From Proto-Turkic. Other turkic *yaltï- ,*yalqï- *ǰaltï, *ǰalkï.
салт • (salt)
- (intransitive) (with abl.) to be bored of, fed up (with), tired (of)
- Antonym: тулуй (tuluy, “to tolerate”)
- оҕо оонньууруттан ― oğo oonnyuuruttan ― the child is bored of his toy
- биир аһы аһыыртан салтым ― biir ahı ahıırtan saltım ― I'm tired of eating (just) one food
- куруутун биири хатылыырыт-тан хайдах салгыбатый?
- kuruutun biiri qatılıırıt-tan qaydaq salgıbatıy?
- how can he not get tired of always repeating the same thing?
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