
See also: про, ПРО, and Appendix:Variations of "pro"

Old Church Slavonic


From the Proto-Slavic *pro- prefix, from Proto-Slavic *pro.


про- • (pro-)

  1. (used with verbs) through, past (describing an action of passing through a space or an object)
    про- (pro-) + -ити impf (-iti) + to go pf (to go through, to pass by)проити (proiti)
  2. (used with verbs) describing an action of passing by an entity and moving further from an entity
    про- (pro-) + пустити pf (pustiti, to let)пропустити pf (propustiti, to let pass through)
  3. (used with verbs) describing an action that describes losses, expenses, wasting, or forgetting
    про- (pro-) + пасти impf (pasti, to fall) (figuratively)пропасти pf (propasti, to get lost)

Derived terms

Old Church Slavonic terms prefixed with про-



From the Proto-Slavic *pro- prefix, from Proto-Slavic *pro.


  • IPA(key): [prə]
  • IPA(key): [prɐ] (before a stressed syllable)
  • IPA(key): [ˈpro] (when stressed)


про- • (pro-)

  1. (used with verbs) through, past (describing an action of passing through a space or an object)
    про- (pro-) + -йти́ impf (-jtí) + to go pf (to go through, to pass by)пройти́ (projtí)
    про- (pro-) + ступа́ть impf (stupátʹ, to tread, step)проступа́ть pf (prostupátʹ, to exude, ooze (in a metaphorical sense))
  2. (used with verbs) describing an action of covering a whole object
    про- (pro-) + са́лить impf (sálitʹ, to grease, apply oil onto something)проса́лить pf (prosálitʹ, to cover something with oil completely)
  3. (used with verbs) describing an action of passing by an entity and moving further from an entity
    про- (pro-) + пусти́ть pf (pustítʹ, to let)пропусти́ть pf (propustítʹ, to let pass through)
  4. (used with verbs) describing an action that entails completeness, exhaustiveness, or accuracy
    про- (pro-) + штуди́ровать impf (študírovatʹ, to study (in a form of researching))проштуди́ровать pf (proštudírovatʹ, to study thoroughly)
  5. (used with verbs) describing a momentary action with a short duration
    про- (pro-) + визжа́ть impf (vizžátʹ, to squeal)провизжа́ть pf (provizžátʹ, to squeal (momentarily for a short time))
  6. (used with verbs) describing an action that lasts for a certain period of time
    про- (pro-) + ждать impf (ždatʹ, to wait)прожда́ть pf (proždátʹ, to wait (for a while, for some time))
    про- (pro-) + рабо́тать impf (rabótatʹ, to work)прорабо́тать pf (prorabótatʹ, to work (for a while, for some time))
    про- (pro-) + сиде́ть impf (sidétʹ, to sit)просиде́ть pf (prosidétʹ, to sit (for a while, for some time))
  7. (used with verbs) describing an action that describes losses, expenses, wasting, or forgetting
    про- (pro-) + срок (srok, period, term) + -ить (-itʹ)просро́чить pf (prosróčitʹ, to expire (time-wise, as time for doing something is lost))
    про- (pro-) + пасть impf (pastʹ, to fall) (figuratively)пропа́сть pf (propástʹ, to get lost)
  8. (used with nouns) describing a state of being that is located between two entities or among more than two entities
    про- (pro-) + меж (mež, between) + уте́чь (utéčʹ, to pass by) (deverbal)промежу́ток (promežútok, interval)
  9. (used with adjectives or nouns) describing an initial appearance or insufficiency of characteristics
    про́- (pró-) + зелёный (zeljónyj, green) + ()про́зелень (prózelenʹ, greenness)

Derived terms

Russian terms prefixed with про-
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