< Thinking Tools

This quick reference lists a variety of thinking tools.

Clarify—Strategic Thinking

  1. Five Ws
  2. Phoenix Checklist
  3. SMART Goals
  4. Webbing Tool
  5. Storyboarding
  6. Problem finding
  7. Stating a Problem

Ideate—Blue Sky Thinking

  1. Secondary Research
  2. Benchmarking
  3. Appreciative Inquiry
  4. Thinking outside the box
  5. Metaphor—What is this problem like?
  6. Brainstorming
  7. Forced Relationships
  8. Hieroglyphic Hints
  9. Lateral Thinking
  10. PO – Provocative Operation
  11. Idea Notebooks
  12. Synetics
  13. Varying Attributes
  15. Six Thinking Hats
  16. Biomimicry
  17. TRIZ

Develop—Evaluative Thinking

  1. Discard the Unsuitable
  2. POINT
  3. Prototyping
  4. Foresight Scenarios
  5. Affinity Diagram
  6. Tree Diagram
  7. Quality Function Deployment
  8. Representation

Implement—Tactical Thinking

  1. Are we doing this?
  2. Action Planning
  3. Assisters and Resisters
  4. Stakeholder Analysis
  5. Project Management
  1. Success Zones
  2. Unleashing Creativity
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