< Risk Management

Wiki Books as Course Material

The learning requirements of students are different. Therefore a tailored selection of course material creates a beneficial learning environment according to needs and objective for risk management. E.g. a student with a degree in Computer Sciences may not need a course in Geographic Information Systems and he may require knowledge about the living lab concept and user-driven innovation, for creating a benefical risk mitigation environment for rural communities with specific social and cultural constraints. Specific learning requirements of students lead to a tailored requirement of learning. Creating wiki books[1] (e.g. create a Wikibook for GIS and Health (Video)) is one option to provide tailored course material according to the learning requirements of the students in higher education.

Learning Task

  • (Create a WikiBook) Select your area expertise e.g. Epidemiology and a new topic you want to learn about e.g. Geographic Information System
    • assume you want to learn about Geographic Information System and
    • at the same time you want to link the new topic to the expertise you have already i.e. Epidemiology.
Create your own Wikibook in Wikipedia that combines Epidemiology and Geographic Information System.
  • (WikiBooks for different Target Groups) First start the book creator with Epidemiology and work towards the topic Geographic Information System and then start with Geographic Information System and work towards Epidemiology. What is the difference in the approach? What is the best approach, so that the WikiBook serves the needs of a specific target group. Explain how the Wiki Book Creator suggests pages!
  • (Open Community Approach) Explain the contribution of WikiBooks to an Open Community Approach. What are other aspects of the Open Community Approach that can be applied to Risk Management?

See also

Wikibook Tool

Please create PDF books with less than 500 pages only and consider to install the tool on your own Linux computer (if possible) to leave the server capacity wmflabs-Server for people that do not have ability to install the MediaWiki converter on their own computer.


  1. Ravid, G., Kalman, Y. M., & Rafaeli, S. (2008). Wikibooks in higher education: Empowerment through online distributed collaboration. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(5), 1913-1928.
  2. Dirk Hünniger (2012-2020) MediaWiki to LaTeX Converter - URL: http://mediawiki2latex.wmflabs.org (accessed 2020/04/25)
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