


  • до́жили: IPA(key): [ˈdoʐɨlʲɪ]
  • дожи́ли: IPA(key): [dɐˈʐɨlʲɪ]


до́жили or дожи́ли • (dóžili or dožíli)

  1. plural past indicative perfective of дожи́ть (dožítʹ)


до́жили or дожи́ли • (dóžili or dožíli)

  1. (colloquial) Used upon observing something undesirable to express exasperation or dissatisfaction that we've reached the point of things like that supposedly happening in this day and age, similar to the meanings of "look at what we've come to", "the world's gone crazy" etc.
    Ну до́жили... мы в одно́й ко́мнате со все́ми на́шими детьми́, племя́нников и племя́нниц, а все в ТикТо́ке сидя́т.
    Nu dóžili... my v odnój kómnate so vsémi nášimi detʹmí, plemjánnikov i plemjánnic, a vse v TikTóke sidját.
    Well look at what the world has come to... We're in one room with all our children, nieces and nephews, and everyone's on TikTok.
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