


From про- (pro-) + тягти́ (tjahtý).


  • IPA(key): [prɔtʲɐɦˈtɪ]


протягти́ • (protjahtý) pf (imperfective протяга́ти or протя́гувати)

  1. (transitive) to stretch, to extend (to lengthen by pulling)
  2. (transitive) to extend, to hold out, to reach out, to stretch out (:hand, something held)
  3. (transitive) to pull through
    протягти́ ни́тку крізь ву́шко го́лки
    protjahtý nýtku krizʹ vúško hólky
    to pull a thread through the eye of a needle
  4. (transitive) to drag, to drag along
  5. (transitive, colloquial) to drag out, to draw out, to prolong, to protract (:duration, moment, etc.)
  6. (transitive) to prolong, to sustain (:musical note)
  7. (transitive) to drawl (:speech, words)
  8. (perfective only, intransitive, colloquial) to hold out, to last, to last out (to endure for a certain time)
    Він до́вго не протя́гне.Vin dóvho ne protjáhne.He won't last long.
  9. (perfective only, transitive, colloquial) to lambast, to tear apart (to criticize (in the media, press, etc.))



  • (all senses): протягну́ти pf (protjahnúty)
  • (to hold out, to last, to last out): протри́ма́тися pf (protrýmátysja)

Derived terms

  • протягти́ся pf (protjahtýsja)


Further reading

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