< Motivation and emotion < Assessment

E-portfolio guidelines
A learning portfolio about motivation and emotion

The goal

To develop and share an open record of your learning journey through the Motivation and emotion unit in the form of an e-portfolio.


This assessment task involves:

  1. Ongoing record: Keeping an ongoing record of one's learning experiences throughout the unit. Use the e-portfolio to explore and synthesise what you discover during your learning journey.
  2. Deep processing: Reflecting on learning experiences helps to encourage deeper processing and understanding of the ideas.
  3. Sharing: Sharing of one's learning experiences facilitates social interaction and peer-to-peer learning.
  4. Style and format: The style and format are open, as long it reflects your participation and engagement in the unit's learning activities (esp. lectures, tutorials, readings, and assessment exercises).

Create a webspace

  1. Create a public-facing webspace: The first step is to create a public-facing webspace (anywhere) where you keep and demonstrate a record of your engagement with the learning activities in this unit.
  2. Location: E-portfolios can be created anywhere (as long as the content is accessible to the public), but unless you've got a particularly good reason, it is strongly recommended that you create a Wikiversity account and build an e-portfolio within on your user page.
  3. Tell the convener: Once you have created your e-portfolio page, email or message the convener with the website address amd your real name (if different), and your student ID.
  4. Welcome and set-up: The convener will then drop by to check your page, help you to set it up, and post a welcome message.
  5. Then, you are 'underway' ... !

Building content

  1. Free style: Style requirements for the e-portfolio are very open. How you organise and what you put into your e-porfolio is entirely up to you.
    1. You do not need to use APA style, but providing links and references to sources should be used where appropriate (this can add to the depth).
    2. You can write in the 1st person.
    3. You do not necessarily need to write in full sentences and paragraphs (e.g., bullet-point lists can be effective). However, note that only providing short-bullet point material may not indicate much in the way of depth/insightfulness.
    4. You can post summaries of content (e.g., textbook, lectures or tutorials) but ideally these would be accompanied by personal reflection, comment, examples etc.
    5. You can post comments to other people's portfolios and to the discussion forum. This can be a good way to build/expand your portfolio (e.g., invite others to visit your page and discuss with you).
  2. Feedback: You can ask for feedback along the way, plus you can get ideas from watching other students' e-portfolios develop → see list of participants.
  3. Content is king: Its primarily the text that matters (content is king). Fancy stuff (e.g., layout and images) can come later, and only if you wish. What really matters is your depth of sharing about your responses to the learning content and activities in this unit. Of interest could be anything that genuinely reflects the depth of your engagement in the unit and its learning activities, such as:
    1. notes
    2. summaries
    3. questions
    4. observations
    5. insights
    6. ideas
    7. conversations
    8. debate
    9. examples
  1. Record of engagement: The e-portfolio provides a tangible record of your involvement in the unit.
  2. Sharing: Sharing and reading about each others' experiences can also foster collaboration (e.g., commenting about others' reactions and offering feedback).
  3. CV for the unit: It is recommended that you approach the e-portfolio as a professional development exercise - you are creating a "CV for the unit". Would you like potential employers to see your e-portfolio? Ideally you should be proud of it and want to add it to your CV/resume to show potential employers your knowledge and ability to communicate - it might help you to get a job!

Marking criteria

Two key criteria will be used in marking the e-portfolio exercise:

  1. Regularity/continuity (33.3%): Consistent and continuous engagement in learning activities throughout the unit.
  2. Depth/insightfulness (66.7%): In depth, thoughtful, questioning, insightful reflection on the unit's learning activities

For more detail, see marking criteria

How this assessment exercise addresses the learning outcomes

Learning outcome Description
Students will be able to integrate theories and current research towards explaining the role of motivation and emotions in human behaviour. The e-portfolio exercise encourages exploration and consideration of psychological theories and research about motivation and emotion. The e-portfolio engages students in theory and research across the breadth of motivation and emotion topics considered in the lectures, tutorials and readings.

How this assessment exercise addresses the generic skills

Generic skill Description
Communication (C) The exercise involves students sharing written notes and reflections about their journey through the unit’s learning activities. The e-portfolio should demonstrate the development of each students’ knowledge about the psychology of motivation and emotion. Students can read and comment on each others’ e-portfolios which facilitates interpersonal communication and cooperative learning.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) The exercise involves learning how to create and develop a personal learning journal. Students may use any electronic platform, although Wikiversity is recommended because the editing skills learnt will be transferable to preparation of the textbook chapter.
Social Responsibility (SR) The exercise will help students to learn about creating and developing a professional, public, online profile. The wiki skills developed will empower students with the ability to work effectively in open-editing environments and to contribute to other wiki projects such as Wikipedia.


  • Submission is not required as long as your e-portfolio is listed in participants. If your e-portfolio is not listed, contact the convener.
  • Your e-portfolio prior to the due date/time will be deemed as your submission.


How can I get technical help?

  1. Technical know-how should NOT be a barrier. But it is up to you to ask for assistance - e.g., via HELP.

How long should my e-portfolio be?

  1. There is no upper or lower limit. To give some very rough idea - perhaps 200 to 300 words per major topic or learning activity (13 lectures + 6 tutorials) -> ~ 2,000 to 4,000 word e-porfolio
  2. Quality and regularlity is more important than overall size.
  3. "Flat text" (i.e., with no hyperlinks) is probably not as "rich" as one with well-selected links.
  4. Particularly long e-portfolios might be best structured into sub-pages.

Can I see some examples?

  1. Check out these e-portfolios from Social psychology in 2008: Participants (Click user names to see each e-portfolio)
  2. See other e-portfolios already in progress for this unit: Participants (Click user names to see each e-portfolio)
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