Digital Badges are generalizations of the standardized Mozilla Open Badges.
Learning Tasks
- Explore the concept of the non-commercial Khan Academy and analyse how the Khan Academy designs classifies Digital Badges (Types of Badges)]. How do these badge types guide the learner (e.g. in terms of expectations and workload of a learning moduls)?
- Append other digital badges to the list below and explain, how and why they incoporate new features that are not include in the digital badges mentioned already!
- Compare Wikipedia Barnstars with the requirments and constraints of educational institutions (e.g. universities! Explain, why the Open Badge infrastructure adds features to a digital badge, that a required by educational institutions[1].
- Explore the concept of Digital Signature and explaing why a digital signature is helpful for the issuing and validation of digital badges!
- The introduction of digital badges in the educational system is dependent on the acceptance and perception of learners, employers and stakeholders operating in and with educational insitutions[2]. Try to identify applications of digital badges in educational institutions. Consider the complementary issuing of digital badges along with traditional paper certificates, what aer
- (Open Badges for Sustainability) Add learning tasks to Open SDG Course. Select a sustainable deveoplement goal and add learning tasks to the selected SDG. Assign learning objectives that include areas of application of sustainable interventions and indicators that measure the success of interventions. Create a round Open Badge containing that refers with the color to SDG symbol.
Digital Badges
Wikipedia Barnstars
Users of an Information System and acknowledge and appreciate the work of others by a "thumb up" e.g. in social media or star a good project in Github. This concept is used in Wikipedia to provide an acknowledgement for Wikipedia contributors for their valuable contributions and due diligence. The appreciation of wikipedia users can be shown by awarding them a barnstar. There is no quality assurance applied on the provision of this digital badges. Users can give just the award the barnstar to someone by placing the image on their talk page (or their awards page). An explaination, why it was given, is required, so that other users can follow that step and would also accept that the barnstar is appropriate for the highlighted work.
Khan Academy
The Khan Academy offers learning resources (just like Wikiversity). In comparision Wikiversity the Khan Academy implements a management system of Digital Badges. If a learner successfully accomplished the goals of a learning resource in specific domain a digital badge is granted. Furthermore the badges are classified by types of guide the learning in terms of expectations and workload related to the course content.