Do you have a basic knowledge of cognitive apprenticeship now? Try the exercises below to check your understanding.


1 Which of the following presents a feature of cognitive apprenticeship? (Check all that apply)

Learners are able to "see" the cognitive process of an expert.
Cognitive apprenticeship is a model of instruction that addresses learning in all the domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective, & interpersonal).
Typical teaching methods include exploration, reflection, articulation, scaffolding, coaching, and modeling.
Learning activities or contents should go from details to the overarching conceptual model, so that students build up their knowledge from a solid foundation.

2 In which of the following instructional situation, cognitive apprenticeship approach is NOT effective?

Pre-service teachers learn to integrate motivation strategies into their design of instruction.
Elementary students learn to solve math problems.
Graduate students learn the inquiry methods and the process of doing research.
GRE test-takers memorize vocabulary.

3 In reciprocal teaching of reading, the teacher helps students when they have questions, clarify students' difficulties, generate summaries, and make predictions. This represents the teaching method of ( )


4 The articulation method ( )

encourages learner autonomy, not only in carrying out expert problem-solving processes but also in defining or formulating the problems to be solved.
helps students both to focus their observations of expert problem solving and to gain conscious access to (and control of) their own problem-solving strategies.
helps students acquire an integrated set of skills through observation and guided practice.
All the above.

5 A student developed an overview and set of expectations and questions about a text before reading line by line. It is an example of control strategies.


6 According to Collins et al.'s cognitive apprenticeship framework, it is appropriate to sequence the learning contents of sketching as follows:

  1. Learning to analyze and copy other's drawing
  2. Learning to draw lines in different styles
  3. Learning to use shadow
  4. Learning to draw simple shapes
  5. Learning to structure objects in a drawing
  6. Learning to portray a plaster model
  7. Learning to portray still objects
  8. Learning to portray a human model


7 The cognitive apprenticeship approach creates a learning environment in which the participants actively communicate about and engage in the skills involved in expertise.


Are you ready to use it?


Please think of a real-life context in which you may apply the cognitive apprenticeship approach, and describe it briefly.
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