iḥbisā |
اِحْبِسُوا iḥbisū |
f | اِحْبِسِي iḥbisī |
اِحْبِسْنَ iḥbisna | ||||||||||
passive voice الْفِعْل الْمَجْهُول | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | حُبِسْتُ ḥubistu |
حُبِسْتَ ḥubista |
ḥubisa |
حُبِسْتُمَا ḥubistumā |
حُبِسَا ḥubisā |
حُبِسْنَا ḥubisnā |
حُبِسْتُمْ ḥubistum |
حُبِسُوا ḥubisū | |||
f | حُبِسْتِ ḥubisti |
حُبِسَتْ ḥubisat |
حُبِسَتَا ḥubisatā |
حُبِسْتُنَّ ḥubistunna |
حُبِسْنَ ḥubisna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أُحْبَسُ ʔuḥbasu |
تُحْبَسُ tuḥbasu |
يُحْبَسُ yuḥbasu |
تُحْبَسَانِ tuḥbasāni |
يُحْبَسَانِ yuḥbasāni |
نُحْبَسُ nuḥbasu |
تُحْبَسُونَ tuḥbasūna |
يُحْبَسُونَ yuḥbasūna | |||
f | تُحْبَسِينَ tuḥbasīna |
تُحْبَسُ tuḥbasu |
تُحْبَسَانِ tuḥbasāni |
تُحْبَسْنَ tuḥbasna |
يُحْبَسْنَ yuḥbasna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أُحْبَسَ ʔuḥbasa |
تُحْبَسَ tuḥbasa |
يُحْبَسَ yuḥbasa |
تُحْبَسَا tuḥbasā |
يُحْبَسَا yuḥbasā |
نُحْبَسَ nuḥbasa |
تُحْبَسُوا tuḥbasū |
يُحْبَسُوا yuḥbasū | |||
f | تُحْبَسِي tuḥbasī |
تُحْبَسَ tuḥbasa |
تُحْبَسَا tuḥbasā |
تُحْبَسْنَ tuḥbasna |
يُحْبَسْنَ yuḥbasna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أُحْبَسْ ʔuḥbas |
تُحْبَسْ tuḥbas |
يُحْبَسْ yuḥbas |
تُحْبَسَا tuḥbasā |
يُحْبَسَا yuḥbasā |
نُحْبَسْ nuḥbas |
تُحْبَسُوا tuḥbasū |
يُحْبَسُوا yuḥbasū | |||
f | تُحْبَسِي tuḥbasī |
تُحْبَسْ tuḥbas |
تُحْبَسَا tuḥbasā |
تُحْبَسْنَ tuḥbasna |
يُحْبَسْنَ yuḥbasna |
حَبْس • (ḥabs) m (plural حُبُوس (ḥubūs))
- verbal noun of حَبَسَ (ḥabasa) (form I)
- imprisonment, confinement
- retention, holding back
- (especially Maghreb) prison, jail
- Synonym: سِجْن (sijn)
- Meronyms: زِنْزَانَة (zinzāna), قَاوُوش (qāwūš)
- c. 950, أبو دلف مسعر بن مهلهل [ʾAbū Dulaf Misʿar Ibn Muhalhal], edited by Kurd von Schlözer, De itinere Asiatico commentarium, published 1845 WC GB, pages 18–19:
- فخرجت إلى الساحل أربد بكلة وهذا أول الهند ومنتهى مسير المراكب لا يتهيّأ لها أن يتجاوزها وألا غرقت قال فلما وصلت إلى كلة رأيته وهي عظيمة عالية السور كثيرة البساتين غزيرة الماء ووجدت بها معدن الرصاص القلعي لا يكون إلا في قلعتها في سائر الدنيا، وفي هذه القلعة تضرب السيوف القلعية، وهي الهندية العتيقة … وأهل هذه القلعة يمتنعون على ملكها إذا أرادوا يطيعونه إن أحبوا ورسمهم رسم الصين في ترك الذبائح وليس في جميع الدنيا معدن الرصاص القلعي إلا في هذه القلعة وبينهما وبين الصين ثلثمائة فرسخ وحولها مدن ورساتيق وقرى ولهم أحكام وحبوس وخبايات وأكلهم البر والتمور وبقولهم كلها تباع وزنا وأرغفة خبزهم تباع عددا ولا حمامات لهم بل عندهم عين جارية يغتسلون فيها ودرهمهم يزن ثلثي درهم ويعرف بالفهري ولهم فلوس يتعاملون بها ويلبسون كأهل الصين الإفرند الصيني المثمن وملكها دون ملك الصين ويخطب لملك الصين وقبلته إليه وبيت عبادته له.
- And I went off to the dusty shore of Kala, which is the first and ultimate end of India for vessels, as nobody even dares to imagine to pass by it since he would drown. When I arrived at Kala, I conned it and it is large and has high walls, many gardens and plenty of water, and I found mines of tin not found in the rest of the world but in Qalʿa, and in this Qalʿa one forges the Qalʿaite swords, the excellent Indian ones, and the populace of this Qalʿa withstands its king when it wants and abides by him when it lists, and their tradition is like the tradition of China, refraining from slaughtering beasts, and there aren’t in all the world tin mines but in this Qalʿa, and between them two and China are three-hundred parasang, and there are towns, rural districts and villages, and they have jurisdiction, jails, and corbans, and their food is wheat and dates and all their vegetables they buy by scales, and their bread is bread-rolls they buy by count. They have no baths but a running spring in which they wash, and their dirham weighs as a third-dirham and is known as Fahrī, and they have fulūs with which they commerce, and they dress like the people of China in dear Chinese silks, and their king is subordinate to the King of China, reports to the King of China, his praying direction is to him, his place of sacrifice is towards him.
Declension of noun حَبْس (ḥabs)
Singular | basic singular triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | حَبْس ḥabs |
الْحَبْس al-ḥabs |
حَبْس ḥabs |
Nominative | حَبْسٌ ḥabsun |
الْحَبْسُ al-ḥabsu |
حَبْسُ ḥabsu |
Accusative | حَبْسًا ḥabsan |
الْحَبْسَ al-ḥabsa |
حَبْسَ ḥabsa |
Genitive | حَبْسٍ ḥabsin |
الْحَبْسِ al-ḥabsi |
حَبْسِ ḥabsi |
Dual | Indefinite | Definite | Construct |
Informal | حَبْسَيْن ḥabsayn |
الْحَبْسَيْن al-ḥabsayn |
حَبْسَيْ ḥabsay |
Nominative | حَبْسَانِ ḥabsāni |
الْحَبْسَانِ al-ḥabsāni |
حَبْسَا ḥabsā |
Accusative | حَبْسَيْنِ ḥabsayni |
الْحَبْسَيْنِ al-ḥabsayni |
حَبْسَيْ ḥabsay |
Genitive | حَبْسَيْنِ ḥabsayni |
الْحَبْسَيْنِ al-ḥabsayni |
حَبْسَيْ ḥabsay |
Plural | basic broken plural triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | حُبُوس ḥubūs |
الْحُبُوس al-ḥubūs |
حُبُوس ḥubūs |
Nominative | حُبُوسٌ ḥubūsun |
الْحُبُوسُ al-ḥubūsu |
حُبُوسُ ḥubūsu |
Accusative | حُبُوسًا ḥubūsan |
الْحُبُوسَ al-ḥubūsa |
حُبُوسَ ḥubūsa |
Genitive | حُبُوسٍ ḥubūsin |
الْحُبُوسِ al-ḥubūsi |
حُبُوسِ ḥubūsi |
- IPA(key): /ħab.ba.sa/
Conjugation of
(form-II sound)verbal noun الْمَصْدَر |
تَحْبِيس taḥbīs | |||||||||||
active participle اِسْم الْفَاعِل |
muḥabbis | |||||||||||
passive participle اِسْم الْمَفْعُول |
muḥabbas | |||||||||||
active voice الْفِعْل الْمَعْلُوم | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | حَبَّسْتُ ḥabbastu |
حَبَّسْتَ ḥabbasta |
ḥabbasa |
حَبَّسْتُمَا ḥabbastumā |
حَبَّسَا ḥabbasā |
حَبَّسْنَا ḥabbasnā |
حَبَّسْتُمْ ḥabbastum |
حَبَّسُوا ḥabbasū | |||
f | حَبَّسْتِ ḥabbasti |
حَبَّسَتْ ḥabbasat |
حَبَّسَتَا ḥabbasatā |
حَبَّسْتُنَّ ḥabbastunna |
حَبَّسْنَ ḥabbasna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أُحَبِّسُ ʔuḥabbisu |
تُحَبِّسُ tuḥabbisu |
يُحَبِّسُ yuḥabbisu |
تُحَبِّسَانِ tuḥabbisāni |
يُحَبِّسَانِ yuḥabbisāni |
نُحَبِّسُ nuḥabbisu |
تُحَبِّسُونَ tuḥabbisūna |
يُحَبِّسُونَ yuḥabbisūna | |||
f | تُحَبِّسِينَ tuḥabbisīna |
تُحَبِّسُ tuḥabbisu |
تُحَبِّسَانِ tuḥabbisāni |
تُحَبِّسْنَ tuḥabbisna |
يُحَبِّسْنَ yuḥabbisna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أُحَبِّسَ ʔuḥabbisa |
تُحَبِّسَ tuḥabbisa |
يُحَبِّسَ yuḥabbisa |
تُحَبِّسَا tuḥabbisā |
يُحَبِّسَا yuḥabbisā |
نُحَبِّسَ nuḥabbisa |
تُحَبِّسُوا tuḥabbisū |
يُحَبِّسُوا yuḥabbisū | |||
f | تُحَبِّسِي tuḥabbisī |
تُحَبِّسَ tuḥabbisa |
تُحَبِّسَا tuḥabbisā |
تُحَبِّسْنَ tuḥabbisna |
يُحَبِّسْنَ yuḥabbisna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أُحَبِّسْ ʔuḥabbis |
تُحَبِّسْ tuḥabbis |
يُحَبِّسْ yuḥabbis |
تُحَبِّسَا tuḥabbisā |
يُحَبِّسَا yuḥabbisā |
نُحَبِّسْ nuḥabbis |
تُحَبِّسُوا tuḥabbisū |
يُحَبِّسُوا yuḥabbisū | |||
f | تُحَبِّسِي tuḥabbisī |
تُحَبِّسْ tuḥabbis |
تُحَبِّسَا tuḥabbisā |
تُحَبِّسْنَ tuḥabbisna |
يُحَبِّسْنَ yuḥabbisna | |||||||
imperative الْأَمْر |
m | ḥabbis |
حَبِّسَا ḥabbisā |
حَبِّسُوا ḥabbisū |
f | حَبِّسِي ḥabbisī |
حَبِّسْنَ ḥabbisna | ||||||||||
passive voice الْفِعْل الْمَجْهُول | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | حُبِّسْتُ ḥubbistu |
حُبِّسْتَ ḥubbista |
ḥubbisa |
حُبِّسْتُمَا ḥubbistumā |
حُبِّسَا ḥubbisā |
حُبِّسْنَا ḥubbisnā |
حُبِّسْتُمْ ḥubbistum |
حُبِّسُوا ḥubbisū | |||
f | حُبِّسْتِ ḥubbisti |
حُبِّسَتْ ḥubbisat |
حُبِّسَتَا ḥubbisatā |
حُبِّسْتُنَّ ḥubbistunna |
حُبِّسْنَ ḥubbisna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | أُحَبَّسُ ʔuḥabbasu |
تُحَبَّسُ tuḥabbasu |
يُحَبَّسُ yuḥabbasu |
تُحَبَّسَانِ tuḥabbasāni |
يُحَبَّسَانِ yuḥabbasāni |
نُحَبَّسُ nuḥabbasu |
تُحَبَّسُونَ tuḥabbasūna |
يُحَبَّسُونَ yuḥabbasūna | |||
f | تُحَبَّسِينَ tuḥabbasīna |
تُحَبَّسُ tuḥabbasu |
تُحَبَّسَانِ tuḥabbasāni |
تُحَبَّسْنَ tuḥabbasna |
يُحَبَّسْنَ yuḥabbasna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | أُحَبَّسَ ʔuḥabbasa |
تُحَبَّسَ tuḥabbasa |
يُحَبَّسَ yuḥabbasa |
تُحَبَّسَا tuḥabbasā |
يُحَبَّسَا yuḥabbasā |
نُحَبَّسَ nuḥabbasa |
تُحَبَّسُوا tuḥabbasū |
يُحَبَّسُوا yuḥabbasū | |||
f | تُحَبَّسِي tuḥabbasī |
تُحَبَّسَ tuḥabbasa |
تُحَبَّسَا tuḥabbasā |
تُحَبَّسْنَ tuḥabbasna |
يُحَبَّسْنَ yuḥabbasna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | أُحَبَّسْ ʔuḥabbas |
تُحَبَّسْ tuḥabbas |
يُحَبَّسْ yuḥabbas |
تُحَبَّسَا tuḥabbasā |
يُحَبَّسَا yuḥabbasā |
نُحَبَّسْ nuḥabbas |
تُحَبَّسُوا tuḥabbasū |
يُحَبَّسُوا yuḥabbasū | |||
f | تُحَبَّسِي tuḥabbasī |
تُحَبَّسْ tuḥabbas |
تُحَبَّسَا tuḥabbasā |
تُحَبَّسْنَ tuḥabbasna |
يُحَبَّسْنَ yuḥabbasna |
حُبْس or حُبُس • (ḥubs or ḥubus) m (plural أَحْبَاس (ʔaḥbās))
- (Maghreb) a form of property on real estate that binds it to a religious administration and assigns its earnings to charitable purposes, waqf, mortmain
- Synonym: وَقْف (waqf)
Singular | basic singular triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | حُبْس; حُبُس ḥubs; ḥubus |
الْحُبْس; الْحُبُس al-ḥubs; al-ḥubus |
حُبْس; حُبُس ḥubs; ḥubus |
Nominative | حُبْسٌ; حُبُسٌ ḥubsun; ḥubusun |
الْحُبْسُ; الْحُبُسُ al-ḥubsu; al-ḥubusu |
حُبْسُ; حُبُسُ ḥubsu; ḥubusu |
Accusative | حُبْسًا; حُبُسًا ḥubsan; ḥubusan |
الْحُبْسَ; الْحُبُسَ al-ḥubsa; al-ḥubusa |
حُبْسَ; حُبُسَ ḥubsa; ḥubusa |
Genitive | حُبْسٍ; حُبُسٍ ḥubsin; ḥubusin |
الْحُبْسِ; الْحُبُسِ al-ḥubsi; al-ḥubusi |
حُبْسِ; حُبُسِ ḥubsi; ḥubusi |
Dual | Indefinite | Definite | Construct |
Informal | حُبْسَيْن; حُبُسَيْن ḥubsayn; ḥubusayn |
الْحُبْسَيْن; الْحُبُسَيْن al-ḥubsayn; al-ḥubusayn |
حُبْسَيْ; حُبُسَيْ ḥubsay; ḥubusay |
Nominative | حُبْسَانِ; حُبُسَانِ ḥubsāni; ḥubusāni |
الْحُبْسَانِ; الْحُبُسَانِ al-ḥubsāni; al-ḥubusāni |
حُبْسَا; حُبُسَا ḥubsā; ḥubusā |
Accusative | حُبْسَيْنِ; حُبُسَيْنِ ḥubsayni; ḥubusayni |
الْحُبْسَيْنِ; الْحُبُسَيْنِ al-ḥubsayni; al-ḥubusayni |
حُبْسَيْ; حُبُسَيْ ḥubsay; ḥubusay |
Genitive | حُبْسَيْنِ; حُبُسَيْنِ ḥubsayni; ḥubusayni |
الْحُبْسَيْنِ; الْحُبُسَيْنِ al-ḥubsayni; al-ḥubusayni |
حُبْسَيْ; حُبُسَيْ ḥubsay; ḥubusay |
Plural | basic broken plural triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | أَحْبَاس ʔaḥbās |
الْأَحْبَاس al-ʔaḥbās |
أَحْبَاس ʔaḥbās |
Nominative | أَحْبَاسٌ ʔaḥbāsun |
الْأَحْبَاسُ al-ʔaḥbāsu |
أَحْبَاسُ ʔaḥbāsu |
Accusative | أَحْبَاسًا ʔaḥbāsan |
الْأَحْبَاسَ al-ʔaḥbāsa |
أَحْبَاسَ ʔaḥbāsa |
Genitive | أَحْبَاسٍ ʔaḥbāsin |
الْأَحْبَاسِ al-ʔaḥbāsi |
أَحْبَاسِ ʔaḥbāsi |
Moroccan Arabic
Root |
ح ب س |
1 term |
- IPA(key): /ħabs/
- → French: hebs, hèbs
- IPA(key): /ħbas/
حبس • (ḥbas) I (non-past يحبس (yiḥbas))
The template Template:ary-conj-fʕal-yifʕal does not use the parameter(s): 1=ح 2=ب 3=س 4=ḥ 5=b 6=sPlease see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
This verb needs an inflection-table template.
Ottoman Turkish
Derived terms
- حبسخانه (hapshane, hapishane, “prison”)
- حبسخانهجی (hapshaneci, hapishaneci, “prison guard”)
- (Classical Persian) IPA(key): [haβs]
- (Dari, formal) IPA(key): [häbs]
- (Kabuli) IPA(key): [ʔäbs]
- (Hazaragi) IPA(key): [ʔäbs]
- (Iran, formal) IPA(key): [hæbs]
- (Tajik, formal) IPA(key): [häbs]
Readings | |
Classical reading? | haḇs |
Dari reading? | habs |
Iranian reading? | habs |
Tajik reading? | habs |
حبس • (habs)
- imprisonment
- حبس ابد ― habs-e abad ― life imprisonment
- حبس مجرد ― habs-e mojarrad ― solitary confinement
Derived terms
- حبس شدن (habs šodan, “to be imprisoned”)
- حبس کردن (habs kardan, “to imprison”)
South Levantine Arabic
Root |
ح ب س |
2 terms |
- IPA(key): /ħa.bas/, [ˈħa.bas]
Audio (al-Lidd) (file)
حبس • (ḥabas) I (present بحبس (biḥbis))
Conjugation of حبس (ḥabas) | ||||||||
singular | plural | |||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | |||
past | m | حبست (ḥabast) | حبست (ḥabast) | حبس (ḥabas) | حبسنا (ḥabasna) | حبستو (ḥabastu) | حبسو (ḥabasu) | |
f | حبستي (ḥabasti) | حبست (ḥabsat) | ||||||
present | m | بحبس (baḥbis) | بتحبس (btiḥbis) | بحبس (biḥbis) | منحبس (mniḥbis) | بتحبسو (btiḥbisu) | بحبسو (biḥbisu) | |
f | بتحبسي (btiḥbisi) | بتحبس (btiḥbis) | ||||||
subjunctive | m | أحبس (ʔaḥbis) | تحبس (tiḥbis) | يحبس (yiḥbis) | نحبس (niḥbis) | تحبسو (tiḥbisu) | يحبسو (yiḥbisu) | |
f | تحبسي (tiḥbisi) | تحبس (tiḥbis) | ||||||
imperative | m | احبس (iḥbis) | احبسو (iḥbisu) | |||||
f | احبسي (iḥbisi) |
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