- IPA(key): [pɔ]
по- • (po-)
- A prefix indicating the delimitative aspect.
- A prefix indicating the perfective aspect.
- A comparative prefix in adjectives and adverbs.
Derived terms
Macedonian terms prefixed with по-
Old Church Slavonic
From Proto-Slavic *po- prefix, from Proto-Slavic *po.
по- • (po-)
- A prefix indicating the perfective aspect.
- for a while, a little (see delimitative aspect)
- по- (po-) + говорити impf (govoriti, “to talk”) → поговорити pf (pogovoriti, “to have a talk, to talk a little”)
- place names
Derived terms
Old Church Slavonic terms prefixed with по-
Related terms
- по (po)
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *pо-. See по (po, “up to”).
- IPA(key): [pə]
- IPA(key): [ˈpo] (when stressed)
по- or по́- • (po- or pó-)
- perfective aspect
- (rare) imperfective aspect
- for a while, a little (see delimitative aspect)
- по- (po-) + говори́ть impf (govorítʹ, “to talk”) → поговори́ть pf (pogovorítʹ, “to talk a bit, to chat”)
- по- (po-) + рабо́тать (rabótatʹ, “to work”) → порабо́тать (porabótatʹ, “to work a bit”)
- по- (po-) + спа́ть (spátʹ, “to sleep”) → поспа́ть (pospátʹ, “to sleep a bit”)
- Added with a hyphen to certain adjectives to create adverbs, often (but not always) with the meaning "in the manner of behaviour, speech etc. of [the adjective]". Typically changes the adjective ending to the dative masculine/neuter singular ending, but the following additional changes also occur: -ский (-skij) to -ски (-ski), -ско́й (-skój) to -ски́ (-skí), -ий (-ij) to -ьи (-ʹi).
- по- (po-) + ру́сский (rússkij, “Russian”) → по-ру́сски (po-rússki, “in a Russian way, Russian (the language)”)
- по- (po-) + мужско́й (mužskój, “male, masculine”) → по-мужски́ (po-mužskí, “in a manly way, like a man”)
- по- (po-) + ра́зный (ráznyj, “different, various”) → по-ра́зному (po-ráznomu, “in various ways, it depends”)
- по- (po-) + дома́шний (domášnij, “domestic, home”) → по-дома́шнему (po-domášnemu, “like at home”)
- place names
- по- (po-) + Во́лга (Vólga, “the Volga River”) + -ье (-ʹje) → Пово́лжье (Povólžʹje, “Volga Region”)
- пово́лжские не́мцы ― povólžskije némcy ― Volga Germans
- по- (po-) + Ла́ба (Lába, “the Elbe River”) + -ский (-skij) + доли́на (dolína, “basin”) → Пола́бская доли́на (Polábskaja dolína, “Elbe River Basin”)
- пола́бские славя́не ― polábskije slavjáne ― Polabian Slavs
- Померания ― Pomeranija ― Pomerania
Usage notes
- The stressed variant is found in the following situations:
- the past participle of verbs with a one-syllable root ending in -ать, -нуть and some others: e.g. по́жранный (póžrannyj) from пожра́ть (požrátʹ, “to devour”), по́гнанный (pógnannyj) from погна́ть (pognátʹ, “to drive”), по́гнутый (pógnutyj) from погну́ть (pognútʹ, “to bend”), по́литый (pólityj)/поли́тый (polítyj) from поли́ть (polítʹ, “to pour, to water”);
- the past tense of some verbs with a one-syllable root: e.g. по́лил, поли́л (pólil, políl, masculine singular past tense) from поли́ть (polítʹ, “to pour, to water”), по́мер (pómer, masculine singular past tense) from помере́ть (pomerétʹ, “to die (colloquial)”), по́дал, пода́л (pódal, podál, masculine singular past tense) from пода́ть (podátʹ, “to give, to serve (food), to deliver (a vehicle)”);
- some deverbal nouns: e.g. по́вод (póvod, “cause, reason”) from води́ть (vodítʹ, “to lead”), по́греб (pógreb, “cellar”) from погрести́ (pogrestí, “to bury, to inter”), по́езд (pójezd, “train”) from е́здить (jézditʹ, “to ride, to drive”);
- some adverbs: e.g. по́верху (póverxu, “on top, on the surface (colloquial)”), по́пусту (pópustu, “to no purpose, for nothing (colloquial)”).
Derived terms
Russian terms prefixed with по-
Related terms
- по (po)
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
Derived terms
Serbo-Croatian terms prefixed with по-
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *po-.
- IPA(key): [pɔ]
Audio (file)
по- • (po-)
- used to form perfective verbs from imperfective ones.
- по- (po-) + гра́ти impf (hráty, “to play”) → погра́ти pf (pohráty)
- по- (po-) + розмовля́ти impf (rozmovljáty, “to talk”) → порозмовля́ти pf (porozmovljáty)
- used to create names of regions.
- used with verb stems to form nouns.
- used with adjectives to form adverbs
- по- (po-) + украї́нський (ukrajínsʹkyj, “Ukrainian”) → по-украї́нськи (po-ukrajínsʹky, “in a Ukrainian fashion/way”)
- по- (po-) + краси́вому (krasývomu, “beautiful”) → по-краси́вому (po-krasývomu, “beautifully”)
Derived terms
Ukrainian terms prefixed with по-
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