The objective is to provide students with a dynamic course focused on the Sun. At the end of the course, a student should have a well-rounded knowledge of the radiation, and observational and theoretical astronomy of the Sun.
The course is built upon the ongoing research performed by astronomers around the world and in the not so empty space above the Earth's atmosphere.
The course material is layered from a secondary to a university or tertiary level, topped off with an introduction to research, some of which is here at Wikiversity.
The general subject area is radiation astronomy. But, this includes knowledge from physics, chemistry, geography, history, and other subjects.
Although a working knowledge of calculus and physics is beneficial, most of the concepts presented only require algebra. Additional learning resources where the student may increase their background knowledge while progressing through the course are provided.
Completion levels
This course is dynamic, but may also be taken as a semester offering by Wikiversity, see the syllabus near the bottom of this page for the next formal class period.
Each component resource has a level of completion icon following it based on ≥ 100 kb equals 100 %, or 100 questions is 100 %, the midterm and final are based on 300 questions equals 100 %:
- This resource is a stub, which means that pretty well nothing has been done yet. 0-5%.
- This resource is just getting off the ground. Please feel welcome to help! 6-15%.
- Been started, but most of the work is still to be done - 16-30%.
- About halfway there. You may help to clarify and expand it - 31-45%.
- Almost complete, but you can help make it more thorough - 46-60%.
- Ready for testing by learners and teachers. Please begin! 61-75%.
- This resource is considered to be ready for use - 76-90%.
- This resource has reached a high level of completion - 91-100%.
For a sixteen-week course, forty-eight lectures are needed. But, this is an advanced and specialized course so the number of lectures may vary.
- Solar astronomy
- Solar binary
- Coronal clouds
- Gaseous-object astronomy
- Heliognosy
- Heliogony
- Heliography
- Heliology
- Heliometry
- Heliophysics
- Heliospheres
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Continua
- Emissions
- Stark broadening
- Doppler broadening
- Absorptions
- Negative absorptions
- Positive absorptions
- Bands
- Solar meteors
- Solar particles
- Solar cosmic rays
- Solar neutrals
- Solar subatomics
- Solar alphas
- Solar baryons
- Solar hadrons
- Solar neutrons
- Solar protons
- Solar mesons
- Solar beta particles
- Solar electrons
- Solar positrons
- Solar tauons
- Solar muons
- Solar neutrinos
- Solar electromagnetics
- Solar gamma rays
- Solar X-rays
- Solar ultraviolets
- Solar violets
- Solar blues
- Solar cyans
- Solar greens
- Solar yellows
- Solar oranges
- Solar reds
- Solar infrareds
- Solar microwaves
- Solar radios
- Solar submillimeters
- Solar superluminals
- Standard solar model
- Solar fission
- Solar-forming region
- Sun
- Solar cycles
- Solar active regions
- Solar sciences
- Solar surface fusions
- Solar nucleosynthesis
Each lecture has an associated quiz which is listed here.
Two-three lengthier exams often referred to as 'hourlies' (may take an hour to work through at a timed pace), a mid-term exam which is all-encompassing for the first half, and a final exam over the entire course material may be offered. The examinations are designed to be taken iteratively as many times as the student desires to achieve a thorough working knowledge of the subject.
- Coronal cloud/Quiz
- Gaseous-object astronomy/Quiz
- Heliognosy/Quiz
- Heliogony/Quiz
- Heliography/Quiz
- Heliology/Quiz
- Heliometry/Quiz
- Heliophysics/Quiz
- Heliosphere/Quiz
- Magnetohydrodynamics/Quiz
- Neutrino astronomy/Quiz
- Nucleosynthesis/Quiz
- Solar astronomy/Quiz
- Solar binary/Quiz
- Standard solar model/Quiz
- Star fission/Quiz
- Star-forming region/Quiz
- Stars/Quiz
- Stellar active region/Quiz]
- Stellar astronomy/Quiz
- Stellar science/Quiz
- Stellar surface fusion/Quiz
- Sun as an X-ray source/Quiz
- Stars/Sun/Quiz
- X-ray classification of stars/Quiz
- The Sun may still have an iron, or iron-nickel, core.
See also
External links
- African Journals Online
- Bing Advanced search
- GenomeNet KEGG database
- Google Books
- Google scholar Advanced Scholar Search
- Home - Gene - NCBI
- International Astronomical Union
- Lycos search
- NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database - NED
- NASA's National Space Science Data Center
- NCBI All Databases Search
- Office of Scientific & Technical Information
- PubChem Public Chemical Database
- Questia - The Online Library of Books and Journals
- SAGE journals online
- The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
- Scirus for scientific information only advanced search
- SDSS Quick Look tool: SkyServer
- SIMBAD Astronomical Database
- Spacecraft Query at NASA
- SpringerLink
- Taylor & Francis Online
- Universal coordinate converter
- Wiley Online Library Advanced Search
- Yahoo Advanced Web Search
{{Radiation astronomy resources}}