Illustration of a partial mesh network. A fully mesh network is where each node is connected to every other node in the network (see Wikipedia:Mesh network.

Serval Mesh Project[1] is a project to build a network topology without providers in areas where mobile phone technology is not available in the standard setting, i.e. clients can buy and use telecommunication services from providers. Telecommunication services might not available at all times and at geograhical areas, especially

  • if disasters occur (tsunami, earthquake, cyclons,...) , that distroy the network infrastructure or
  • if people are going to very remote areas in which telecommunication infrastructure was never available

The mesh network[2] is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. The purpose of the mesh network in the context of the Serval Project is to establish a mesh network with mobile devices and mesh extenders that allows that sll mesh nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network.

To make that as convenient as possible for the users, the mesh network nodes (e.g. Mobile Phones) can contact the other network nodes with their regulare phones, send SMS. Because the mesh network concept can be applied to both wired and wireless networks exchange of data .

The the Serval Mesh context the wireless mesh networks as a specialization of Wireless ad hoc network. So the wireless mesh networks is usable as a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), when nothing else is available[3].

Learning Task

  • login with Wifi to your local area network of your home network.
  • Install the Serval Project App form the App Store try to phone the Serval Mesh of your friend, which is also logged into home local area network.
  • Explain how you would use the Serval Mesh App in an area, in which a flooding has destroyed the telecommunication infrastructure. Analyse the requirements, if a government decides that a Serval Mesh app should be available in an emergency case and the citizens have the skill to use it?

See also


  1. Gardner-Stephen, P., Challans, R., Lakeman, J., Bettison, A., Gardner-Stephen, D., & Lloyd, M. (2013, October). The serval mesh: A platform for resilient communications in disaster & crisis. In Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2013 IEEE (pp. 162-166). IEEE.
  2. Wikipedia: Defininition of Mesh Network - access 2017/08/13 -
  3. Adpated Defintiion: Mesh network (access 2017/08/13) Wikipedia:Mesh network
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