< Korean < Words


As a language isolate or island, Korean is quite a mystery. Its homeland is suggested to be somewhere in Manchuria. Nevertheless, it is hardly related to Manchurian and Mongolian, not to mention Chinese, but rather likely to Icelandic, the fittest of Old Norse, across all Eurasia and history!

Say 말, to begin with. Though commonly romanized as mal, its vowel sounds either long as [ma:l] or short as [mal], as per IPA. The former means "language," while the latter "horse" above many other things. As such, the one may well compare with Old Norse mál ("language"), while the other with Old Norse marr ("horse"). And, Swedish Malmö and Korean 말뫼 (馬山, malmoe) may commonly mean "big mound" at last, when their first syllables mean "big" owing to the horse.

The sun () and the moon () are the most vital to us of all heavenly bodies. Before history, their moves gave way to the solar and lunar calendars, respectively. In orient, meanwhile, both are regarded as the symbols of yin-yang (陰陽, 阴阳), say, the ultimate makeup of the universe.

While the week begins with the sun and the moon, say, Sunday and Monday, we will do with Tuesday, literally, ‘Tiu's day.’ Tiu or Tiw, aka, Tyr in Norse mythology, was the ancient Germanic god of war, identified with Latin Mars, whence French mardi for Tuesday, for example.

Let it begin with English thing and its kindred, together with Chinese (ting) and (ding) likely joined.


Not enough is to know that Tuesday is next to the sun's and moon's days. It literally means Tiu's day. What is Tiu at all?

Tiu or Tiw is the ancient Germanic god of war. He is identified with Tyr of Norse mythology. Romans regarded him as "Mars of Thing."

Not enough again is to know that Tuesday is followed by Odin's and Thor's and Frigg's days, named after such famous gods.

Among all these ancient Germanic gods, Tiu is alone a histoprical rather than mythological figure, specially in the East rather than West Eurasia.

Various Eastern peoples are proud of Tiu as their ancestor. So are some Koreans. And even Chinese nowadays, perhaps politically motivated.


  • "안 본 용은 그려도 본 뱀은 못 그린다." 눈앞에 있는 사실을 실제 그대로 파악하기는 어려움을 비유적으로 이르는 말.
    "You draw an unseen dragon (wyrm) but a seen snake (wurm)." This is to show how hard it is to know the reality in itself.

horse bee

English *horsebee, German *Pferdebiene
Language Script Romanized
Mongolianморин зөгий[3]morin zögij
Turkisheşek arısı[4]eşek arısı
Manxshellancabbyl[8]shellan cabbyl
Language Native call Romanized
Mongolianморин зөгий[11]morin zögij
Turkisheşek arısı[12]eşek arısı
Manxshellancabbyl[16]shellan cabbyl


Old Englishgeol, geolageolugold
Extrajoulu [17]melyn [18]gul [19]
golli [20]


Extract from wikt: halo #Translations
Basque: halo
Catalan: halo 
Czech: halo 
Danish: halo 
Dutch: halo 
Estonian: halo 
Finnish: halo 
French: halo 
German: Halo 
Greek: άλως (álos)
Hungarian: haló
Latvian: halo 
Lithuanian: halas 
Norwegian: halo 
Persian: هاله‎ (hâle)
Polish: halo 
Portuguese: halo 
Romanian: halo 
Russian: гало́ (galó)
Roman: halo 
Spanish: halo 
Swedish: halo 
Turkish: hale 
These are hardly of natural language.


햇귀, literally "sun's ears," simply "rising sun's rays"
The Rising Sun Flag of Japan
A fresco depicting an elegantly dressed woman with hoop earrings from Akrotiri, Thera (Cyclades) Greece, c. 1650-1625 BCE.
earring sun's earring
Extracts from «교학고어사전»
but for the asterisked (assumed)
*귀골 (gwigol)
귀엣골 (gwiesgol)
귀여골 (gwiyeogol) [21]
귀여ㅅ골 (gwiyeo's gol) 
귀역고리 (gwiyeoggori)
귀역골 (gwiyeoggol)
귀엳골 (gwiyeodgol)
귀엸골회 (gwiyeolsgolhoe)
귀엿골 (gwiyeosgol) 
귀엿골회 (gwiyeogolhoe) 
귀엿골휘 (gwiyeogolhwi) 
귀예골 (gwiyegol) 
귀예ㅅ골 (gwiye's gol)
귀옛골 (gwiyesgol) 
귀옛골회 (gwiyesgolhoe) 
Extracts from «교학고어사전»
but for the asterisked (assumed)
*골 (hvigol)
*여골 (hviyeogol) [22]
귀엿골 (hvigwiyeosgol)
ㅅ귀엣골 (hvi's gwiesgol)

무리 (hvimuri) [23]
ㅅ모로 (hvi's moro) [24]
모로 (hvismoro) 
*물 (hvismul) [25] 

See also:
귀 (hvisgwi) [26] [27]
발 (hvisbal) [28]
바회 (hvisbahoe) [29]
귀고리(gwigori) or *귀골 (gwigol) 햇무리(haesmuri) or 햇물(haesmul)
See also

RR: nun [30]


RR: nun IPA: [nun]
  1. eye


RR: nun IPA: [nun]
  1. bud
  1. eye
  2. bud


RR: nun IPA: [nuːn]
  1. snow
Bulgarian: сняг (snjag)
Czech: sníh 
Serbo-Croatian: sneg, snijȇg, snig 
Polish: śnieg 
Russian: снег (sneg)

Eurasian verbal distribution for "honey"
Adapted from wikt: honey #Translations
Latinic+ Slavonic+ Germanic+ Turkic+
mel #Breton
mel #Catalan
mel #Galician
mel #Latin
mel #Portuguese 
mêl #Welsh 
méli #Greek
mełr #Armenian

miel #French
miel #Spanish
miele #Italian

mil #Dalmatian
mil #Irish
mil #Korean
mat #Cantonese

med #Bulgarian
med #Czech
mȇd #Serbo-Croa.
med #Slovene
medus #Lithuan.
mesi #Estonian
méz #Hungarian

miód #Polish
mjod #Belaruss.
mjōd #Evenki
mjod #Russian

mitsu #Japanese
môdhu #Bengali
honey #English
Honig #German
honing #Dutch

honning #Danish
honning #Norweg.
honung #Swedish

hunang #Faroese
hunang #Iceland.
hunaya #Finnish
bal #Azerbaijani
bal #Bashkir
bal #Buryat
bal #Kalmyk
bal #Kazakh
bal #Kyrgyz
bal #Mongolian
bal #Tatar
bal #Turkey
bal #Turkmen
մեղր #Old Armenian (mełr)
մեղու #Old Armenian (mełu, “bee”)
Brythonic: *mel
Breton: mel
Cornish: mel
Welsh: mêl
Old Irish: mil
Irish: mil
Manx: mill
Scottish Gaelic: mil


The lighter, brighter surroundings,
the darker, clearer sight of things there.
(사물은 주변이 밝을 수록 더 잘 보인다)

#888 #888
&lt font color=#888 &gt
#888 #888
&lt font color=#000 &gt
The maximal contrast and sight on the righthand side

#888   #888

#888 < font color=#888 > #888
#888 < font color=#000 > #888

A bar lies under the gradually brightening one;
The left end looks brighter than the right one.
We cannot see them absolutely but ecologically.
We thus just swing from prejudice to prejudice.
Evolution is simply habituation to the habitat.
To deny evolution is to deny habituation silly.
Such silly is to fall prey say to corona-virus!


not English marl
but Korean (mal, "language")
for Korean orthography in Latin alphabet (KoLa).


ㅏ	a	  ㅐ	ai 
ㅑ	ya	  ㅒ	yai [32]

ㅓ	e	  ㅔ	ei 
ㅕ	ye	  ㅖ	yei [33]

ㅗ	o	  ㅚ	oi 
ㅘ	wa	  ㅙ	wai 
ㅛ	yo	  ㅛㅣ	yoi*[34]

ㅜ	u	  ㅟ	ui 
ㅝ	we	  ㅞ	wei 
ㅠ	yu	  ㅠㅣ	yui*[35]

ㅡ	j	  ㅢ	ji 
ㅣ	yi/i	  --	--  [36]
* Not used now. 
The Korean and Roman vowels fit perfect.
기본	NR	RR	  확장	NR	RR
V	v	v	  V+I	v+i	v+?

ㅏ	a	a	  ㅐ	ai	ae 
ㅑ	ya	ya	  ㅒ	yai	yae 

ㅓ	e	eo	  ㅔ	ei  	e  
ㅕ	ye	yeo	  ㅖ	yei	ye 

ㅗ	o	o	  ㅚ	oi	oe 
ㅘ	wa	wa	  ㅙ	wai	wae 
ㅛ	yo	yo	  ㅛㅣ	yoi	-- 

ㅜ	u	u	  ㅟ	ui	wi 
ㅝ	we	wo	  ㅞ	wei	we 
ㅠ	yu	yu	  ㅠㅣ	yui	-- 

ㅡ	j	eu	  ㅢ	ji	ui 	
ㅣ	yi/i	i	  --	--	-- 

* NR: New Romanization (proposed)
* RR: Revised Romanization (current)
Parsing ambiguity
NR: 아야어여오와요우워유으이 → ayaeyeowayouweyujyi (shorter)
	a/ya/e/ye/o/wa/yo/u/we/yu/j/yi (successfully parsed)
RR: 아야어여오와요우워유으이 → ayaeoyeoowayouwoyueui (longer)
	a/ya-e/e-o/o/wa/yo/u/wo/yu/e-u/u-i/i (hardly parsed)
English Seoul #Etymology
French Séoul, which is from Korean 서울 (Seoul, literally “capital city”).
Note that English Seoul predates the Revised Romanization of Seoul. Note also that the original French segmentation was Sé-oul (cf. Dutch Seoel, i.e. Se-oel), but was reinterpreted as Seo-ul with Revised Romanization. A direct borrowing from Korean would probably result in "Soul", based on McCune–Reischauer romanization "Sŏul".
  • Seoul
  • soul


ㄱ ㄲ	g gx/xg	ㄺ ㄳ	lg gs	
ㄴ	n	ㄵ ㄶ	nz nh	
ㄷ ㄸ	d dx/xd			
ㄹ	r/l [37]	
ㅁ	m	ㄻ	lm	
ㅂ ㅃ	b bx/xb	ㄼ ㅄ	lb bs	
ㅅ ㅆ	s sx/xs	ㄽ	ls	
ㅇ	`/ng[38]	
ㅈ ㅉ	z zx/xz			
ㅊ	c			
ㅋ	k			
ㅌ	t	ㄾ	lt	
ㅍ	p	ㄿ	lp	
ㅎ	h	ㅀ	lh	
  • 않다
    NR: anhda
    RR: anta -- same as 안타 (whatever it may mean..)
RR may not aim to mean anything right.


  1. 말 (mal, "horse") + 벌 (beol, "bee")
  2. 馬 (, "horse") + 蜂 (fēng, "bee")
  3. морин (morin, "horse") + зөгий (zögij, "bee")
  4. eşek (eşek, "mule") + arısı (arısı, "bee's")
  5. ձի (ji, "horse") + ա (a, 삽간사) + բոռ (boṙ, "bee")
  6. ló (, "horse") + darázs (darázs, "bee")
  7. ערד‎ (ferd, “horse”) +‎ בין‎ (bin, “bee”)
  8. shellan (shellan, "bee") + (cabbyl, "horse")
  9. 말 (mal, "horse") + 벌 (beol, "bee")
  10. 馬 (, "horse") + 蜂 (fēng, "bee")
  11. морин (morin, "horse") + зөгий (zögij, "bee")
  12. eşek (eşek, "mule") + arısı (arısı, "bee's")
  13. ձի (ji, "horse") + ա (a, 삽간사) + բոռ (boṙ, "bee")
  14. ló (, "horse") + darázs (darázs, "bee")
  15. ערד‎ (ferd, “horse”) +‎ בין‎ (bin, “bee”)
  16. shellan (shellan, "bee") + (cabbyl, "horse")
  17. Finnish "From North Germanic, compare Swedish jul and English Yule. An earlier loan from the same source is juhla."
  18. Welsh "From Middle Welsh melyn, from Old Welsh melin, from Proto-Brythonic *melino (compare Cornish melyn, Breton melen), from Proto-Celtic *meli (“honey”) (compare Welsh mêl). More at mêl."
  19. North Frisian similar to Nordic gull.
  20. Northern Sami "From Proto-Samic *kollē."
    • However canonical they may be nowadays, 귀고리 (gwigori, "earring") and 귀걸이 (gwigeor-i, "eardrop") are ahistorical.
    • *귀골 (gwigol, literally "ear ring") may remind you of Latin cyclus ("cycle, circle").
  21. While very similar to 귀여골 (gwiyeogol), it may well refer you to Old English hweogol ("wheel") together with Korean 바회 (hvisbahoe, "sun's wheel" as a nickname).
  22. To 해무리 (haemuri, of North Korean), if not to 햇무리 (haesmuri, of South Korean).
  23. cf. 日の丸 (ひのまる, hi-no-maru, "Flag of Japan," literally, "sun's circle")
  24. Comparatives
  25. rising sun's rays
  26. See the figures on the right.
  27. sun's rays
  28. sun's nickname
  29. Wikt: 눈
    Etymology 1
    IPA: [nun]
    1. eye, cf.
    Etymology 2
    IPA: [nun]
    1. bud
    Etymology 3
    IPA: [nuːn]
    1. snow, cf.
    1. 포근하게 감싸 안기듯 편안하고 조용한 느낌이 있다.
    2. 따뜻하고 포근한 느낌이 있다.
  30. rarely used
  31. often used
  32. not used
  33. not used
  34. 사이 sayi 사기 sagi
  35. Different head/tail, eg. 롤 (rol), but 롤러 (rolle).
  36. Different head/tail, eg. 앙 (`ang).
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