
See also: تقدير

Ottoman Turkish


Borrowed from Arabic تَقْدِير (taqdīr), verbal noun of قَدَّرَ (qaddara, to determine, estimate, assess).


  • IPA(key): /tak.diːr/


تقدیر • (takdir)

  1. prearrangement, the act of arranging or condition of being arranged beforehand
  2. estimate, appraisal, a rough calculation or assessment of the value of something
  3. appreciation, a fair valuation or recognition of excellence, merit or worth
  4. supposition, conjecture, hypothesis, guess, a still unproven statement or idea
  5. (religion) predestination, foreordination, the doctrine that all events have been willed by God

Derived terms

  • تقدیر ایتمك (takdir etmek, to prearrange, to estimate)
  • تقدیر خدا (takdir-i hüda, destiny)
  • تقدیرجه (takdirce, in case, supposing)
  • تقدیری (takdirî, estimated)


  • Turkish: takdir

Further reading



From Arabic تَقْدِير (taqdīr).


  • (Dari, formal) IPA(key): [t̪ʰäq.d̪íːɾ]
    • (Kabuli) IPA(key): [t̪ʰäq.d̪íːɾ]
    • (Hazaragi) IPA(key): [t̪ʰäq.d̪íɾ]

Classical reading? taqdīr
Dari reading? taqdīr
Iranian reading? tağdir
Tajik reading? taqdir


Dari تقدیر
Iranian Persian
Tajik тақдир

تقدیر • (taqdir) (plural تقدیرها (taqdir-hâ))

  1. fate, destiny, predestination
    • c. 1075, Abu'l-Fażl Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn Bayhaqī, تاریخ بیهقی [Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī]:
      سوم روز احمد ارسلان‌ گفت: زندگانی خداوند دراز باد، آنچه تقدیر است ناچار بباشد، در غمناک بودن بس‌ فایده نیست.
      siwum rōz ahmad-i arslān guft: zindagānī-yi xudāwand darāz bād, ānči taqdīr ast nāčār bibāšad, dar ğamnāk budan bas fāyida nēst.
      On the third day, Ahmad Arslān said: "May my lord's life be long! What is preordained is unavoidable. There is no use in being sad any longer."
      (Classical Persian transliteration)
  2. approval, appreciation
    قابل تقدیرqâbel-e taqdirappreciable
  3. appreciation, evaluation, measurement
    • 1611, ʿAbd al-Sattār ibn Qāsim Lāhōrī, مجالس جهانگیری [Majālis-i Jahāngīrī]:
      اگر بر تقدیر معقولیت میفرمایید پس باطلترین و نجسترین و گنده‌ترین دینها پیش من دین ایشان است بلكه دین هنود نزد من از دین ایشان بهتر!
      agar bar taqdīr-i ma'quliyat mē-farmāyēd pas bātiltarīn u najistarīn u gandatarīn-i dīn-hā pēš-i man dīn-i ēšān ast balki dīn-i hunūd nazd-i man az dīn-i ēšān bihtar!
      If you assess it based on plausibility, then my view is that the absurdest, the impurest, and the dirtiest of religions is theirs: I think the religion of the Hindus is better than theirs!

Derived terms

  • تقدیراً (taqdiran)
  • تقدیری (taqdiri)

Further reading



Borrowed from Classical Persian تَقْدِیر (taqdīr), from Arabic تَقْدِير (taqdīr).



تَقْدِیر • (taqdīr) f (Hindi spelling तक़दीर)

  1. fate
  2. destiny
  3. predestination



  • Platts, John T. (1884) “تقدير”, in A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English, London: W. H. Allen & Co.
  • Qureshi, Bashir Ahmad (1971) “تقدير”, in Kitabistan's 20th Century Standard Dictionary‎, Lahore: Kitabistan Pub. Co.
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