Comparing Mental Health Recovery to Physical Health Recovery
- Wellness instead of illness
- Norman Cousins
- Psychoneuroimmunology on wikipedia gives an overview of this subject while Wikia might go a little more in depth
- Psychosomatic medicine
- Neuroimmunology
- Healing environments
- Biopsychosocial model
- Somatic psychology
- Stress medicine
- Health realization
- School of Alternative Medicine
- Positive thinking on wikipedia
As suggested in mental health recovery literature, recovery from psychological disorders can be compared to recovery from physical disabilities, disorders or illnesses.
Quantum Mechanics
Although certain skeptics may disagree with the mystical or magical interpertation of quantum mechanics, sometimes idealistic concepts that emerge from the humanistic philosophical prespective mention Quantum Mechanics (see Introduction to quantum mechanics from Wikipedia for a more simple explanation.) Alot of this discussion is centered on Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle. For an explanation of quantum physics, see the following videos on YouTube QM1, QM2, QM3, QM4 and QM5 or just watch Quantum Mechanics explained in simple language. Wayne Dyer mentions quantum Mechanics in his book The Power of Intention as being related to how a person looks at life, and whether or not they use positive thinking. In some recovery presentations, we will sometimes hear the speaker speak of this idealism at conferences such as Alternatives, USPRA, etecetra. The appeal of speaking about physics, which is an entirely different science and would other wise have nothing whatsoever to do with psychology, would be that it can easily be compared to the Hawthrone effect. The basic philosophical implications brought on by quantum physics are:
- How you look at something changes the way it looks.
- The behavior of what you are looking at changes, when you look at it in a different way.
- Somethings that we other wise do not identify as having a choice seem to have a choice.
- If we can discover these truths in nature, could not we find them in people also (See implication above).
Holistic Therapy
- Dr. Gregory Tucker is a Clinical Psychologist who switched to a very different way of working with clients. He calls what he does “The Recovery Process.”
Holistic health is important concept within the recovery movement, alot of the self help intiatives in the recovery movement employAlternative medicine as means that bring about recovery. A large portion of which is termed as popular psychology or Pop psychology. To some degree this holism may employ a new age New age or spiritual theory or practice. Some forms may be regarded as pseudoscience. Self-help
- Biologically based therapies Category on Wikipedia
- Natural Health
- Yoga on Wikipedia
- YouTube video Yoga for Fitness, Wellness, Mental health & a Flexible Body Yoga for Fitness, Wellness, Mental health & a Flexible Body. Cass Naumann talks about yoga, the benefits of yoga and yoga meditation & demonstrates different yoga positions and poses. A yoga workout can lower stress, improve health, increase mental wellness, give one a more flexible & sexy body. Cass is a singer, songwriter, model and actress. Cass has years of experience as a fitness instructor teaching yoga, kick boxing, pilates.
- Wayne Dyer
- Wayne Dyer on Wikipedia
- Deepak Chopra on Wikipedia
- Alternative medicine on Wikipedia
- Alternative Medicine on Wikiversity
- Complementary and alternative medicine on Wikiversity
The Secret
Scientific Skepticism
The "Schools of Thought" in Psychology are said to be: Structuralism,Functionalism, Gestalt, Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis, Cognitivism, and Humanism. More central to psychological disorders, Clinical Psychology addresses Psychoanalysis, Cognitive, Behaviorism, Humanism and biological psychology. Most of what is said of the concept of recovery has been from Existentialist or Humanistic perspectives. There is a preassummed belief in the concept of recovery inherit in their literature. Belief is an interesting thing when discussing behavior sciences and behavioral health. Many laypersons may assume that "science" with its skeptical thinking, empirical observation and certain forms of critical analysis is always going to mean a philosophy of atheism. This may be because of a persons interpertation of the big bang theory in physics or the theory of evolution in biology versus a persons creationist belief system in their religion. They may assume science is against their religion or anti-religion. In actuality true science is agnostic. Science does not know, that's why it asks the question. If psychology were to scientifically study recovery; there would have to be an agreed upon definition of what recovery is. Then while not preassuming "recovery" the science would be devoted to looking for evidence or lack of evidence of mental health recovery occurring. While trying to avoid being a philosophical treatise, Recovery Psychology would assert that psychoanalysis is irrelevant to recovery, due to a lack of cases of recovery from disorders using psychoanalysis. Humanistic psychology has claimed recovery, so recovery psychology would at least acknowledge these humanistic views on recovery. Cognitive, Behavioral and biological psychology has not fully acknowledged this concept of mental health recovery. Although the psychiatry (more akin to cognitive, behavioral and biological) already discusses "recovery" as a seperate phenomena with a seperate criteria from "remission." As Fruedian psychoanalysis as been dismissed as being a philosophy about the action of thumbsucking and not relevant to treating mental disorders; Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers is always presented in pictures with his fingers in his mouth in textbook book articles on "person-centered" therapy. Although the person centered idea does have its place in providing services; there is the threat that "recovery approach" abandons the concept of "personal responsibility" and coddles the client. The evidence is clear that "finger sucking" science or "finger sucking" philosophy is not beneficial in serving persons with psychiatric disabilities.
Scientific Skepticism Scientific Method Empirical Empiricism Empirical research Critical thinking Critical-Creative Thinking and Behavioral Research Laboratory