< SkyCam

Prior work

The Night Sky Live project[1] was a network of all sky cameras (called CONCAM for CONtinuous CAMera) used to take images of the entire sky all night long. The cameras were permanently mounted at a number of astronomical observatories. It is not known if any of these are still operational.

The images were then analyzed using this software and the data was made freely available for scientific and educational use. This data was then used in the analysis of meteor trails to provided information regarding meteor atmospheric trajectories.[3] It was also used to capture and characterize optical transients.[4] The Night Sky Project is no longer active as of 2007, see State of the Night Sky Live Project. Some camera sites continued to operate after that date. Below are some images from the network. The bright streak in the image from Mauna Kea is a fireball from the Leonids meteor shower.

Night Sky Live images

Example CONCAM images from The Night Sky Live network. The long bright streak in the last image is a fireball from the Leonids meteor shower.

  1. Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Nemiroff, R. J.; Rafert, J. B. (October 2004). "nightskylive.net: The Night Sky Live project". Astronomische Nachrichten 325 (6–8): 568–570. doi:10.1002/asna.200410292.
  2. Shamir, L.; Nemiroff, R. J. (August 2005). "All‐Sky Relative Opacity Mapping Using Nighttime Panoramic Images". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 117 (835): 972–977. doi:10.1086/432689.
  3. Shamir, L. (June 2005). "Analysis of meteor trails using the Night Sky Live network of panoramic CCD cameras". Journal of the International Meteor Organization 33 (3): 75–80. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005JIMO...33...75S.
  4. Shamir, L.; Nemiroff, R. J. (July 2006). "OT 060420: A Seemingly Optical Transient Recorded by All‐Sky Cameras". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 118 (846): 1180–1185. doi:10.1086/506989.
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