Physical Examination of Parkinson's Disease
- orthostatic hypotension
mask face patient / expressionless / slow gait
- depressed affect
- loss of spontaneous movements
- blank and expressionless face with ↓ blinking (mask like facies)
- sialorrhea (drooling)
- facial seborrhea (dry flaking skin)
- blepharospasm (forced involuntary closing of eyelids)
- blepharoclonus - flutter of closed eyelids
- Titubation - tremor of head
- glabellar tap positive
- supranuclear palsy - weakness of upward gaze
- seborrheic brow - a sweaty or greasy brow
- diaphoretic brow - due to autonomic dysfunction
- microphonia
- soft, faint and hard to understand
- Palilalia - repetition of last word similar to stuttering
- slow thinking
- pill rolling (4 - 8 Hz)
- begins distally (fingers, hands, forearm), can involve chin and mouth
- resting tremor (far less prominent with movement)
- ↓ with finger to nose testing
- ↑ tremor in L hand if clench R hand or serial 7's
- difficulty with repeating movements
- effort dampens when asked to repeated tap thumb and index finger together
Gait and Posture
- have patient rise from a chair, walk, and turn, look for:
- difficulty initiating, stopping, and turning (en bloc turning)
- shuffling gait (march a petit pas)
- propulsion/retropulsion - tendency to fall forward or backwards)
- festination - patient walks faster and faster as to not fall over
- lack of arm swing
- stooped posture
- Kinesia paradoxica (can do rapid movements but not slow ones)
Cog-Wheel Rigidity and Tone
- test by flexing-extending the patient’s elbow or supinating-pronating their wrists
- ↑ when patient moves head side to side
- if no hypertonia, ask the patient to move their head side to side. This maneuver should increase cogwheeling rigidity
- Dorsal tendon reflexes are unaffected
Mental Status
- dementia
- slowed thinking
- depression
- insomnia
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