A SYZYGY is a coming together or alignment of disparate or opposite things such as celestial objects, parts of speech, poetry lines of meter, or living cells as in the zygote. For an idea of the scope, range and domain of this project, see the Wikipedia page SYZYGY and think of how many ways the conceptual framework built into this single word could help bring your learning activities together.

Linguistics: Greek συζυγίαι, from σύζυγοι syzygoi, lit. "yokings together" or 'pair' ...

A Heart and Soul Gathering

People all across the continental United States will be co-hosting this divinely-coordinated event. One need not believe in God to appreciate the celestial gifting nature of this event. In the grand scale of time, it is a mere 'twinkling of an eye'[1] but it's significance as a catalyzing event probably ought not be ignored. Multiple opportunities present themselves for capitalists, socialists, prophets, preachers, science teachers, and plumbers and electricians like us. Web developers will have a lot of fun, too trying to figure out how to harvest, stare and classify all of the data coming from exited folks from all stripes. Face it. This is one of those "chance of a lifetime" moments in Human history. It may even be the "rapture" that Ted Cruz talks about! Who really knows?

At any rate, it's quite exciting for many folks, especially those who live in the path of the moonshadow. We're going to invite Yusuf Islam to Carbondale to speak about the prospects of world peace. We are also going to ask the 101st Airborne Division to host a symposium at the spot of maximum w:occultation near their camp in Kentucky. We can talk about modular combat operations and all sorts of relevant topics. We're either going to start World War III or stop it. One or the other. Yes. It's a big deal:

POSTSCRIPT Amazing, isn't it? The swath of the shadow will touch the United States for only 1h 33m 16.8s - less than the length of a short movie! But in that time, many, many people in our country will have had their perceptions, and their lives, changed forever. It's that kind of a sight. Please plan to be there, in the path, together with a few hundred thousand other converts! You'll be joining many thousands of your fellow citizens in asking "When's the next one?"! [2]

Doing the Math

From Wikipedia:


In mathematics, a syzygy (from Greek συζυγία 'pair') is a relation between the generators of a module  M. The set of all such relations is called the "first syzygy module of M". A relation between generators of the first syzygy module is called a "second syzygy" of M, and the set of all such relations is called the "second syzygy module of M". Continuing in this way, we derive the nth syzygy module of M by taking the set of all relations between generators of the (n  1)th syzygy module of M. If M is finitely generated over a polynomial ring over a field, this process terminates after a finite number of steps; i.e., eventually there will be no more syzygies (see Hilbert's syzygy theorem). The syzygy modules of M are not unique, for they depend on the choice of generators at each step.

The sequence of the successive syzygy modules of a module M is the sequence of the successive images (or kernels) in a free resolution of this module.

Buchberger's algorithm for computing Gröbner bases allows the computation of the first syzygy module: The reduction to zero of the S-polynomial of a pair of polynomials in a Gröbner basis provides a syzygy, and these syzygies generate the first module of syzygies.

Further reading

  • Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "SpringerEOM 'syzygy'", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4
  • Wiegand, Roger (April 2006), "WHAT IS...a Syzygy?" (PDF), Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 53 (4): 456–457, retrieved 23 May 2011

w:Category:Module theory

If math your strong suite, you may have a look at this work and see if it meshes with the above stub-class and other such articles at Wikipedia. You may develop your ideas here at Wikiversity with a new article, generators of a module or similar.

Further Research

Approximation of the Makanda effect in polynomial form: SYZYGY17 (upper-right quadrant) and SYZYGY24 (lower-left quadrant) - The red is the sun-earth-moon premise; green is the people; yellow is the data; the two blue circles are both Makanda, Illinois

The application of mathematics to solve social problems remains a distinct possibility. It takes three things: participation, participation and participation. Spell "run".

These may or may not yet be Wikipedia articles:

As always, feel free to do your research on Wikiversity, but make sure you integrate, coordinate and collaborate. That's why we're here.

The fundamental theory of uses finite abelian groups to represent the triple-bottom line win-win-win proposition characterized commonly as people, planet and profit. In our case profit has nothing to do with monetary gain, but sets of universally valued data for building resilient sets of reusable code to commute, associate and distribute data according to abstract mathematical schema. Using algebraically-stated rules to define groups of planets, people and the geospatial data that whirls about them we can effectively "capture" otherwise immeasurable phenomena across many scientific and social domains via a modeling process built in real time. To do this, we start with expected turnouts for the two eclipses (celestial syzygies) of 2017 and 2024 tracking activity percentiles, statistical probabilities and social media phenomena (all seemingly indeterminate) using something like an Object model that knows how to handle all the changing data. The blue circles represent the real event and the shadow event from a unified perspective: the town of Makanda. Our human team (if it comes together) will curate the model from now, the creation of this learning project until the second eclipse in 2024 - 7 years. Our group, G is a dominant group not because it is strong and powerful, but because we are simply on the job over a very long period of time. (Some of us have been on Wikimedia projects for more than a decade)

We don't make the rules: "they can be expressed as the direct sum of cyclic subgroups of prime-power order. This is a special case of the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups when G has zero rank."[3] Anyone seeking fame, fortune or falsehood is disqualified from the group. Everyone else is already in it.

See also User:CQ/2016 and this, and this

Align with the Universe

From Wikipedia:


Above the round domes of La Silla Observatory, three astronomical objects in the Solar System — Jupiter (top), Venus (lower left), and Mercury (lower right).[4]

In astronomy, a syzygy (from the Greek suzugos (σύζυγος) meaning, "yoked together" is a straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies in a gravitational system.

Mercury transiting the Sun as viewed by the Curiosity rover on Mars (June 3, 2014).[5]

The word is often used in reference to the Sun, Earth, and either the Moon or a planet, where the latter is in conjunction or opposition. Solar and lunar eclipses occur at times of syzygy, as do transits and occultations. The term is often applied when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction (new moon) or opposition (full moon).

The word syzygy is often loosely used to describe interesting configurations of planets in general. For example, one such case occurred on March 21, 1894 around 23:00 GMT, when Mercury transited the Sun (as could have been seen from Venus), and Mercury and Venus both simultaneously transited the Sun as seen from Saturn. It is also used to describe situations when all the planets are on the same side of the Sun although they are not necessarily in a straight line, such as on March 10, 1982.

On June 3, 2014, the Curiosity rover observed the planet Mercury transiting the Sun (from Mars), marking the first time a w:planetary transit has been observed from a celestial body besides Earth.

Occultations, transits, and eclipses

Syzygy sometimes results in a transit, an occultation or an eclipse.

  • An occultation occurs when an apparently larger body passes in front of an apparently smaller one.
  • A transit occurs when a smaller body passes in front of a larger one.
    • In the combined case where the smaller body regularly transits the larger, an occultation is also termed a secondary eclipse.
  • An eclipse occurs when a body disappears or partially disappears from view, either by an occultation, as with a solar eclipse, or by passing into the shadow of another body, as with a lunar eclipse (thus both are listed on NASA's eclipse page).

Transits and occultations of the Sun by Earth's Moon are called solar eclipses regardless of whether the Sun is completely or partially covered. By extension, transits of the Sun by a satellite of a planet may also be called eclipses, as with the transits of Phobos and Deimos shown on NASA's JPL photojournal, as may the passage of a satellite into the planet's shadow, as with this eclipse of Phobos. The term eclipse is also used more generally for bodies passing in front of one another. For example, a NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day refers to the Moon eclipsing and occulting Saturn interchangeably.


There is no controversy about the effect of a syzygy on ocean tides. The syzygy produces the more powerful spring tide due to the combined gravitational effect of the Sun with that of the Moon. The spring tides (highest tides) occur at full moon and new moon times while the neap tides (lowest tides) occur when the Sun and Moon are at right angles in the first and third quarters of the Moon's cycle. Spring and neap tides are about 20% higher and lower, respectively, than the average tide. Syzygy also produces stronger earth tides, although there is controversy about the tidal triggering of earthquakes.

The SYZYGY17 project "yokes together" a number of topical learning models to catalyze a community of amateur and professional scientists, mathematicians, urban planners, community developers and change agents...

SYZYGY17 in 2016

Currently we are in the initial "zygote phase" or generation of the SYZYGY17 Learning project at Wikiversity. In the mathematical connotation, Syzygy, we see that multiple generations of syzygies for the applied math context and connotation of the term. The Syzygy of Wikiversity participants may or may not happen. Very little of the attention of the student body here is focused upon coordinating effort. Most is just lonely guys working on their own thing. It's kind of sad actually. Perhaps, as we get a little further along, we can generate the same kind of excitement here that exists in Makanda and Lathrop. That's the hope, anyway. See the /2016 timeline.

See the shared document SYZYGY17 Google Drive

For SYZYGY17 from WHAT IS a Syzygy:

Linear algebra over rings is lots more fun than over fields. The main reason is that most modules over a ring do not have bases

—that is, their generators usually satisfy some nontrivial relations or “syzygies”. [6]

Planning stages and workshops

SYZYGY17 here at Wikiversity will bring together science enthusiasts from all around the world. We are using the solar eclipse of August 21 as a catalyzing framework to combine skills with needs, interests with capabilities and people with ... other people .. in a massive collaboration to fully document this very unique celestial event. We are also planning to incorporate live media streaming experiments through the Wiki Campus Radio

The path of the 2017 eclipse crosses the path of the upcoming solar eclipse of April 8, with the intersection of the two paths being in southern Illinois near Makanda Township at Cedar Lake just south of Carbondale. A small land area, including the cities of Makanda, Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, and Paducah, will thus experience two total solar eclipses within a span of fewer than seven years. If we succeed, SYZYGY24 will contain the second generation of this long-term series. See also the Paducah2020 learning project here at Wikiversity.

Coordinating Outreach

From the American Astronomical Society:

The Eclipse 2017 Planning Workshop in Portland, Oregon, at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry was highly successful. Many tasks were identified, with groups and individuals taking the lead on getting them completed within the next 6 to 9 months. The next workshop will be held in Carbondale, Illinois on June 10 and 11, 2016. Anyone interested in joining the activities for public education and awareness for the great American Eclipse, please contact Shadia Habbal at eclipse2017@ifa.hawaii.edu


Map of the solar eclipse 2017 USA OSM Zoom4 (see full-size map at the commons)

The Solar eclipse of August 21 is our projected public launch date for this project, which includes the world premier of Wiki Campus Radio at the core.


Cartography points of key interest:

  • Longest duration: 89.4030 degrees west longitude, 37.69335 degrees north latitude
  • Maximum occultation:
  • First occultation west:
  • Last occultation east

Wikiversity cartographers will be plotting all points along the path across the continental United States.


This list is for places, parks, rivers, towns, cities and other points of interest that are "claiming" the 2017 event in some way or are included for significant reasons. They are listed in order of where they are in the PATH of the Moonshadow.[7]


Magic of Makanda

...one generation at a time!

"X" marks the spot: 37.6437985°N 89.2659135°W -- this is where the two eclipse paths may cross according to this discussion.

Notes and references


  1. Paul's 'twinkling of an eye' metaphor
  2. POSTSCRIPT from Eclipse2017.org
  3. Wikipedia: Classification of Abelian Groups
  4. "Three Planets Dance Over La Silla". ESO Picture of the Week. Retrieved 5 June 2013.
  5. Webster, Guy (June 10, 2014). "Mercury Passes in Front of the Sun, as Seen From Mars". NASA. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
  6. Wiegand, Roger 2006/April NOTICES OF THE AMS 457
  7. The Path Through the United States
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