In this learning resource we consider user-driven spatial activities by application Mobile Devices as Decision Support Clients
- User navigate in non-digital world on earth,
- the digital device augments the non-digital world with digital options of activities
- retrieve information, that relevant for the current geolocation of the user and support the user by interacting with the environment at the geolocation,
- collect information in Crowdsourcing approach in which the users contribute to data/information/knowledge about current geolocation.
In this sense the mobile device is a mobile Spatial Decision Support Client.
History of Learning Resources
The learning resource was created having user-driven spatial risk management in mind. By supporting users with information and knowledge that is relevant for their current geolocation, they are able to interact with the enviroment they are currently operating in (e.g. cover small waterbodies to mitigate the risk related to vector-borne diseases by reducing the number of possible mosquito breading places). The local and regional relevance of the spatial decision support.
Especially for developing countries it is necessary to provide a short-term benefits with relevance for the user profile and spatial environment the users live in. If risk exposed communities battle to survive the next week, long term health risk may be of low priority for the community. Short term economical benefits (e.g. application of less argochemical with the same harvest yield) could lead to a long term health risk mitigation by less exposure to toxic substances. The main drivers for change in resource constraints environments are short-term benefits that support long-term risk mitigation benefits. The decision support client supports users with activities relevant for the current geolocation resp. spatial environment by improvement of Risk Literacy and support for local and regionals demands, requirements and constraints.
The learning resources is placed in Wikiversity to follow the Open Community Approach of AT6FUI resp. Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health[1].
Learning Task
- Explore the Open Source App MixARE as an Open Source Mix Augmented Reality Engine[2] (see Augmented Reality Tutorial)
- to analyse the technical Design of MixARE to attache digital in formation to a geolocation and
- create your own small Mixare Database with Mixare4JSON[3] that augments the environment you live in, with existing videos, images, text that have a relevance for the geolocation the media is attached to
- select a geolocation you know very well and look at your background/expertise. Define which information web-based resource would have a local relevance for you in general and with specific reference for your selected geolocation (e.g. as a teacher visiting with his students the Niagara Falls. The teacher might want to create geocaching parcour or explore additional AR information about the location, that are placed for students in the augmented reality environment by Mixare)
- Low-Cost Precision Farming: To accomplish the Sustainable Developement Goals defined by United Nations[4] it is necessary to reach 90% of the worlds population that battle to accomplish short-term goals. Low-Cost Precision farming/agriculture can support farmers in developing countries to benefit from new technology. Analyse the approach and assigne possible benefits to UN-SDGs.
- OpenSource Development Mixare4Browser Can be regarded as a starting point to create HTML5 Mixed Augmented Reality App, that allows the add icon and 3D objects in the camera image and the objects in the camera image are displaced according to movement and turning of the mobile device by the user. By approaching this topic as an HTML5 webapp development you will learn to access the W3C standardized motion and location APIs to perform this task (see Youtube video of Mixare App)
Learning Task for Software Developers
- Explore the OpenSource Library tracking.js to support augemented reality.
- What are the differences between Augemented Reality approach used in MixARE (GPS, Accellerometer, Device Orientation, ...) in comparison to Tracking.js (object detection in camera images). Derive your conclusions for the development of AR applications and add your conclusions to a use-case section in this article?
- How can we use tracking.js to create Capacity Building Material for Risk Management that makes reference to regional or local environment, so that citizen can easily apply these strategies to the environment they live in?
- How can we integrate that approach into an app that supports risk mitigation in the area the mobile device users lives (see Spatial Risk Management?
Contribute to the following list of use-cases for Augmented Reality Apps
- Use Mixed Open Source Augmented Reality Engine as user-driven travelling guide,
- augment a location with digital learning material (show history images of the place, show interview, videos about events happend at the place, create an self-assessment for learners with relevance for the geolocation)
- guide people to interesting objects in their environment and provide additional information about the location that are not accessible for the users (e.g. bird view for the geolocation, a mircoscope image about objects in their environment, additional views in time (images, videos of current geo location in summer, in winter, 50 years ago, ...)
See also
- ↑ AT6FUI/EFG-SGH Official Document of Expert Focus Group Space and Global Health (former Action Team 6 - Followup Initiative) -
- ↑ MixARE mixare – Open Source Augmented Reality Engine mixare (mix Augmented Reality Engine) is a free open source augmented reality browser, which is published under the GPLv3. mixare is available for Android and for the iPhone 3GS and above. It works as a completely autonomous application and is available as well for the development of own implementations.
- ↑ Mixare4JSON OpenSource tool - webbased - Generator for Mixare JSON database (2017) -
- ↑ Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet David Griggs, Mark Stafford-Smith, Owen Gaffney, Johan Rockström, Marcus C. Öhman, Priya Shyamsundar, Will Steffen, Gisbert Glaser, Norichika Kanie & Ian Noble, Nature 495, 305–307 (21 March 2013) doi:10.1038/495305a 20 March 2013