Old East Slavic
Alternative forms
- ꙗзꙑкъ (jazykŭ)
From Proto-Slavic *(j)ęzykъ (“tongue, language”), from Proto-Indo-European *dn̥ǵʰwéh₂s (“tongue”). Cognate with Old Church Slavonic ѩзꙑкъ (językŭ). See also Lithuanian liežùvis, Old Prussian insuwis.
ѧзꙑкъ (ęzykŭ) m (diminutive ѧзꙑчькъ)
- a tongue
- circa 1280, Симоновская псалтирь (Simeon Psalter) 108, verse 2:
- Зане оуста грѣшнагѡ и оуста льстивагѡ ѿверзошасѧ на мѧ: глаголютъ со мною ѧзыкомъ лжи.
- Zane usta grěšnago i usta lĭstivago otŭverzošasę na mę: glagoljutŭ so mnoju ęzykomŭ lži.
- For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
- circa 1280, Симоновская псалтирь (Simeon Psalter) 108, verse 2:
- a language, speech
- circa 1420, Ипатьевская летопись (Hypatian Codex), the Primary Chronicle, introduction:
- […] по размѣшеньи же ꙗзꙑкъ . Богъ вѣтромъ великомъ раздруши столпъ […]
- […] po razměšenĭi že jazykŭ . Bogŭ větromŭ velikomŭ razdruši stolpŭ […]
- […] after the mixing of the tongues God destroyed the tower [of Babel] with the great wind […]
- русьскъ ѧзꙑкъ ― rusĭskŭ ęzykŭ ― Rus' language
- circa 1420, Ипатьевская летопись (Hypatian Codex), the Primary Chronicle, introduction:
- nation, folk, tribe
- circa 1420, Ипатьевская летопись (Hypatian Codex), the Primary Chronicle, introduction:
- В Афетовѣ же части сѣдить Русь . Чюдь . и вси ꙗзꙑцѣ: Мерѧ . Мурома . Всь . Мордва […]
- V Afetově že časti sěditĭ Rusĭ . Čjudĭ . i vsi jazycě: Merę . Muroma . Vsĭ . Mordva […]
- In the share of Japheth lies Rus, Chud, and all the tribes: Merya, Muroma, Ves, Mordva […]
- circa 1420, Ипатьевская летопись (Hypatian Codex), the Primary Chronicle, introduction:
- (in the plural) gentiles, pagans, heathens
- 1056-1057, Остромирово евангелие (Ostromir Gospels), Matthew 10:5:
- Сиѩ посъла Иісусъ, заповѣдавъ имъ глаголѩ: на пѫть ꙗзꙑкъ неидѣте, и въ градъ самареискъ не вънидѣте.
- Siję posŭla Iisusŭ, zapovědavŭ imŭ glagolję: na pǫtĭ jazykŭ neiděte, i vŭ gradŭ samareiskŭ ne vŭniděte.
- These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not.
- 1056-1057, Остромирово евангелие (Ostromir Gospels), Matthew 10:5:
- a prisoner for interrogation, captive that can reveal information on the enemy
- 1481, Псковская первая летопись (Pskov First Chronicle), s.a. 6849 (1341):
- И они, ѣхавше, ꙗзꙑкъ ꙗша за Холохолномъ и приведоша ко князю Олигерду; и онъ поведа силу велику Нѣмецкиꙗ рати подъ городомъ Изборскомъ […]
- I oni, ěxavše, jazykŭ jaša za Xoloxolnomŭ i privedoša ko knjazju Oligerdu; i onŭ poveda silu veliku Německija rati podŭ gorodomŭ Izborskomŭ […]
- And they, while getting there, found a native by the Holoholn and brought [him] to Algirdas; and he told about a great force of the Teutons near the Izborsk town […]
- 1481, Псковская первая летопись (Pskov First Chronicle), s.a. 6849 (1341):
- (law term) witness testimony
- circa 1280, Пространная версия Русской правды (Vast Edition of the Russian Law) 33:
- […] а то есть не скотъ, нелзѣ рѣчи: не вѣдаю, у кого есми купилъ; по ꙗзꙑку ити до конца […]
- […] a to estĭ ne skotŭ, nelzě rěči: ne vědaju, u kogo esmi kupilŭ; po jazyku iti do konca […]
- […] for [the servant] is not cattle, and one cannot say: I don't know who I bought him from; but [one has to] according to [the servant's] testimony search for [the real thief] […]
- circa 1280, Пространная версия Русской правды (Vast Edition of the Russian Law) 33:
- (law term) will, testament
- circa 1280, Пространная версия Русской правды (Vast Edition of the Russian Law) 96:
- […] безъ ꙗзꙑка ли оумреть, то оу кого будеть на дворе бꙑла и кто ю кормилъ, то тому взѧти.
- […] bezŭ jazyka li umretĭ, to u kogo budetĭ na dvore byla i kto ju kormilŭ, to tomu vzęti.
- […] if [the widow] dies with no will, then the one who kept her and fed her shall take [her property].
- circa 1280, Пространная версия Русской правды (Vast Edition of the Russian Law) 96:
Declension of ѧзꙑкъ (hard o-stem)
Singular | Dual | Plural | |
Nominative | ѧзꙑкъ ęzykŭ |
ѧзꙑка ęzyka |
ѧзꙑци ęzyci |
Genitive | ѧзꙑка ęzyka |
ѧзꙑку ęzyku |
ѧзꙑкъ ęzykŭ |
Dative | ѧзꙑку ęzyku |
ѧзꙑкома ęzykoma |
ѧзꙑкомъ ęzykomŭ |
Accusative | ѧзꙑкъ ęzykŭ |
ѧзꙑка ęzyka |
ѧзꙑкꙑ ęzyky |
Instrumental | ѧзꙑкъмь ęzykŭmĭ |
ѧзꙑкома ęzykoma |
ѧзꙑкꙑ ęzyky |
Locative | ѧзꙑцѣ ęzycě |
ѧзꙑку ęzyku |
ѧзꙑцѣхъ ęzycěxŭ |
Vocative | ѧзꙑче ęzyče |
ѧзꙑка ęzyka |
ѧзꙑци ęzyci |
Derived terms
- ѧзꙑкоболѣзниѥ n (ęzykobolěznije)
- ѧзꙑкоболѣзньствиѥ n (ęzykobolěznĭstvije)
- ѧзꙑковрѣдиѥ n (ęzykovrědije)
- ѧзꙑчьникъ m (ęzyčĭnikŭ)
- ѧзꙑкосвѣтообразьнꙑи (ęzykosvětoobrazĭnyi)
- ѧзꙑчьнꙑи (ęzyčĭnyi)
- ѧзꙑчьскꙑи (ęzyčĭskyi)
- Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1912) “ꙗзꙑкъ = ѧзꙑкъ”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments] (in Russian), volumes 3 (Р – Ꙗ и дополненія), Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 1647
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