Old Church Slavonic
Alternative forms
- приѧти (prięti)
приѩти • (prijęti) pf
- to received
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 2065-2066:
- отъ бога за то мьздѫ приѩти противѫ троудоу своѥмоу
- otŭ boga za to mĭzdǫ prijęti protivǫ trudu svojemu
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- from Vita Constantini, 1500100-1500110:
- Дошьдъшю же емоу моравъі· въ великоѭ чьстьѭ приѧтъ и растиславъ·
- Došĭdŭšju že emu moravŭi· vŭ velikojǫ čĭstĭjǫ priętŭ i rastislavŭ·
- When Constantine arrived in Moravia, Rastislav received him with great honor.
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 2065-2066:
- to take
- John 6:21, from Codex Marianus, 4062100:
- хотѣахѫ же и приѩти въ корабь ·
- xotěaxǫ že i prijęti vŭ korabĭ ·
- Then they were willing to take him into the boat
- John 6:21, from Codex Marianus, 4062100:
- (reflexive) to employ
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1627-1628:
- и тѣмьже и дроуѕии о нихъ праздьни ходѧтъ не хотѧще ничимьже сѧ приѩти рѫкама своима
- i těmĭže i drudzii o nixŭ prazdĭni xodętŭ ne xotęšte ničimĭže sę prijęti rǫkama svoima
- That is why some of them go about in idleness and are unwilling to employ their hands with any task.
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1627-1628:
👤 singular | 👥 dual | 👤👥👥 plural | |||||||||||||||
азъ (azŭ) | тꙑ (ty) | тъ (tŭ) | вѣ (vě) | ва (va) | та (ta) | мꙑ (my) | вꙑ (vy) | ти (ti) | |||||||||
примѫ (primǫ) | примеши (primeši) | приметъ (primetŭ) | примевѣ (primevě) | примета (primeta) | примете (primete) | примемъ (primemŭ) | примете (primete) | примѫтъ (primǫtŭ) |
Derived terms
- въсприѧти (vŭsprięti)
- малоприѧтие (malopriętie)
- страньноприѧтие (stranĭnopriętie)
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