< Iranian Nuclear Crisis Timeline
Iranian Nuclear Crisis Timeline

The Iranian Nuclear Crisis Timeline details the events that have led to the contemporary crisis surrounding the Iranian uranium enrichment program.


  • December 30: While in Cairo, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei's representative to the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, offers Irtanian help in developing Egyptian nuclear program under the International Atomic Energy Agency's guidelines and supervision. Source: n.a. "Iran Ready To Share Its Nuclear Technology With Egypt: Larijani." IRNA. December 31, 2007. News Report.
  • December 28: U.S. District Judge Henry H. Kennedy awards family of Siavash Bayani a default judgment of $466 million against the Iranian government for his torture and execution for espionage. The lawsuit named the Iranian republic, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the Revolutionary Guards Corps and several government and religious leaders, including former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Source: n.a. "Judge Orders Iran Pay $466 Million." Associated Press. January 3, 2008.
  • December 27: John Deady, New Hampshire state co-chair of Veterans for Rudy, identifies Muslims as the enemy.
  • December 24: Iranian parliament national security and foreign policy committee spokesperson Kazem Jalali announced that Iran was seeking bids for 19 1000 mg. nuclear power plants. The committee's chair, Alaeddin Boroujerdi held out the carrot to tempt the Russian horse: "Russia may have a better chance of participation in the construction of new nuclear power plants in Iran if it fulfills its obligations on time." Source: n.a. "Russia Could Build More NPPs in Iran - Iranian Lawmaker." RIA-Novosti. December 24, 2007. News Report
  • December 23: National Iranian Oil Company Deputy Director of International Affairs Mohammad Ali Khatibi announces that only 10% of oil transactions are now conducted in U.S. dollars: "Currently about 70 percent of Iran's crude oil exports earnings are in euros and 20 percent in yen. About 10 percent ... remains in dollars which is going to be replaced with other currencies." Source: n.a. "Iran Says Gets 90 Pct Of Oil Income In Euros, Yen." Reuters. December 23, 2007. News Report
  • December 23: U.S. State Department spokesperson David M. Satterfield credits the Iranian government with restraining the violence of Iraqi militias, saying that the decline in attacks, "has to be attributed to an Iranian policy decision." Source: Karen DeYoung. "Iran Cited In Iraq's Decline in Violence: Order From Tehran Reined In Militias, U.S. Official Says." Washington Post. December 23, 2007. News Report
  • December 21: Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani expresses dissatisfaction with Russian performance of its agreement to construct and provide fuel for the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Source: n.a. "Ex-President: Russian Comment on Moscow-Built Nuclear Plant Misleading." International Herald Tribune. December 21, 2007. News Report
  • December 21: U.S. Ambassador to the IAEA Gregory L. Schulte insists that Iran is a threat because it is a potential threat: "Iran’s leaders could choose to restart that program. There is no certainty the I.A.E.A. would know, particularly with the director general twice warning us that I.A.E.A. knowledge of Iran’s current activities is diminishing. That is a matter of grave concern. The technology that Iran is mastering today for enrichment — a capability not necessary for Iran to have a peaceful nuclear program — could be readily applied to building a bomb, should Iran’s leaders so decide." Source: n.a. "U.S. Envoy Says Iran Could Revive Halted Nuclear Arms Program." The New York Times. December 22, 2007. New Report. (What about the threat of Isreal's real rather than potential 300 nuclear warheads?)
  • December 21: Former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel (former senior adviser to Pres. George W. Bush) repeats threats he heard from Israeli hawks: ""Israel is not going to allow its nuclear monopoly to be threatened." Source: n.a. "Israel Will Attack Iran On Its Own." The Jerusalem Post. December 21, 2007. News Report
  • December 21: After failing to achievement agreement on stricter sanctions, U.S. Secretary of State Condolleeza Rice states that her government will, "continue, in the meantime, to step up the pressure behind our diplomacy." Source: Sue Pleming. "Rice Promises More U.S. Pressure On Iran in 2008." Reuters. December 21, 2007. News Report.
  • December 20: More evidence of weak leadership from U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The P5 plus Germany (United States Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) fail to reach agreement on new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. "I suspect that at some point this is going to have to go to ministers, as it always does. But we think that there's enough continuous forward movement, that it's good for the political officials to keep talking," she stated. Source: n.a. "Powers Fail To Reach Deal On Iran Sanctions." Agence France Presse. December 20, 2007. News Report
  • December 17: Russian Foreign Ministry announces that the first shipment of nuclear fuel to the Bushehr plant in Iran. "All fuel that will be delivered will be under the control and guarantees of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the whole time it stays on Iranian territory. Moreover, the Iranian side gave additional written guarantees that the fuel will be used only for the Bushehr nuclear power plant." Source: Jim Heintz. "Russia Makes 1st Nuke Shipment to Iran." Associated Press. December 17, 2007. My Way News.
  • December 17: U.S. Pres. George W. Bush uses the Russian fuel shipment to the Iranian Bushehr planet into another provocation against Iranian nationalist sentiment: "If the Russians are willing to do that, which I support, then the Iranians do not need to learn how to enrich. If the Iranians accept that uranium for a civilian nuclear power plant, then there’s no need for them to learn how to enrich." Source: Heleen Cooper. "Iran Receives Nuclear Fuel in Blow to U.S." The New York Times. December 18, 2007. News Report (By the same logic, the U.S. should give up on developing its new generation of space shuttles because the Russians can launch resupply missions to the I.S.S. cheaper.)
  • December 15: According to his spokesperson Mati Gil, Isreali Public Security Minister Avi Dichter claims that public revelation of the truth threatens Israel: "The American misconception concerning Iran's nuclear weapons is liable to lead to a regional Yom Kippur where Israel will be among the countries that are threatened. Something went wrong in the American blueprint for analyzing the severity of the Iranian nuclear threat. A misconception by the world's leading superpower is not just an internal American occurrence." Source: Laurie Copans. "Israel: US Report On Iran May Spark War." Associated Press. December 15, 2007. News Report
  • December 8: Iranian government ends oil transactions in U.S. dollars. Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari states, "At the moment selling oil in dollars has been completely halted, in line with the policy of selling crude in non-dollar currencies. The dollar is an unreliable currency, considering its devaluation and the oil exporters' losses." Source: n.a. "Oil Min: Iran Has Halted Oil Transactions In Dollars-AFP." The Wall Stret Journal. December 8, 2007. News Report (Baksheesh: Which of the Iranian regime's favorite currency traders were alerted to this ahead of the announcement?)
  • December 2: New National Intelligence Assessment (NIE) throws cold water on the claimed near term "threat" that Iran will acquire its first nuclear weapon. The consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies is that Iran is 10 years from acquiring its first nuclear weapon. Worse for the neo-conservatives trying to march America into another "preemptive war" (code for imperial conquest) the report says that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program back in 2003: "We assess with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program [and] that the halt lasted at least several years." Source: Dafna Linzer. "Iran Is Judged 10 Years From Nuclear Bomb." Washington Post. December 2, 2007. News Report


  • August 22: U.S. representative to the IAEA Gregory L. Schulte accuses Iranian government of "clearly trying to take the attention from its continued development of bomb-making capabilities...I don't think the (U.N.) Security Council will be distracted...We are continuing to move forward with other members of the Security Council on a third resolution...If Iran's leaders truly want the world's trust, they would ... start to cooperate fully and unconditionally and suspend activities of international concern...These activities are not necessary for peaceful purposes, but are necessary to build a bomb." Source: George Jahn. "U.S.: Iran Cooperation Insufficient." The Guardian. August 22, 2007. News Report. (Q: And what did Schulte have to say about Isreal's 200 nuclear weapons?)
  • August 22: Iranian Defense Ministry announces development of a 2000 lb. "smart bomb" named Qased or Messenger. Source: n.a. "Tehran Says It Has Designed a ‘Smart Bomb'." Reuters. August 22, 2007.
  • August 19: U.S. Major-General Rick Lynch offers the second Bush administration an excuse for war against Iran: The enemy is ramping up indirect fire attacks. The enemy is more aggressive. The great concern is about the Iranian munitions he is using...We have some members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps. They are facilitating training of Shi'ite extremists. In my battle space ... we think there are about 50 members." Source: Ross Colvin. "Iranian Agents Training Militias in Iraq: U.S. General." Reuters. August 19, 2007. News Report
  • August 18: Return to Bombastic Rhetoric. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad describes the Israeli "regime" as "the flag of Satan." He then throws in a threatengin sounding but vague prediction: "When the philosophy of the establishment and the continuation of this regime is not just, it is not unlikely that it is on the path of decline and disintegration." But you wouldn't guess it was vague from some of the headlines the story gets! Source: n.a. "Ahmadinejad: Israel Is 'Flag of Satan,' May Face Disintegration." Reuters and Ha'aretz. August 18, 2007. News Report.
  • August 16: U.S. Government offers to pay Israeli Government $30 billion in miltiary aid over a ten year period in return for Israeli permission to sell $20 billion in military goods to Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Gulf States. There is something in this deal for everyone but the American taxpayer and whoever is killed by the weaponry. Israel is allowed to spend 26.3% to buy weapons from itself! The rest of the money must be spent on purchases from U.S. vendors. According to U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns, "there is no question that, from an American point of view, the Middle East is a more dangerous region now even than it was 10 or 20 years ago, and that Israel is facing a growing threat." Source: Steven Erlanger. "U.S. and Israel Sign Military Aid Deal." August 16, 2007. News report (So rather than give Israel a reason to make peace with its neighbors the U.S. gives it an economic incentive to remain at war for another ten years! How corrupt would you have to be to see that as good foreign policy?)
  • August 15: The Washington Post and New York Times report that an anonymnous U.S. official has stated that the U.S. government will soon name the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization to punish Iran for its effort to acquire nuclear weapons and its support for clients in Iraq. Such a designation would be the first time the U.S. has ever placed the armed forces of any sovereign state on its list of terrorist organizations. According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Karim Sadjadpour the probable reason for the move was domestic, with the U.S. State Department acting in reponse to criticism by Vice President Dick Cheney for negotiating with Iran. Source: Sue Pleming. "U.S. May Soon Label Iran Guard "Terrorist." Washington Post. August 15, 2007. News Report
  • August 15: Iranian judicial spokesperson Ali Reza Jamshidi announces that two Chinese nationals were taken into custody for taking photos and recording videotape of a military complex in Arak city. Source: Fred Attewill & Agencies. "Iran Holds Two Chinese 'Spies'." The Guardian. August 15, 2007. News Report
  • August 15: Best friend to American protestant fundamentalist theocrats, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Guiliani writes in Foreign Affairs magazine that, "The theocrats ruling Iran need to understand that we can wield the stick as well as the carrot, by undermining popular support for their regime, damaging the Iranian economy, weakening Iran’s military, and, should all else fail, destroying its nuclear infrastructure." Source: By Katherine Q. Seelye. "In Magazine Article, Giuliani Details His Policy on Iran." The New York Times. August 15, 2007. News Report
  • August 8: Just a squabble over money or a serious falling out among tacit allies? An anonymous U.S. diplomat claims to have seen the secret evidence that its more than mere money. Iranian Speaker of the Parliament Gholam-Ali Hadad-Adel complains/threatens Russians about delays in completing the joint nuclear power plant in the southern Gulf port of Bushehr: The Bushehr project is symbol for Iran-Russia cooperation... a delay would have a negative impact in the minds of the Iranian government and nation." Source: n.a. "Iranian Speaker Warns Russia Over Further Delay In Nuclear Project." Deutsche Presse-Agentur. August 8, 2007. News Report. However an anonymous U.S. official sought to encourage division (or the appearance of division) by saying that it was more than a matter of payments: "I've seen some stuff that indicates that the delays in providing fuel are more than routine problems over the contract." Source: George Jahn. "Officials: Russia Ups Pressure on Iran." The Guardian. August 7, 2007. News Report.
  • August 6: In what may be the most ironic statement of the year, U.S. President George W. Bush described the leadership of the Iranian government as disappointing: "The people of Iran could be doing a lot better than they are today." He then went on to say that, "I believe it is in the interests of all of us that we have an Iran that tries to stabilize not destabilize, an Iran that gives up its weapons ambitions and therefore we are working to that end." Source: n.a. "Bush Calls Iranian Leadership "Big Disappointment." Reuters. August 6, 2007. News Report (Bush probably understands that he is a big diappointment to the American people, and even to his own political party.)
  • August 5: Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mohammad Ali Hosseini says there will be slow-down of uranium enrichment: "Iran's nuclear activities continue as planned and scheduled." He denies reports that Iran might accept a slowdown: "Those reports are false and the suspension (of uranium enrichment) is unacceptable. It is completely ruled out." n.a. "Iran Says Atomic Work Has Not Slowed Down." Reuters & Washington Post. August 5, 2007. News Report
  • August 5: Heritage Foundation fantasizes about a wider war in the Middle East by conducting a "simulated war game" in which the U.S. bombs the Iranian uranium enrichment infrastructure after Iran withdraws from the NPT and tests a nuclear device. Source: n.a. "Think Tank Envisions Impact of Military Strike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities." Midland Reporter-Telegram. July 5, 2007. News Report
  • August 5: Bangladeshi Minister of Power, Energy and Natural Resources Tapan Chowdhury meets with Iranian Ambassador Hasan Farazandeh to ask for Iranian assistance in constructing a nuclear power plant in Bangladesh. Source: n.a. "Bangladesh Seeks Iran's Cooperation in Nuclear Energy Sector." IRNA. August 5, 2007. News Report
  • August 3: In an speech to the Israel Electric Company's (IEC) Engineers Union Israeli Infrastructures Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer announces that his government plans to build a nuclear power plant in Shivta, in the Negev. Source: n.a. "Ben-Eliezer To Present Nuke Plant Plan." Jeruslaem Post. Augsut 3, 2007. News Report


  • July 30: The Jerusalem Post reports that unnamed Israeli government officials were investigating reports that Russia plans to sell 250 two-seat Sukhoi-30 fighters/bombers to Iran. Source: Yaakov Katz & Herb Keinon. "Reports: Iran to Buy Jets From Russia." Jerusalem Post. July 30, 2007. News Report.
  • July 29: In an decision said to be intended to counterbalanace Iran but certain to make money for U.S. arms producers the Bush administration announces $20 nillion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Nothing contributes toward achieving the pious wish for "Peace in trhe Middle East" like another $20 billion in weapons.
  • July 26: Speaking in Baku, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kislyak states that the Bushehr nuclear power plant will be late in starting operations because Iran was still late with its payments: "It will clearly not be possible to start-up the atomic station this year so it will be moved to the next year. We are fully determined to take Bushehr to its logical conclusion and launch the atomic power station." Source: Afet Mehtiyeva. "Russia Blames Late Payments For Iran Reactor Delay." Reuters. July 26, 2007. News Report (If Iranian elite nuclearism is just about power generation why can't they come up with the payments necesary to actually begin producing electricity from this nuclear power plant?)
  • July 26: Who put a politician could be proud of weasel words? In an interview with Le Figaro Shimon Peres responds to a question about Israeli nuclear weapons with: "I will confine myself to reaffirming the Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons to the region. In this connection, it was I who invented this formula, which I devised in the early 1960s, during a visit to the White House." Source: Marc Henry. "Shimon Peres: 'Sanctions on Iran Could Work'." July 26, 2007. News Report
  • July 26: Unnamed Israeli "diplomat" uses thuggish language to demand stronger economic sanctions from the "international community" (code for the United States): "There is an understanding that the game to get Iran to stop its development is a boxing match," one diplomatic official said Thursday. "Iran has not done badly; you don't see the laceration above the eye, or the bruised ribs, or the broken thumb. But [Iran would be dealt a knockout] if the international community would give them a strong blow to the head and the rib....The inclusion of Bank Sepah in the last round of sanctions (in December 2006), and the subsequent ramifications, has demonstrated that the inclusion of leading banks in the system can have an impact on the Iranian financial sector." Source: Herb Kaimon. "Israel Demands Damaging Iran Sanctions." Jerusalem Post. JUly 27, 2007. News Report
  • July 26: U.S. Treasury Department Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levy comments in telephone interview that sanctions against Iran can be effective: "We believe that there is a real potential that these sanctions will have the effect of changing the government of Iran's mind about the defiant policy it is currently pursuing." Source: n.a. "US Treasury's Levey Says Iran Sanctions Bearing Fruit." Agence France Presse. July 26, 2007. (Mammon is also an awesome diety!) New Report
  • July 26: Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki comments on the ineffectivensss of economic sanctions in an NPR interview: "In today's world, the instrument of sanctions is no longer effective." Source: n.a. "Iranian Minister Says Sanctions Are Ineffective." Reuters. July 26, 2007. News Report
  • July 26: Reuters reports a bid for Zionist votes from U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama in a letter to the Israel Project: "Allowing Iran, a radical theocracy that supports terrorism and openly threatens its neighbors, to acquire nuclear weapons is a risk we cannot take." Source: Carol Giacomo. "Candidates See Iran Nuclear Threat." Reuters. July 26, 2007. News Report
  • July 25: More of the same from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Iran will never abandon its peaceful (nuclear) work. Our nuclear work is legal and why should we stop it?...Let's say they issue resolution number 300...what will happen? It should be remembered that Iran is obtaining nuclear technology. They have to eventually accept that" Source: Parisa Hafezi & Zahra Hosseinian. "Iran Says It Will Never Stop Nuclear Activities." Reuters. July 25, 2007. News Report
  • July 25: When refusal to meet is an international sanction. U.S. State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack rejects higher level negotiations with the Iranian government: "We have an established channel with Ryan Crocker." Source: Paul Tait. "U.S. Cool to Iran Feelers on Iraq, Bombs Kill 50." Reuters Canada. July 25, 2007. News Report
  • July 24: U.S. diplomat Ryan Crocker met with Iranian diplomat Hassan Kazemi-Qomi in Baghdad for a second round of negotiations about the future of Iraq. Crocker complained about the failure to achieve results from the first round of negotations: "The two months since May have not exactly been encouraging. The fact is, and we made very clear in today's talk, that over the roughly two months we have actually seen militia-related activities that can be attributed to Iranian support go up and not down." Kazemi-Qomi olffered a quasi-positive assessment: "They (the Americans) acknowledged making mistakes and this is a step forward in itself and it's now up to the Americans to rectify their mistakes." Source: Haroon Siddique. "US 'Confronts' Iran As Talks Resume On Iraq." Guardian. July 24, 2007. News Report
  • July 18: Iranian state television broadcasts "In the Name of Democracy" documentary that includes the "confessions" of two American born Iranian academics in Iranian custody on charges of espionage, Haleh Esfandiari and Kian Tajbaksh. SourceL Robert Tait. "US Academics Admit Aiding Iran Democracy Drive." The Guardian. July 19, 2007.
  • July 18: US State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki confirm they plan to conduct a second round of talks on the future of Iraq. Source: Ewen MacAskill. "US and Iran Agree to Hold More Talks on Stabilising Iraq." The Guardian. July 19, 2007.
  • July 18: More rhetorical outbidding from the Isrealis. Speaking at the "Night to Honor Israel" second annual Christians United for Israel event in Washington, D.C. Israeli Ambassador to the United States Sallai Meridor states: "We must prevent this nightmare. The world must act and act now. All options are on the table, and no matter what, they will not be able to get a nuclear weapon." Fundamentalist protestant Texas Pastor John Hagee states: "It's 1938 all over again. Iran is Germany, Ahmadinejad is Hitler and he is talking about killing the Jews. The only way to prevent a nuclear war is to make certain it never starts." Source: Galit Greenfield. "Israel's Envoy to U.S.: Free World is Under Attack by Iran." Haaretz. July 19, 2007. News Report. (By "the world" Ambassador Sallai Meridor means "the United States" and by "act" he means that the United States should attack Iran to protect Isreal.)
  • July 16: Islamic High School Society in Iran releases Special Operations 85 computer game to encourage nuclear patriotism. Secretary General of the Islamic High School Society, Mohammad-Taqi Fakhrian, describes its purpose as ideological indoctrination: "'We chose computer games as the most popular appliance currently among kids to transfer (ideological) values such as sacrifice and martyrdom to our pupils while focusing on the nuclear issue." n.a. "Game Created to Encourage Iran's Youth to Support Nuclear Technology." Deutsche Presse-Agentur & Monsters & Critics. July 16, 2007. News Report
  • July 13: Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, former Iranian president acting as Tehran's substitute Friday prayer leader, complained and condemned: "The whole oppression against the Muslim nation of Iran originates from the US. They (the Americans) are receiving an appropriate response from the Almighty God in Iraq and Afghanistan. from the Almighty God in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a superpower the US is when it can be easily trapped in a small country like Iraq?" Source: n.a. "Rafsanjani: World Should Admire Iran's Nuclear Achievements." IRNA. July 13, 2007. News Report (Rather amazingly, Rafsanjani claims that he knows the mind of God with respect to current events! That must make submission to his will so much easier!)
  • July 12: Reporter for The Australian, one of the many newspapers and other news sources owned by Rupert Murdoch, reports that unnamed "analysts" in Isreal predict that Iran might construct its first nuclear warhead by mid-2009. What's more, a "last-resort option, a military strike, could significantly set back Iran's efforts despite the extensive safeguarding of nuclear facilities it has done..." Source: Abraham Rabinovich. "Iran Nuclear Armed In Two Years: Israel." The Australian, July 12, 2007. News Report
  • July 12: German prosecution office in Potsdam are reportedly investigating illegal nuclear exports by 12 German firms to Iran valued at 150 million euros. Source: n.a. "Germany Expands Inquiry into Iran Nuclear Exports." Deutsche-Welle, DW-World.DE. July 12, 2007. New Report
  • July 10: U.S Navy is now planning to have only one aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for part of 2007. The USS John C. Stennis and USS Nimitz are scheduled to leave the Gulf and be replaced by only the USS Enterprise. The USS Harry S. Truman is not scheuled to arrive until the Fall. Source: Pauline Jelenik. Associated Press. July 10, 2007. News Report.
  • July 9: The new British Foreign Secretary David Miliband answers a question about sanctiosns in a in a Finacial Times interview: "Iran has every right to be a secure, rich country. It doesn’t have the right to set off a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, and it doesn’t have the right to undermine the stability of its neighbours. And that’s why I think the E3 plus three approach, and you can choose your own metaphor, but it makes a very clear offer to the Iranians with big gains for them, as well as having sanctions if they defy the international community." Source: James Blitz, Daniel Dombey and Philip Stephens. "Interview Transcript: David Miliband." Financial Times. July 9, 2007. News Report
  • July 7: Comparing Russia, Iran, (North) Korea and China U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sees Iran as the most dangerous, describing it as: "a country that is increasingly dangerous. Its support of terrorism around the world in places like--supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon, supporting very radical elements of Hamas in the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian territories, what Iran is doing in the south of Iraq, where it is supporting and arming militias that are then threatening our force presence in Iraq. If you look at Iran's pursuit of the technologies that would lead to a nuclear weapon despite Chapter 7, the most serious Security Council resolution you can have--two Chapter 7 resolutions against Iran -- they continue to pursue these policies, not to mention the crackdown on their own population that has caught up some Iranian Americans, one woman who was just going home to visit her elderly mother. So this is a very dangerous state with very dangerous policies. And we need the help and support and intense efforts of the international community to deal with Iran." She also perceives a world "desperately" looking for American leadership to solve its problems: "Everywhere that I go in the world, people desperately look to American leadership in all of the world's most difficult problems, whether in nonproliferation, in terms of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, efforts at poverty alleviation, efforts at leading the fight in--against AIDS and malaria, as this President has been doing, leading the effort for democracy for those who've been denied it, helping to support those who are seeking democracy." Source: "Interview With Maria Bartiromo on CNBC's Closing Bell." July 6, 2007. U.S. Department of State Transcript
  • July 6: Tehran Provisional Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami-Kashani claims: "The Islamic Republic of Iran would never retreat from demanding its absolute nuclear right, because the nuclear issue is a national project...How can an Iranian ever abandon the technology that is among the pillars of the country's scientific advancement, prestigious entity, and Islamic civilization." Source: n.a. "Nuclear Energy a Part of Our Islamic, Iranian Culture-Kashani." IRNA. July 6, 2007. News Report
  • July 5: Chicago Tribune thumps the tub for nuclear war: "They must know, without a doubt, that an Iranian-inspired nuclear blast in an American city, even if delivered by affiliated terrorists, would bring swift and sure annihilation of Tehran and other Iranian cities." Source: n.a. "Editorial: Nuclear Juggernaut." Chicago Tribune. July 5, 2007.
  • July 2: Second and last day of the Lobster Summit produces no breakthroughs.
  • July 1: First day of the Lobster Summit in Kennebunkport, Maine between U.S. President George W. Bush (chaperoned by his father George H.W. Bush) and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Observers expect the negotiations to include the Russian proposal that the U.S. accept the use of existing Soviet era radar facilities in Azerbaijan rather than construct new radar facilities in the Czech Republic and Poland for use, it is claimed, in an as yet non-existent ABM system against the threat of as yet non-existent nuclear armed ballistic missiles from Iran.


  • June 30: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei joins other Iranian political elites in defending fuel rationing: "Gasoline (rationing) is among issues that the government decided and implemented brave. If this huge amount (spent on imported gasoline) is gradually reduced, definitely it will be spent on people's lives, employment, investment, construction of schools and roads." Source: Ali Akbar Dareini. "Iranian Leaders Defend Fuel Rationing." Guardian. July 1, 2007. News Report.
  • June 29: Representatives of the permanent five plus Germany offer their Iranian counterparts a "time out," postponing new sanctions if Iran stops expanding uranium enrichment, in a proposal drafted by the British and delivered by European Union "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana. The Iranians fail to accept the proposal. Source: George Jahn. "Powers Offering Iran Nuclear 'Time Out'." Guardian. June 29, 2007. News Source
  • June 29: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrives in Tehran on his thrird official visit to Iran, after visiting Russia and Belarus. According to Chavez: "Cooperation of independent countries such as Iran and Venezuela has an effective role in defeating the policies of imperialism and saving nations." According to Ahmadinejad: The pillars of the global arrogance have become shaky and victory (can) be achieved with resistance and standing firm." Source: n.a. "Iran and Venezuela Discuss "Defeating Imperialism'." Reuters. June 1, 2007. News Report
  • June 26: Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Ahari Mostafavi rejects the possibility of a suspension of uranium enrichment: "There is no reason for suspension. Suspension is impossible. Iran will pursue ways leading to build more confidence and is ready to hold talks." Source: n.a. "Tripartite Iran-US-Iraq Talks To Be Discussed: Mostafavi." IRNA, June 26, 2007.
  • June 24: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice rejects "chatter" about accepting less than a full freeze on Iranian uranium enrichment: "I don't know what partial suspension means. I don't know what partial suspension would look like, and it doesn't seem to me to be a very wise course." Source: Anne Gearan. "Rice Rejects Lowering Bar for Iran Talks." Guardian. June 24, 2007. (So why does Rice suffer from this concept blindness?)
  • June 24: Double standards on display. Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Gholamali Haddadadel complained by the British decision to award Salman Rushdie a knighthood: "The latest act of the British government was shameless and imprudent and can not be interpreted to anything but blind hostility and absolute brainlessness. The Muslims of the world will not leave this imprudent and shameless act without response." Source: n.a. "Iran Parliament Speaker Says Rushdie Honour 'shameless.'" Reuters. June 24, 2007. (So an Iranian governemnt that inists it has the "right" to develop nuclear facilities without international controls also inists on the right to interfere in the internal afairs of Britain involving the awarding of knighthoods?)
  • June 23: European Union "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana meets with Iranian Chief Nulcear Negoiator Ali Larijani in Lisbon. Larijani offers vague warning after the meeting: "If some adventure-seeking countries want to interrupt the process of diplomacy, this may have some effects." Source: n.a. "Solana Says Talks With Iran Envoy Constructive." Reuters. June 23, 2007. News Report
  • June 20: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tells reporters: "We do not see any kind of threat from Iran. Thus, we do not understand why in order to justify the installation of a US anti-ballistic missile system in Europe you have to bring up the pretext of a genuine Iranian threat." Source: n.a. "Iran Poses No Missile Threat, Russia Tells US." Agence France Presse. June 21, 2007. News Report
  • June 17: Speaking at a military pork barrel rally supporting Pratt & Whitney's competition for a military contract, Joe Lieberman beat the drum for war against Iran again: "If we don't figure out first through diplomacy and, if necessary, through limited military action how to stop the Iranians from killing Americans and our Arab allies today it's going to be impossible for us to do what everybody in both parties and all ideologies say we have to do tomorrow, which is to stop them from getting nuclear weapons. Iran has effectively begun to carry out military action against American soldiers and a lot of our allies in the Arab world and if we just sit back they're going to continue to move forward. They're going to take it as a sign of weakness." Source: Stephen Singer. "Lieberman Repeats Calls For Military Action In Iran." The Day. June 16, 2007. New Report.
  • June 15: The New York Times reports that second Bush administration is divided over its Iranian policy, with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's faction battling the even more bellicose faction of Vice President Dick Cheney. Source: Hellene Cooper and David Sanger. "Iran Strategy Stirs Debate at White House." The New York Times. June 15, 2007. News Report
  • June 15: Speaking as the substitute Friday prayer leader at Tehran University Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani sounds more reasonable than Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but the rhetoric is still "rights": "The only right path is prudent and fair negotiations and refrain from hegemonism. Unfortunately, you can't see the needed fairness on the other side. The Islamic Republic of Iran has demanded nothing more that its international and inalienable rights. We are still hopeful that these aggressive, bullying and hegemonic powers see sense and do not trigger a situation in this strategically important part of the world which causes trouble later on for everybody. They shouldn't resort to complicated and oppressive ways which would be of no benefit to them whatsoever." Source: n.a. "Rafsanjani Urges West to Act Wisely on Iran's Nuclear Issue." Payvand. June 15, 2007. News Report
  • June 14: IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei describes using military force against Iran as, "an act of madness...(that) would not resolve the issue." He then urged the Iranian government to adopt a unilateral moratorirum. Source: George Jahn. "IAEA Head: Iran Attack 'Act of Madness'." Guardian. June 14, 2007. News Report
  • June 13: Speaking in Semnan, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismisses criticism of his government's nuclear program: "This nation will punch its intimidators in the mouth. You — the West — must know that for Iran your resolutions are not worth the smallest thing." Source: n.a. "Iran's Ahmadinejad Warns West Over Threat of New Sanctions Over Its Nuclear Program." International Herald Tribune. June 13, 2007. News Report
  • June 12: IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei warns that the Iranian nuclear crisis was a "brewing confrontation" that "urgently needs to be defused." Source: David E. Sanger. "ElBaradei Warns of 'Brewing Confrontation' Between U.S. and Iran." The International Herald Tribune. June 12, 2007. News Report
  • June 11: In Vienna, senior Iranian envoy Javeed Vaidi cancells meeting with IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei. Source: George Jahn. "Iran Envoy's Meeting With IAEA Canceled." Guardian Unlimited. June 11, 2007. News Report
  • June 10: Independent Democrat U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, an opponent of the War in Vietnam, demands that the U.S. bomb Iran: I think we've got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq. And to me, that would include a strike over the border into Iran, where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers." Source: n.a. "Lieberman: U.S. Should Weigh Iran Attack." The Washington Post. June 10, 2007. News Report
  • June 10: Iranian Admiral Ali Shamkhani rattles the Persian Gulf oil price/choke point sabre by telling Defense News that not only U.S. military bases but also oil refineries and power stations could be targets for a retaliatory Iranian ballistic missile attack. Source: Michael Smith. "Iran Threatens Gulf Blitz If US Hits Nuclear Plants." The Times. June 10, 2007. News Report
  • June 9: Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz rattles the U.S./Israeli air strike sabre on Israel Radio: "The strategy shared by the U.S. and Israel has three elements. One is a united international front against the Iranian nuclear program. Secondly, at this time, sanctions are the best way to act against the aspirations of Iran." The third element is "a very, very clear signal and a clear statement that all options are on the table. I never said there is no military option, and the military option is included in all the options that are on the table, but at this time it's right to use the path of sanctions, and to intensify them." Source: n.a. "Military Option on Table Concerning Iran." Reuters. June 9, 2007. News Report
  • Israeli Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz demands: "Sanctions must be strong enough to bring about change in the Iranians by the end of 2007." Source: Hilary Leila Krieger. "Mofaz Warns Sanctions On Iran Must Bite by Year's End." The Jerusalem Post. June 7, 2007. News Report
  • June 5: At the Republican Presidential Candidates Debate in New Hampshire, Wolf Blitzer asked Duncan Hunter the following question: "If it came down to a preemptive U.S. strike against Iran's nuclear facility if necessary, would you authorize as president the use of tactical nuclear weapons?" Hunter responded as follows: "I would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons if there was no other way to preempt those particular centrifuges." Transcript Nearly all of the other candidates at the debate agreed that they might order a nuclear attack on Iran.
  • June 5: Speaking at Czernin Palace in Prague, U.S. President George W. Bush recommits to the neo-conservative goal of spreading democracy and condemns the Iranian government in moralistic terms: "The Iranians are a great people who deserve to chart their own future, but they are denied their liberty by a handful of extremists whose pursuit of nuclear weapons prevents their country from taking its rightful place amongst the thriving." Source: White House Speech Writiers. "President Bush Visits Prague, Czech Republic, Discusses Freedom." The White House. June 5, 2007. News Source
  • June 3: Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini states: "``If reviewing of Iran's nuclear issue returns to the agency, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to reach an agreement over settling a few remaining problems with the agency in the short term."


May 31, 2007

  • U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice claims to speak for the "international community" against Iran: "I think it's time for Iran to change its tactics...The international community is united on what Iran should do, which is to suspend; to demonstrate that it is in fact not seeking a nuclear weapon under cover of civilian nuclear power." Source: Anne Gearan. "Rice Holds Line on Iran Nuclear Program." The Washington Post. May 31, 2007. News Source

May 30, 2007

  • Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani rejects suspending uranium enrichment: "Suspension is not a solution to Iran's nuclear issue...Iran cannot accept suspension. We have no conditions and we are ready for constructive talks but we will not accept any preconditions. We are ready to remove concerns over Iran's atomic issue." Source: n.a. "Iran refuses to suspend nuclear program-Larijani." RIA Novosti. May 30, 2007. News Source.
  • U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says that the IAEA is not the right body to represent the international community in negotiations with Iran: "The IAEA is not an agency that is in negotiation with the Iranians. I just think it's appropriate for those six states to determine what the diplomatic course ought to be." Source: Anne Geagan. "Rice: World Should Not Soften on Iran." Guardian Unlimited. May 30, 2007. News Source.

May 28, 2007

  • U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi-Qomi negotiate for four hours, primarily about security in Iraq. Source: Ross Corwin. "U.S. Tells Iran To Stop Backing Iraq Militias." Reuters. May 28, 2007. News Source. Note the biased title of this article. The title "Iran Tells U.S. to End Its Occupation" would have made as much sense in describing the meeting. For some reason reporter Corwin only got or used quotes from the American side.

May 26, 2007

  • Sounding defensive, the Iranian intelligence agency issues statement broadcast on state-run television claiming that it roled up foreign spy networks and promised more information in the futurte: "These spy networks were operating under the guidance of the occupiers' intelligence services and with the support of some influential Iraqi groups and factions...The detailed news will be announced in the next few days." Source: n.a. "Iran Uncovers U.S. Spy Networks." Aljazeera.com. May 27, 2007. News Source.

May 24, 2007

  • IAEA Director Mohamed ElBaradei predicts that Iran could produce a nuclear weapon in 3-8 years: ""I tend, based on our analysis, to agree with people like John Negroponte and the new director of the CIA, who are saying that even if Iran wanted to go for a nuclear weapon, it would not be before the end of this decade or sometime in the middle of the next decade. In other words three to eight years from now. Iran needs to suspend its enrichment activities as a confidence-building measure but the international community should do its utmost to engage Iran in comprehensive dialogue." Source: Mark John. "Iran Probably 3-8 Years Off Nuclear Bomb: IAEA." Reuters. May 24, 2007. News Source

May 23, 2007

  • CBC reports conclusions from an IAEA report that Iran is preventing it from monitoring Iranian nuclear activities. The report reads: "Iran has not suspended its enrichment related activities. It should be noted that because the agency has not been receiving, for over a year, information that Iran used to provide, including under the Additional Protocol, the agency's level of knowledge of certain aspects of Iran's nuclear related activities has deteriorated." Source: n.a. "Iran Still Ignoring Warnings From UN, Nuclear Agency Says." CBC.ca May 23, 2007. News Report
  • Gunboat diplomacy. Nine U.S. Navy warships, including the USS John C. Stennis, USS Nimitz, and the USS Bonhomme Richard enter the Persian Gulf in preparation for a "showing the flag" exercise that begins on May 24. U.S. navy spokesperson refuses to answer the question whether warships were equipped with nuclear arms. Source: Mohammed Abbas. "U.S. Navy Begins War Games On Iran's Doorstep." Reuters. May 24, 2007. News Source

May 22, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visits Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko and they pledge to act jointly to counter attempts to exert pressure by the OECD countries. Source: Andrei Makhovsky. "Iran, Belarus To Stand Together Against Critics." Reuters. May 22, 2007.

May 19, 2007

  • At the World Economic Forum Mohammed J.A. Larijani, Director of Iran's Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, descibes the sanctions against Iran as "unjust, unfair and illegal" and comments: "The Western countries, with this prejudice they have, they are not going to give any reactor to any country in the area...The brothers in the Gulf should point to the Americans that the area does not have the capability or the ability to tolerate another military adventure." Source: n.a. "Iran seeks Arab support for nuclear program." Associated Press and International Herald Tribune. May 20, 2007. News Report

May 18, 2007

  • Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz thinks that states have a "right" to develop dangerous technology: "Negotiation is the only way to settle Iran's nuclear issue. Imposing force on Iran's nuclear dossier will bring disastrous consequences. Pakistan believes using nuclear energy peacefully is the right of all countries." Source: n.a. "Pakistan PM: Negotiation The Only Way To Settle Iran's Nuclear Issue." IRNA. May 18, 2007 News Source (Doesn't claiming that a state has rights make an idol of the nation-state?)

May 15, 2007

  • David Albright, Director of the Institute for Science and International Security, estimates that Iran will not have enough enrtiched uranium for a single nuclear weapon until 2009 at the earliest: "Iran's been making slow but steady progress. We think Iran has been moving faster than (the U.S. government) has anticipated." Source: William J. Kole. "Iran Nuclear Progress 'Slow but Steady'." The Guardian. May 16, 2007. News Report

May 14, 2007

  • More bluster from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who threatens "severe" retaliation against any U.S. attack: "They realize that if they make such a mistake the retaliation of Iran would be severe and they will repent. All people know they cannot strike us. Iran is capable of defending itself. It is a strong country." Source: Diala Saadeh. "Iran Vows "severe" Response If U.S. Attacks." Reuters. May 14, 2007. News Source
  • While on a visit across the Persian Gulf to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for U.S. troops to leave their bases in the Gulf and defended Iranian nuclear development: "The superpowers cannot prevent us from owning this. If they want to strike us militarily, I say their use of these practices will be gone forever. The Iranian people can protect themselves and retaliate." Source: Jim Krane. "Iranian Leader Works to End US-Gulf Ties." The Guardian. May 15, 2007.
  • IAEA Inspectors find 1300 centrifuges running smoothly at the Natanz plant. IAEA Director Mohamed ElBaradei concludes: "We believe they pretty much have the knowledge about how to enrich. From now on, it is simply a question of perfecting that knowledge. People will not like to hear it, but that’s a fact." Source: David E. Sanger. "Inspectors Cite Big Gain by Iran on Nuclear Fuel." The New York Times. May 14, 2007. News Source

May 11, 2007

  • U.S. Vice President Richard B. "Dick" Cheney taunts the Iranians rhetorically: "We'll stand with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating this region." Source: n.a. "Cheney Vows Iran Will Not Get Nuclear Weapons." Breitbart. May 11, 2007. News Report. (Apparently only the Americans, British and Israelis are allowed to possess nuclear weapons and dominate the region.)

May 9, 2007

  • Hossein Mousavian is released by Iranian authorities on a $225,000 bail. Government spokesperson Gholam Hossein Elham offered almost effectively no information when he stated that the arrest on April 30, "was not necessarily related to the nuclear issue." Source: Nasser Karimi. "Iran Releases Former Nuclear Negotiator." The Guardian. May 10, 2007. News Report
  • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad-Ali Hosseini asserts that his country's nuclear program is completely peaceful and that there is no reason for concern: "The Islamic Republic of Iran's activities in peaceful use of nuclear energy has always been confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the international community and the Agency's reports testify that there is no room for concern over Iran's nuclear activities." Source: n.a. "Spokesman: Iran's Nuclear Program is Peaceful." IRNA. May 9. 2007 News Report. (Then why all the secrecy about the program?)

May 7, 2007

  • Diplomatic Conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in Vienna remains "stalled" by Iranian opoosition to language in the text.

May 5, 2007

  • Fars News Agency reports that former Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Hossein Mousavian had been jailed on charges of espionage. Source: Frances Harrison "Iran's Nuclear Negotiator 'Spied'." BBC News. May 5, 2007. News Report

May 4, 2007

  • Republican Presidential candidates former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Senator John McCain engage in rhetorical out-bidding on Iran. Giuliani claimed that attacking Iran would be "very dangerous" but that allowing nuclear arms "in the hands of an irrational person" like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be worse. McCain said that attacking Iran would be a last resort if it went nuclear but that "our intelligence tells us that this is a real threat to the state of Israel, to other states in the region." Source: Tony Czuczka. "Republican Hopefuls Blast Iran, Reject Iraq Pullout." Monsters and Critics. May 4m 2007. News Report (So why didn't McCain name the "other countries in the region?" No votes to be had from mentioning Arab countries? Or was it because Iran poses an even less plausible threat to them than it does to Israel?)

May 3, 2007

  • More of the same nationalist rhetoric from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Today, Iranians are prepared to take a leap forward, but the enemies, ill-wishers and colonial powers are against the progress, development and welfare of our nation. Given the presence of colonial forces in Iran over the past 150 years and their continued antagonism and aggressions on our country after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, they have been targeting our independence. Given their failure to materialize their goals, they seek to prevent the progress of Iranian nation by launching psychological war. They presume that by imposing economic sanctions against Iran as well as misusing the United Nations, they can disrupt the progress of Iranian nation...Our enemies oppose what they call production of nuclear weapons and bombs, whereas, they themselves are producers and exporters of various types of such arms and use them against world nations. Today our nation is united and willing to hold talks based on reason and within the framework of law. Iranians are against aggression, bullying and extremism. However the enemies should be aware that the nation will not even give up an iota of its rights." Source: n.a. "President: Iran Never Gives Up Inalienable Right." IRNA. May 3, 2007.

May 1, 2007

  • Former chief Iranian nuclear negotiator Hossein Mousavian, who served before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president of Iran, is arrested by 8 security officers (spy hunters?). Source: n.a. "Iran Nuclear Official 'Detained'." BBC. May 2, 2007. News Report
  • Iranian diplomat (un-named in news reports for some reason) to the Vienna nuclear non-proliferation conference opposes text that would re-state need for treaty members to fully comply with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).
  • U.S. State Department once again designates Iran as the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. Also named among the designated ideological enemy states are Cuba, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. Once again NOT named is Pakistan, a sometimes close U.S. ally that the Indian government accuses of sponsoring terrorism in Indian Kashmir. See 2006 State Sponsors of Terrorism


April 27, 2007

  • EU "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana urges the U.S. to engage Iran in direct negotiations concernign the latter's nuclear program and the Middle East. Source: Robert Weilaard. "Top EU Official Urges U.S.-Iran Talks." The Guardian. April 28. 2007.

April 26, 2007

  • Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani comments after meeting with EU "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana and Turkish Foreign Minister Abdulla Gul: "In some areas we are approaching a united view. We are aiming to reach out for a common paradigm." Source: n.a. "Iranian Negotiator Reports Progress in Talks With EU About Enrichment." International Herald Tribune. April 26, 2007. News Report

April 24, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini commented that EU "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana had set no preconditions for Iranian-EU negotiations on the Iranian uranium-enrichment program. Source: n.a. "No Condition for Iran-EU Nuclear Talks-Spokesman." IRNA. April 24, 2007. News Source

April 23, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad offers to deak directly with U.S. President George W. Bush: "Last year, I announced readiness for a televised debate over global issues with his excellency Mr. Bush. And now we announce that I am ready to negotiate with him about bilateral issues as well as regional and international issues." Source: Nasser Karimi. "Iran's Leader Proposes Talks With Bush." The Guardian. April 23, 2007.

April 22, 2007

  • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sounds reasonable on Isreal Radio: "I believe the international efforts will achieve the goals. There is no need to get caught up in any apocalyptic prophecies that have no basis in reality. Iran is far from crossing the nuclear threshold ... Unfortunately, it is not as far as I would like it to be but it is also not as close as it proclaims to be." Source: Aron Heller. "Olmert: Iran's Nukes Can Be Stopped." The Guardian. April 22, 2007. News Report

April 20, 2007

  • IRNA quotes President of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization Gholamreza Aghazadeh as saying that Iranian enriched uranium fuel autonomy is years away: "Installation of centrifuges continues and each month inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), when they come to Tehran, will see important changes. We have reached the industrial stage, but we need several years to create an industrial unit capable of producing fuel for our power stations. We must install 50,000 centrifuges to be able to provide the fuel for two nuclear stations." Source: n.a. "Iran Needs Several Years to Make Nuclear Fuel-Iran Atomic Energy Agency Head." Forbes.com. Aptil 20, 2007. News Report.
  • Iranian Vice President Gholam Reza Aghazadeh urges that the West to help build nuclear power plants across Iran. Source: Ali Akbar Dareini. "Iran: West Should Build Nuclear Plants." Associated Press. April 21, 2007. News Report

April 19, 2007

  • Triumph of the Resolve? In a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Isreali PM Ehud Olmert, Isreali Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni comments on will: "The free world is tested by the countries under threat from Iran, especially its Arab and Muslim neighbors. Every hesitation is interpreted as weakness and is liable to lead to an effort to appease Iran. Only the world's resolve can preserve the 'moderate camp.'" Source: n.a. "Gates Placates Israel on US's Planned Arms Sale to Saudis." The Jerusalem Post. April 19, 2007. News Report

April 18, 2007

  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates holds discussions with Isreali Defense Minister Amir Peretz and offers positive comment about diplomacy: "We agreed it was important to deal with the Iranian nuclear problem through diplomacy, which appears to be working." Source: Yaakov Katz. "Gates: Diplomacy Toward Iran Effective." The Jerusalem Post. April 18, 2007, News Report.

April 16, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad-Ali Hosseini remarks that Iran and Egypt were the first countries to advocate creating a nuclear weapons free Middle East. Source: n.a. "Spokesman: A Middle East free from nuclear weapons first proposed by Iran, Egypt." IRNA. April 16, 2007. News Report

April 15, 2007

  • Baztab reports that Deputy Chief of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh announced that his governemnt would be takign bids for the purchase of two $1.7 billion nulcear plants. U.S. firms woulod be free to bid. Source: Ramin Mostaghim and Louise Roug. "Iran Aims to Build 2 Nuclear Plants." Los Angeles Times and Seattle Times. April 16, 2007. News Source

April 13, 2007

  • Iranian Ambassador to Spain Davoud Salehi reiterates the claim that Iran has the "right" under the NPT to develop peaceful nuclear power. "Uranium enrichment is conducted in Iran just for peaceful objectives to generate electricity...As a signatory to the NPT, Iran has so far fulfilled all its commitments and duties. It, however, demands the rights stipulated in the treaty for it." Source: n.a. "Iran Stresses Its Nuclear Rights As An NPT Member, Says Envoy." IRNA. April 14, 2007. News Report (But is it cover for a nuclear weapons program as was the case in India and Pakistan?)

April 12, 2007

  • Speaking in Riyadh, IAEA Director Mohammed ElBaradei offered a more realistic assessment of the Iranian nuclear weapons potential: "Iran is still just at the beginning stages in setting up its Natanz enrichment facility. The talk of building a facility with 50,000 centrifuges is just at the beginning, and it is (currently) only in the hundreds...It has not been demonstrated until now that there are underground nuclear facilities in Iran working covertly, and Iran doesn't have the material that can be used to make a nuclear weapon." Source: Donna Abu-Nasr. "UN Nuke Chief: Iran's Program Limited." Associated Press. April 12, 2007. News Report

April 11, 2007

  • U.S. State Department Undersecretary for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns asserts that war with Iran was neither "inevitable or desirable" and that Tehran was susceptible to international pressure. Source: Jay Lindsay. "Burns: Diplomacy Will Work With Iran, Over Time." Associated Press and Boston.com. April 11, 2007. News Report

April 10, 2007

  • South Africa's Minister of Intelligence Ronnie Kasrils expressed his government's support for the Islamic Republic's legal right to advance its peaceful nuclear program. Source: n.a. "S.Africa Praises Iran Nuclear Program." Press TV. March 11, 2007. News Report

April 9, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces that Iran was now capable of enriching nuclear fuel "on an industrial scale." Source: Nazila Fathi & Christine Hauser. "Iran’s President Sees Progress in Nuclear Program." The New York Times. April 9, 2007. News Report
  • White House National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson Gordon Johndroe states: ""We are very concerned about Iran's announcement that they entered an industrial stage of nuclear fuel production. Iran continues to defy the international community and further isolate itself by expanding its nuclear program, rather than suspending uranium enrichment." Source: n.a. "W.House 'Very Concerned' on Iran Nuclear Statement." Reuters. April 9, 2007. News Report

April 8, 2007

  • Logic has different national perspectives? Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad Ali Hosseini seems to think so: "The [uranium] enrichment suspension contradicts the provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. We have repeatedly stated that a moratorium [on uranium enrichment] is not logical from Iran's viewpoint." Source: n.a. "Iran Will Continue Uranium Enrichment-Official." RIA Novosti. April 8, 2007. News Report (What a brilliant scientific advance the Iranians have made in determining that logic is not universal but varies parochially!)

April 7, 2007

  • Iranian Ambassador to Britain Rasoul Movahedian demonstrates lack of subtlety in diplomacy: "Now it is up to the British government to proceed in a positive way. We will welcome in general any steps that could defuse tensions in the region." Source: Jill Lawless. "Iranian: U.K. Can Help Mend Relations." Associated Press & The Guardian. April 8, 2007. News Report.

April 6, 2007

  • British and American news media scramble to assist British government public relations effort to undo any damage done by the confessions given by the 15 British military personnel now freed from Iranian custody. CNN refers to them as "detainees" and Fox News described them as having been "detained." Drawing too explicit a parallel to the POWs at Guantanamo Bay poses obvious rhetorical risks.
  • Brent price reaches $70 a barrel because of rumors of a U.S. airstrike in Iran.

April 5, 2007

  • Released 15 British miltiary prisoners of the Iranian government arrive in Britain. British Prime Minister Tony Blair insists that there was no negotiation for their release. Syrian officials that they play a role in the release. Source: n.a. "British Sailors and Marines Held Captive in Iran Arrive in London." Associated Press. April 5, 2007.
  • British authorities announce that 4 British military personnel and their Kuwaiti interpreter have been killed in Basra, Iraq.
  • British Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, Defence Select Committee, complains that the focus on the the 15 British military personnel in Iranian custody divert attention from the Iranian nuclear program: "We have had a huge setback. We should have spent the last few weeks discussing the UN sanctions that were applied two weeks ago--funnily enough at the same time as these servicemen were captured." Source: n.a. "'No deal done with Iran'--Blair." BBC News. April 5, 2007. News Report
  • U.S. State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack states that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is open to negotiations with Iran at the ministerial: "We will not exclude any particular diplomatic interaction. There was one at the envoys level...and the same would hold true for the secretary." Source: n.a. "Rice Open to Bilateral Talks With Iran at Iraq Neighbors Meeting." Reuters. April 5, 2007.

April 4, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces that 15 British military prisoners will be released the following day. Ahmadinejad postures as a benign leader for the television cameras. Most news sources in the U.S. stop referring to them as "hostages" and begin referring to them as "captives."

April 3, 2007

  • During a televised press conference U.S. Pres. George W. Bush claims that the Iranian nuclear issue is the "cornerstone" of U.S. policy towards Iran. By implication control over the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf and the U.S. quagmire in next door Shi'a majority Iraq are not as important.
  • British Prime Minister Tony Blair comments on the British military prisoners held by the Iranian government: "The next 48 hours will be fairly critical." British tabloids hysterical with war fever. Consider the title of the news report in this Source: n.a. "Blair: We've 48 Hours to Save Sailors." This Island London. April 3, 2007. News Report

April 2, 2007

  • ABC News reports an intelligence estimate that Iran could produce a nuclear warhead by 2009. Brian Ross and Christopher Isham. "Exclusive: Iran Nuclear Bomb Could Be Possible by 2009." ABC News. April 2, 2007. The report is pooh-poohed as patently bogus by Sean-Paul Kelley. Note that the claim later disappears. Will Brian Ross and Christopher Isham retract it?
  • Iranian state radio reports that all 15 of Iran's British miltiary prisoners held captive by Iran have confessed to illegally entering Iranian waters. Source: Naser Karimi. "Iranian radio Reports "Positive Changes." Associated Press. April 2, 2007. News Report

April 1, 2007

  • RIA Novosti quotes Russian official asserting that, "Russian intelligence has information that the US Armed Forces stationed in the Persian Gulf have nearly completed preparations for a missile strike against Iranian territory." Source: n.a. "US Ready to Strike Iran on Good Friday'." Jerusalem Post. April 1, 2007. Jerusalem Post Article
  • Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin claims that Iran, Syria and Hizbullah are preparing for a possible military confrontation with the United States this summer: "Their preparation is defensive ahead of war … They fear a war initiated by the Americans because they understand that there might be an attack against Iran over the summer, but not by Israel." Source: Ronny Sofer. "IDF intelligence: Iran, Hizbullah Preparing for Possible US Strike." YNet.News.com. April 1, 2007. News Report (This isn't even creative.)


March 31, 2007

  • Q: Would Bush miss a chance to posture as tough guy? A: Not if it would change the subject in Washington. "Iran must give back the hostages," demands domestically embattled U.S. Pres. George W. Bush. "They're innocent, they did nothing wrong, and they were summarily plucked out of waters." Source: Deb Reichmann. "Bush Calls for Iran to Free U.K. Sailors." Associated Press. March 31, 2007. News Report
  • Gordon Prather argues that Any Casus Belli Will Do for a U.S. attack on Iran.

March 30, 2007

  • British Prime Minister Tony Blair comments on Iranian state television's broadcast of a second confession by a British military prisoner: "I really don't know why the Iranian regime keep doing this. All it does is enhances people's sense of disgust. It doesn't fool anyone." Source: Robin Stringer & Caroline Alexander. "Iran Airs Briton's `Confession', Wants `Guarantee' (Update2)." Bloomberg. March 30, 2007. News Report
  • Jingoism seizes Iranians. Muslim cleric tells the devout during Friday prayers that, "Britain is an aggressor and Iran has confronted it." An estimated 60,000 football (soccer) fans chant "Death to Britain" at a match in Tehran and 700 people at rally near Tehran University chant at "We condemn the British invasion!" Source: Nasser Karimi. "Second Captive Briton Apologizes to Iran." The Washington Post. March 30, 2007.
  • CNN News follows the lead of Fox News in describing the 15 British miltiary prisoners of the Iranian government as "hostages."
  • Iranian Ambassador to Russia Gholam-Reza Ansari tells Russian television Vesti-24 that the 15 British military prisoners in Iranian custody, "will be tried if there is enough evidence of guilt." Source: Naser Karimi. "Iranian Official: Sailors May Be Tried." Associated Press. March 31, 2007.

March 29, 2007

  • Iran demands apology from Britain for what it described as an incursion into Iranian waters by the British Navy. Iranian spokesgeneral General Alireza Afshar states: "The logical solution...is for the British authorities to accept the reality, present their apologies to the great Iranian people." Source: n.a. "Britain Takes Iran to UN, Woman Sailor Remains Captive." Agence France Presse. March 29, 2007.
  • European Union "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana uses appropriately toned diplomatic language in speaking before the European Parliament about the Iranian nuclear crisis: "There is no alternative, ladies and gentlemen, to negotiations and we must resume negotiations as soon as possible." Source: James G. Neuberger. "EU Presses for Iran Nuclear Talks, Condemns Arrests (Update5)." March 29, 2007.
  • The UN Security Council recommended that release its 15 British miltiary prisoners and stated that the members wanted, "an early resolution to this problem." Source: Janine Zacharia & Paul Tighe. "Iran Should Free U.K. Sailors, Security Council Says (Update2)." Bloomberg. March 30, 2007.
  • John Stewart of the Comedy Channel's Daily Show refers to the 15 British military prisoners held by the Iranian government as "hostages." 11:00 ET. (Not that the Daily Show writers have ever been 'picky' about the words used by others.)

March 28, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki insists on his country's "rights" to nculear power development: "Iran's nuclear activities are fully clear and transparent and we will continue our activities until restoration of our nation's legitimate rights." n.a. "Mottaki: Iran Not To Relinquish Nuclear Rights." IRNA. March 28, 2007.
  • Iranian cabinet orders the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) to adopt new rule that renouces a subsidiary undertaking under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran will no longer report new facility projects 6 months before initiation but will instead report them when they begin. Source: n.a. "IAEO Assigned to Drop Subsidiary Undertakings to NPT." IRNA. March 28, 2007. News Report
  • On The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr refers to the British sailors and marines in Iranian custody as "hostages." 5:05 ET.

March 26, 2007

  • EU "Foreign Minister" Javier Solana annoucnes that he will resume negotiations with Iran over the nuclear program. Source: n.a. "Europe To Resume Nuke Talks With Iran." CBS News & Associated Press. March 26, 2007.
  • In a joint statement Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao urge the Iranian government to "search for a comprehensive, long-term and mutually acceptable solution to the Iranian nuclear problem." Source: n.a. "Russia, China Urge Iran to Heed U.N." Guardian. March 26, 2007. News Report
  • Iran resumes payments to Russia for the Bushehr nuclear facility. Source: n.a. "Tehran 'Begins Nuclear Payments'." BBC News. March 26, 2007.

March 25, 2007

  • UN Security Council passes UN Resolution imposing additional sanctions on Iran. In defending the desision the U.S. Ambassador to the UN Alejandro Wolff describes the creation of the UN itself and suggests that the Holocaust was an event somehow seperate and distinct from the other bloodshed of the Second World War. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki appears at the meeting instead of Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and excoriates the decision. Source: n.a. "FM: Iran's Nuclear Program Is Completely Peaceful." IRNA. March 25, 2007.
  • British Prime Minister Tony Blair describes the continuing detention of 15 British naval personel arrested by Iranian naval forces on March 23 as ""serious, unjustified and wrong". Source: Mark Tran & Mark Oliver. "Q&A: the Seized British Sailors." The Guardian. March 28, 2005.

March 24, 2007

  • Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expresses his governemnt's disapproval of any Security Council punitive action against Iran. Source: n.a. "India PM Calls for Return of Iran's Case to IAEA." IranMania. March 24, 2007. India acquired nuclear weapons under the cover of an official non-military nuclear power program, in the much the same manner that Isreal did and Iran is now attempting to do.
  • U.S. Ambassador to the UN Alejandro Wolff stated that Iran could easily end the sanctions to be imposed today by the UN Security Council by ending uranium enrichment "It is suspension for suspension. It is not a high bar for Iran to meet." Source: Evelyn Leopold. "U.N. Council Ready to Tighten Sanctions on Iran." Reuters & Washington Post. March 24, 2007.
  • Captured British Marines "confess" to being in Iranian waters when they were taken into custody by Iranian military, a claim possibly supported by the Iraqi military commander of the area, Gen. Hakim Jassim: "We were informed by Iraqi fishermen after they had returned from sea that there were British gunboats in an area that is out of Iraqi control. We don't know why they were there," he told AP Television News. Source: Ali Akbar Dareini. Iran: U.K. Troops Admit To Illegal Entry." Associated Press & Houston Chronicle. March 24, 2007. News Report
  • ABC Evening News describes Iran as a "renegade" nation. Renegade was the term the U.S. government often used to label Native American rebels who fled reservations for the freedom they enjoyed before subjugation.

March 23, 2007

  • Daniel Wendell, Bern, Switzerland U.S. Embassy spokesperson Daniel Wendell announces that the Iranian passports for visa applications for Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Iranian officials had been handed over. Source: n.a. "U.S.: Ahmadinejad Visa en Route to Iran." Associated Press. March 23, 2007.
  • Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cancels his appearance before the UN Security Counil. Source: Evelyn Leopold. "U.N. Council Ready to Tighten Sanctions on Iran." Reuters & Washington Post. March 24, 2007.
  • Iranian naval forces arrest 15 British Royal Navy sailors and marines on boats near the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab waterway. British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett demands explanation for Iranian arrest of 15 British personnel: "We have asked for a full explanation on what has happened and we are leaving them in no doubt that we want the immediate and safe return of our personnel and their equipment." Source: n.a. "Britain Demands Explanation for Iran's Detention of Sailors and Marines." Associated Press & International Herald Tribune. March 23, 2007.

March 21, 2007

  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov comments that his government "will not support excessive sanctions against Iran" and added that the draft U.S. Security Council resolution on sanctions had been softened at Moscow's behest. Source: Vladimir Isachenkov. "Russia Nixes 'Excessive' Iran Sanctions." Associated Press. March 21, 2007. News Report
  • Defiance in a Persian new year speech Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: "Until today, what we have done has been in accordance with international regulations. But if they take illegal actions, we too can take illegal actions and will do so...If they want to treat us with threats and enforcement of coercion and violence, undoubtedly they must know that the Iranian nation and authorities will use all their capacities to strike enemies that attack." Source: Edith M. Lederer. "6 World Powers Seek New Iran Sanctions." The Guardian. March 22, 2007. News Report

March 20, 2007

  • This neo-con still wants a war with Iran. Speaking to the conservative Hudson Institute former unconfirmed U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton is ready to give war a chance: "I believe that ultimately the only real prospect of getting Iran to give up nuclear weapons is to change the regime." (How?) "By the force of the Iranian people themselves. But if the alternative is a nuclear Iran, as unpleasant as the use of military force would be, I think the prospect of a nuclear Iran is worse." Source: n.a. "Bolton: Iran Won't Give Up Nuke Ambition." March 21, 2007. Associated Press & CBS News. News Report

March 19, 2007

  • Iran prevents IAEA inspectors from visiting an underground bunker at the Natanz facility. n.a. "Iran Stops Inspectors Visiting Nuclear Site: Diplomats." Agence France Presse. March 19, 2007. News Report

March 18, 2007

  • U.S. and Isreali military conduct Juniper Cobra joint exericise to practice intercepting entirely ballistic missiles attacking Isreal. U.S. Embassy spokesperson Stewart Tuttle explained that, "It is a computer simulation exercise designed to test the interoperability of the air defense system. The air defense can protect you against whatever happens to be on the warhead." Source: Aron Heller. "Israel, U.S. Test Missile Defense." The Guardian. March 18, 2007. News Report

March 17, 2007

  • Commander-in-chief of the regular Iranian Army Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi warns against any "stupid move" by the United States or other Western powers. Source: n.a. "Iran Army Vows to Defend Nuclear Program." Reuters & The New York Times. March 17, 2007. News Report

March 16, 2007

  • Iranian IAEA representative Ali Asghar Soltanieh points up the obvious hypocrisy of the British decision to renew its Trident nuclear missile submarinbe fleet while demanding that Iran end its uranium enrichment program: "Britain does not have the right to question others when they're not complying with their obligations (under the NPT). It is very unfortunate that the UK, which is always calling for non-proliferation...not only has not given up the weapons but has taken a serious step towards further development of nuclear weapons." Source: Sophie Walker. "British Nuclear Plans 'Serious Setback'-Iran Envoy." San Deigo Union Leader. March 16, 2007.
  • The northern border is safe(r) but the western and northeastern borders are dicey. New Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov voiced support for the Iran's "right" to develop peaceful nuclear power. Source: n.a. "Turkmen President Supports Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Program." IRNA. March 16, 2006.

March 15, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attempts some new fiery rhetoric: "Using the Security Council as an instrument, the enemies of Iran want to prevent the progress of the Iranian nation. But the Security Council today has no legitimacy among world nations...Today, the Iranian nation fully possesses the nuclear fuel cycle. If all of you gather and also invite your ancestors from hell, you will not be able to stop the Iranian nation." Source: n.a. "Ahmadinejad Says New U.N. Sanctions 'Illegitimate,' Won't Undermine Iran's Nuclear Technology." Associated Press & The International Herlad Tribune. March 15, 2007. News Report (The phrase "ancestors from hell" sounds religious but decidedly un-Abrahamic. Are such oaths kosher in Shiism?)
  • IAEA supremeo Mohamed ElBaradei discusses nucvlear proliferation in Iran and North Korea with Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai. Source: n.a. "IAEA Chief Exchanges Views With China on Korean Peninsula, Iran Nuclear Issues." People's Daily On-Line. March 15, 2007.
  • Jon Stewart of Comedy Central's The Daily Show mocks Iranian complaints that the film 300 is anti-Iranian. Seems that popular culture has never been used to encourage a war fever. Read the Iranian concern explained.
  • Reuters reports a skeletal Iranian crisis timeline.

March 14, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki pierces the taboo surrounding references to Isreali nuclear proliferation, saying that Isreali nukes pose "a uniquely grave threat to regional and international peace and security and requires to be seriously dealt with by the international community taking practical measures" and that it, "is surprising that while no practical step is taken to contain the real source of nuclear danger in the Middle East, my country is under tremendous pressure to renounce its inalienable right for peaceful use of nuclear energy." Source: n.a. "Iran: Israel, US Threaten Middle East." Fars Mews Agency. March 14, 2007. News Report
  • U.N. Security Council President for March, South African Ambassador Dumisani Kumalo, states that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has not officially asked for a meeting: "For us it will only become an issue when we receive a letter from him and he (Iran's U.N. envoy, Mohammad Javad Zarif) had not yet received instructions to write a letter that I would then present to the other members for consideration of what to do." Source: Michelle Nichols. "U.N. Council Says No Request From Iran For Briefing." Reuters. March 14, 2007. News Report

March 13, 2007

  • Can a country that can not pay its bills be a major threat? ZAO Atomstroyexport construction supervisor for the Iranian Bushehr nuclear facility Vladimir Pavlov warns that building will halt unless Iran makes the requisite payments: "We can wait no longer for a decision from the Iranian side." Atomstroyexport spokesperson Irina Yesipova commented, "We continue to work, but how quickly and how successfully is unclear. At present, we can't pay for the equipment that Bushehr needs to become operational." Source: Yuriy Humber. "Russia Threatens to Stop Work on Iran Nuclear Reactor (Update2)." Bloomberg. March 13, 2007. News Report

March 12, 2007

  • Democratic Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi caves to pressure from Blue Dog Democrats and the Israeli lobby by stripping a provision from a spending bill that would have required President George W. Bush to seek Congressional approval before ordering armed force against Iran. Seemingly incapable of stopping an on-going disastrous war, the Democratic Congressional leadership appears unable to prevent a disastrous widening of the war.
  • Israeli righist Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu tells journalists that "There need to be financial sanctions that will hurt Iran. What we are doing against the Hamas government in the Palestinian Authority needs to be done to Iranian president Ahmadinejad." Source: Gil Ronen. "Netanyahu Lobbying US for Iran Disinvestment." Arutz Sheva. March 13, 2007. News Report

March 11, 2007

  • Iranian Majlis Speaker Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel points of the hypocrisy of ignoring Israeli nuclear weapons and expresses sentiment that, "We hope there would be some wise individuals in the US administration to prevent eruption of a new crisis in the region." Source: n.a. "Speaker Criticizes US Hostile Policies on Iran Nuclear Program." IRNA. March 11, 2007. News Report
  • On Meet the Press, neo-conservative U.S. Ambasador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad offers upbeat assessment of his encounter with Iranian diplomats at the multilateral meeting in Baghdad about the future of Iraq. He denies that the second Bush administration has flip-flopped on its original insistence that it would not negotiate with Iran until there is a verifiable halt to the Iranian uranium enrichment program. But then neo-cons are factual relativists.
  • Arch-conservative Washington Times columnist Arnaud de Borchgrave reports a "not for attribution" leak from within the delegation of Jordanian King Abdullah claiming that the Jordanian monarch had frightened Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with descriptions of a much more extensive U.S. bombing campaign against Iran. Ahmadinejad reportedly left the meeting "a much chastened and worried man." Source: Arnaud de Borchgrave. "War Clouds' Silver Linings." The Washington Times. March 11, 2007. Column. (When they are not wallowing in fear, conservatives indulge in wishful thinking.)

March 10, 2007

  • U.S. and Iranian envoys barely encounter one another at the meeting in Baghdad on the future of Iraq. Yet it was a meeting and thus a flip-flop in the U.S. policy that it would not negotiate with Iran until there is a verifiable halt to the Iranian urananium enrishment program. The decision to invade Iraq and subsequent blunder after blunder in the occupation of Iraq effectively traps the second Bush adminsitration into diplomatic exchange with the Iran government. Mariam Karouny. "U.S., Iran Trade Barbed Words at Baghdad Talks." Reuters. March 10, 2007.

March 9, 2007

  • Mere coincidence or the Perfect Moment to Encourage Anti-Persian Sentiment in Popular Culture? 300 opens in the United States.

March 8, 2007

  • International Atomic Energy Agency Board votes to deprive Iran of 22 technical aid projects, none of which directly apply to the Iranian uranium enrichment program.
  • Iranian IAEA Chief Delegate Ali Ashgar Soltanieh responds the latest, largely symbolic decision taken by the IAEA against Iran: "None of these projects are related to enrichment. The enrichment program will continue as planned." Source: George Jahn. "Iran Shrugs Off U.N. Pressure Over Nukes." March 8, 2007. News Report

March 7, 2007

  • Iranian Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) chief Gholamreza Aghazadeh comments that Iran can go it alone: "Today, the West says it is ready to give the best nuclear power plant and technology to Iran, if it suspends enrichment but we should not be hopeful of such promises. The West's extensive efforts to suspend activities at Natanz facility shows significance of Iran's nuclear program. Iran currently assumed satisfactory status in terms of peaceful nuclear technology. But their negative approach will not succeed with respect to Iran's national determination to have nuclear energy for peaceful purposes...Iran achieved nuclear technology by itself. We currently have thousands of experts in this field. We have an intellectual power to reconstruct nuclear facilities with more security, if faced with problems." Source: n.a. "Iran Should Not Be Hopeful of West Promises: Aqazadeh." IRNA. March 7, 2007.

March 5, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused the American and Iraqi governments of responsibility for the Jan. 11, 2007 arrest of 4 Iranian diplomats in Erbil and the Feb. 4, 2007 kidnapping in Baghdad of an Iranian state-owned bank officer: "The US is responsible for abduction of the officials and the Iraqi government is responsible for their release as well." The 5 are still being held. Source: n.a. "Iran advises IAEA Board of Governors to defend findings on Iran." IRNA. March 4, 2007.

March 4, 2007

  • In a speech before the American Conservative Union wingnut columnist Ann Coulter accuses liberals of disloyalty, alleging that they want Iran to acquire nuclear power but not the United States. That comment drew less attention than her accusation that Democratic U.S. Presidential candiate John Edwards was gay.

March 2, 2007

  • Doubts emerge about U.S. intelligence on North Korea and Iran. Source: George Jahn. "Analysis: U.S. Intel on Nukes in Doubt." The Guardian. March 2, 2007. News Report

March 1, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fans the embers of war with fatuous rhetorical overkill: "There is no place in the world that suffers from divisions and wars unless America or the Zionists' fingerprints are seen there." Source: n.a. "Ahmadinejad: U.S., Israel Cause Problems." Associated Press & CBS News. March 1, 2007.


February 27, 2007

  • Second Bush administration flip-flops on negotiating with Iran. Speaking to a Congressional hearing on Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announces the U.S. will negotiate with Iran, resumably even without a verifiable suspension of uranium enrichment: "I would like to take one moment to talk about our diplomatic offensive. I would note that the Iraqi government has invited all of its neighbors, including Syria and Iran, to attend both of these regional meetings," Rice said. "We hope that all governments will seize this opportunity to improve their relations with Iraq and to work for peace and stability in the region." Source: Guy Raz. "Iraq Meeting May Lead to U.S.-Iran Talks." NPR. February 28, 2007.

February 26, 2007

  • Intransigence tricked up as diplomacy. U.S. State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack states that the U.S. is willing to join negotiations between the European powers and Iran if Iran suspends its uranium enrichment activity: "Should they choose not to proceed down that pathway, then there will be consequences. And those consequences will be diplomatic isolation from the rest of the world." Source: Helene Cooper. "Diplomats to Begin Drafting New U.N. Sanctions on Iran." The New York Times. February 26, 2007.
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespperson Qin Gang urges diplomacy: ""All the parties agreed to follow negotiations and peaceful means to resolve this issue. Our position has been consistent in that we advocate the solution of the Iran nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiations and peaceful means." Source: n.a. "China Says Talks Only Way to Resolve Iran Nuclear Issue." International Herald Tribune. February 26, 2007.

February 24, 2007

  • U.S. Vice President Richard "Dick" Cheney, the last powerful neo-conservative in the second Bush administration, makes vaguely bellicose comments about Iranian rhetoric and nuclear proliferation while in Sydney, Australia: "They have made some fairly inflammatory statements. They appear to be pursuing the development of nuclear weapons. We are deeply concerned and have made it very clear we're deeply concerned about Iran's activities." Source: Caren Bohan. "Cheney Warns of Iran's Nuclear Ambition." ABC News. February 24, 2007. (From the Iranian perspective, the second Bush administration's rhetoric is also inflammatory and unlike Iran the U.S. actually posseses nuclear weapons.)
  • The Daily Telegraph reports that the Israeli government had opened negotiations with the U.S. for a flight corridor over U.S. occupied Iraq to bomb Iran. Israel's Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh denied the report told, describing it as "baseless." Source: David Stringer. "Report: Israel Wants To Fly Over Iraq." Associated Press & Boston Glode. February 24, 2007. News Report

Februray 23, 2007

  • Tehran says No Pasaran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejects compromise: "If we show weakness in front of the enemy the expectations will increase but if we stand against them, because of this resistance, they will retreat." Source: Edmund Blar. "Iran Vows No Weakness Over Nuclear Program." Reuters. February 23, 2007.
  • Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki speak about the Iranian nuclear crisis by telephone. China Daily News Report

February 22, 2007

  • British Prime Minister Tony Blair reiterates claim that no attack against Iran is planned: "You can't absolutely predict every set of circumstances that comes about, but sitting here now and talking to you I can tell you that Iran is not Iraq...There is, as far as I know, no planning going on to make an attack on Iran and people are pursuing a diplomatic and political solution for a very good reason ... that it is the only solution that anyone can think of as viable and sensible." Source: n.a. "Blair Says No Plan For Iran Strike." Reuters. February 22, 2007. News Report (Note the deployment of propaganistic reification in the news article: "the West fears." Abstractions cannot have emotions.)

February 21, 2007

  • U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon makes comments endorsing negotiations to end the Iranian Nuclear Crisis: "Solutions can only be found through talks and dialogue. This is the basic principle in conflict situations. I regret very much that we have not found the proper solution to the Iran conflict. The issue is now in the hands of the UN Security Council...During last month's meeting with the Iranian foreign minister, I have urgently requested him to convince the international community that Iran is in fact interested in the peaceful use of atomic energy." Source: n.a. "Only Diplomatic Means Can Resolve Iranian Nuclear Conflict: UN Chief." IRNA. February 21, 2007. News Report
  • More nationalist/nuclearist defiance. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comments: "We...will continue our work to reach our right [to nuclear technology] in the shortest possible time...Obtaining this technology is very important for our country's development and honour. It is worth it to stop other activities for 10 years and focus only on the nuclear issue." Source: n.a. "Iran 'Swiftly Seeks Nuclear Goal'." BBC News. February 21, 2007. News Report
  • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert demands tougher sanctions against Iran: "Today is the last day that was designated by the international community and by the UN Security Council. Therefore the international community will have to think of additional measures." Source: n.a. Olmert Calls For Tougher Iran Sanctions." Associated Press. February 21, 2007. ('Therefore'?)
  • NYU Professor demands the U.S. threaten war, or maybe almost-war. Prof. Alon Ben-Meir writes: "What is needed now is a clearly articulated warning that sets the stage for what is to come. Unlike the situation in Iraq before the invasion, Iran's actions speak for themselves: Tehran openly pursues a nuclear program, nakedly supports terrorism, and poses a clear and present danger to the United States and its allies. The American public and Congress are supportive of the President's moves, a fact that will not be lost on Tehran." Source: Alon Ben-Meir. "Ending Iran's Defiance Requires Real Action." St. Louis Jewish Light. February 21, 2007. Commentary. (Why the professorial pussy-footing? Why not come out and simply demand airstrikes?)
  • Anocratic politics evident in Tehran as 136 Iranian MPs send letter to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad objecting to closing down Baztab, a popular conservative news website that had published articles critical of the president. Source: n.a. " Iran MPs Protest Ban On Conservative Website." Agence France Presse. February 21, 2007.

February 20, 2007

  • Denials from U.S. President George W. Bush and U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates notwithstanding, the U.S. miltiary has well developed target lists for an attack on Iran. The two triggers for such air strikes are 1) intelligence that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon and 2) an event in Iraq with high U.S. casualties. Source: n.a. "US 'Iran Attack Plans' Revealed." BBC News. February 20, 2007.
  • More common sense foreign policy from John Edwards: "It's a huge strategic mistake not to be dealing directly with Iran...What we should be doing with Iran, both on the Iraq issue and the nuclear issue, is being much smarter than we're being now. We have tools available to us to engage them." Source: n.a. "U.S. Presidential Candidate Urges Direct Talks With Iran." Associated Press & Turkish Weekly. February 20, 2007.

February 19, 2007

  • Embarrassment for Tehran. Russian nuclear ageny Rosatom announces that will suspend work on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor because Iran is behind in its payments. The official explanation is that the Iranian bank responsible for payment had switched from using dollars to euros. Source: Guy Falconbridge. "Russia Delays Work On Iran Nuclear Plant." Reuters. February 19, 2007.

February 17, 2007

  • Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei comments endorses the importance of nuclear energy for Iran's future: "Oil and gas resources will not last forever and if a country does not consider this fact it will turn to a dependent country for energy in the future...The only reason behind powers objection towards our peaceful nuclear program is because they want to control the world's energy future." Source: n.a. "Ayatollah Khamenei: Nuclear Energy is a Future Determining Matter For Iran." ISNA. February 17, 2007.
  • Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney attempts to win attention with rhetorical out-bidding in an interview with George Stephanopoulos: "Well it's a nation where people participate in suicide bombing and that kind of a suggestion, I think it was former President Rafsanjani who talked about Israel being a one-bomb nation, meaning they could not survive one bomb, but they, Iran, could survive one bomb. It's like, 'Are you kidding? Are you suggesting that you'd be willing to take a bomb in order to eliminate another people?' This is a nation where the genocidal inclination is really frightening and having a nation of this nature develop nuclear weaponry is unacceptable to this country and to the Middle East." Columnist Gary Leupp describes Romney's comments as "gibberish".
  • Iranian grand strategy described. According to Talal Atrissi, aMiddle Eastern specialist based in Lebanon, the Iranian interests and strategy are clear: "Iran’s policy in Iraq works to prevent the U.S. from feeling safe and secure. It works to prevent the formation of a pro-American Iraqi government, in favor of at least an Iraqi government that does not feel enmity toward Iran...The Iranian historic, religious, economic ties with Iraq make Iran keen on preventing the U.S. being the sole authority in Iraq. They feel a duty to preserve these ties, and to protect their national security, which is threatened by the U.S. presence in Iraq." Source: Michael Slackman. "Iran’s Chance: U.S. Troubles in Iraq Create Opening for Regional Shift." The New York Times. February 18, 2007.
  • Greenpeace International Middle East Political Advisor Merav Datan comments: "Security policy based on nuclear weapons is a policy based on mutual deterrence. The theory is that the threat is so awful that it prevents the actual use of the nuclear weapon. But what if the theory is wrong? What if one of the sides is not as rational as the other side?" Source: Shelley Paz. "Greenpeace Launches Campaign for Nuclear-Free Middle East." Jerusalem Post. February 17, 2007. News Report

February 16, 2007

  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates reiterates claim that the U.S. does not intend to attack Iran.
  • Japan imposed trade sanctions on Iran, freezing some assets to help pressure Iran on the nuclear proliferation issue. Source: Hiroko Nakata. "Cabinet OKs Ban on Funds Said Linked to Nuclear Iran." The Japan Times. February 17, 2007.

February 14, 2007

  • Flushing out the quarry? Conflicting claims isued about ther whereabouts of radical Shia Islamist leader Moqtada al-Sadr. U.S. miltiary asserts that he is in Iran while his aides in Iraq insist he is still in country. al-Sadr is one of several Shia Islamists expected to dominate the Iranian client Iraqi state after the U.S. military packs up and goes home, however his relationship to Iran is tenuous and conflicted. Source: n.a. "Aides Deny Claims Sadr Has Fled Iraq." Guardian. February 14, 2007.

February 13, 2007

  • Announcement of a tentative deal ending North Korean nuclear proliferation in six party talks in Beijing.
  • Righist University of Tennessee law professor Glen Reynolds who writes the Instapundit blog recommends political murder: "We should be responding quietly, killing radical mullahs and Iranian atomic scientists, supporting the simmering insurgencies within Iran, putting the mullahs' expat business interests out of business, etc. Basically, stepping on the Iranians' toes hard enough to make them reconsider their not-so-covert war against us in Iraq. And we should have been doing this since the summer 2003. But as far as I can tell, we've done nothing along these lines." Columnist Paul Campos described Reynolds as the the "Right's Ward Churchill".

February 12, 2007

  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates describes Pakistan as a "strong ally" of the U.S. against the Taliban. What about those other Islamist terrorists operating in Kashmir? Pakistani nuclear proliferation? Heroin manufacture and smuggling?

Fabruary 11, 2007

  • In Munich, drawing a parallel to Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates describes himself as fellow "old spy": "I have, like your second speaker yesterday, a starkly different background - a career in the spy business. And, I guess, old spies have a habit of blunt speaking."

February 10-11, 2007

  • Iranian government celebrates Ten Day Dawn ceremonies at which it will "announce the achievement and establishment of peaceful nuclear technology and the due power of the country." Source: n.a. "Spokesman: Iran to Celebrate Nuclear Victory in February." Xinhua. December 18, 2006. News Article

February 10, 2007

  • The Guardian reports the U.S. planning for a war against Iran are well developed and the decision to launch the war is being pushed by a "war party" of neo-conservatives at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Hudson Institute together with Vice President Richard "Dick" Cheney and the as yet unindicted members of his staff. According to former U.S. Air Force officer Colonel Sam Gardiner, recent comments by DCIA Robert Gates that the U.S. was not planning war were merely badly chosen words: "Gates said there is no planning for war. We know this is not true. He possibly meant there is no plan for an immediate strike. It was sloppy wording. All the moves being made over the last few weeks are consistent with what you would do if you were going to do an air strike. We have to throw away the notion the US could not do it because it is too tied up in Iraq. It is an air operation." Source: Ewen MacAskill. "Target Iran: US Able To Strike in the Spring." The Guardian. February 10, 2007.
  • EU "foreign minister" Javier Solana speaks tepid words about meetings with Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani: ""We believe the Iranian nuclear dossier is resolvable by negotiation...We've had constructive talks with Mr. Solana in the past and we believe that had we continued, we could have come to a positive conclusion." Source: Mark John. "Iran Says Talks Could End Nuclear Row." Reuters. February 10, 2007. News Article
  • In Munich, Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks bluntly about the dangers of American unilateralism: ""We are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations ... the United States has overstepped its national borders in every way...The legitimate use of force can only be done by the United Nations, which cannot be replaced by EU or NATO...The unilateral illegal action has not resolved any problem." Source: Slobodan Lekic. "Putin Accuses U.S. of Sparking Arms Race." Associated Press & Boston.com. February 10, 2007. News Article

February 9, 2007

  • IAEA annouces that it has suspended 22 of 55 technical aid programs with Iran. Source: William Broad. "World Atomic Agency Suspends 22 Programs of Aid to Iran." International Herald Tribune. February 9, 2007.

February 7, 2007

  • Iranian miltiary successfully tests newly delivered Russian built TOR-M1 surface to air missile system. Russia delivered 29 of the untis in January. Source: Farhad Pouladi. "Iran Test-Fires Russian Air Defence Missiles." Agence France Press. February 7, 2007.

February 6, 2007

  • Iranian government accuses U.S. of responsibility for the kipnaping of one of its diplomats in Baghdad: "The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns this aggressive act, which is in violation of international law...Iran holds American forces in Iraq responsible for the safety and life of the Iranian diplomat." The U.S. denies involvement, an assertion made less plasuible by recent revelations about Bush's Commissar Order. Source: n.a. "Iran Accuses US Over Seized Diplomat." The Guardian. February 6, 2007. News Report
  • British Prime Minister Tony Blair denies there are plans to attack Iran and then projects the strategy of the Iranian government: "Their strategy is to create the maximum trouble for us and for the region and I think that is a miscalculation because in the end they are going to find that they assemble a very large coalition against them...Nobody's talking about military intervention in respect of Iran but people are increasingly alarmed and concerned at the strategy that they appear to be pursing." Source: n.a. "'Nobody Planning' Attack on Iran." BBC News. February 6, 2007.
  • This war can still be saved! In a speech to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert comments: "I think there is a way to stop the Iranians from moving forward on their nuclear program without violent actions...They are not as close to the threshold as they pretend to be, and therefore there is still time to fight in a responsible, comprehensive and powerful manner." Sources: n.a. "Olmert Says Still Time to Curb Iran Nuclear Plans." Reuters. February 6, 2007; n.a. "Olmert Upbeat On Iran Solution." JTA Daily Briefing. February 6, 2007. News Report

February 5, 2007

  • Coalition of British groups including Oxford Research Group, the Foreign Policy Centre and Oxfam issues 'Time to talk' report warning against military attack on Iran and urges negotiations. Source: Julian Borger. "Attacking Iran Would be Disastrous, Warns Coalition of Opinion Led by Retired Officers." The Guadian. February 5, 2007. News Report

February 4, 2007

  • On Meet the Press U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards speaks common sense about the U.S. relationship with Iran:
"Now, what would strengthen him (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)? A military strike by America against Iran would strengthen him. They would rally around this guy. On top of that, we would see retaliation. It’d be hard for them to get to us, except through terrorists, but they—we got 100,000-plus American men and women right next door, and there—a lot of us believe that there’s an infrastructure for retaliation if that were to happen. What—what’s much smarter for us to do, certainly now, for the time being—no American president should ever take any option off the table—but what’s smarter for us to do now is to continue to tap into this growing isolation between this radical leader and his own people...And what should be done, in my judgment, is we ought—we ought to work with our friends in Europe. You know, actually, the banking institutions in Europe have been pretty good about being tough on Iranian banks. The governments have been less good. But we ought to put an offer of both sticks and carrots on the table. We ought to make it clear that there are things that America and the Europeans are willing to do—it’d be great if we could get the Russians and the Chinese to participate—but certainly the Europeans, they have economic leverage with Iran. And those things include making the nuclear fuel available to them, controlling the cycle—this has been offered before—but combining that with a set of economic incentives that will be very attractive to the people in, in Iran who’re already feeling an isolation from this president. And then on the stick side say, ‘But there will be consequences if you don’t give up your nuclear program. And the consequences are the economic decline that you’re seeing within your own country will be accelerated, and it will be accelerated because the bank—the banks in Europe and the European governments will not continue to do economic business with Iran." Source: Transcript of interview with Sen. John Edwards. Meet the Press with Tom Russert. February 4, 2007. Text
  • In their News Analysis in The New York Times William J. Broad and Peter E. Sanger cast doubt on the Iranian uranium enrichment achievement: "What the Iranians are not talking about, experts with access to the atomic agency’s information say, is that their experimental effort to make centrifuges work has struggled to achieve even limited success and appears to have been put on the back burner so the country’s leaders can declare that they are moving to the next stage." Source: William J. Broad and Peter E. Sanger. "Iranian Boast Is Put to Test." The New York Times. February 4, 2007.

February 2, 2007

  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates denies that the U.S. is planning a war with Iran: "Nobody is planning, we are not planning for a war with Iran." (Does that mean the war is already as planned as it can get?) He also stated that evidence of Iranian covert involvement in the humiliating raid in Kabala is unclear: "The information I've seen is ambiguous." Source: Lolita Balbor. "Gates Says U.S. Not Planning Iran War." The Guardian. February 3, 2007.
  • Iranian governmnt is reportedly "working feverishly" to contrcut undergound bunker for its uranium enrichmeent facility at Natanz. Source: n.a. "Iran 'Working Feverishly' On Nuclear Bunker: UN Atomic Agency." CBC.CA February 2, 2007. News Report

February 1, 2007

  • French President Jacques Chirac dares to speak common sense about Iranian nuclear proliferation by describing it as "not very dangerous," but then retreats in the face of withering international and domestic criticism. His office issues a statement sayingthat : "France, along with the international community, cannot accept the prospect of an Iran equipped with a nuclear weapon...The Iranian nuclear program is opaque and therefore dangerous for the region." Source: n.a. "French Leader Backtracks On Iran: In Reversal, Chirac Now Says Iran Having Nuclear Weapons Is Unacceptable." BCS News. February 1, 2007. News Report
  • If she has to promise a major war to win the presidency, she is willing. Speaking to an audience of 1,700 at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, U.S. Senator and Democratic Party presidential frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton says: "U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons...In dealing with this threat ... no option can be taken off the table." Source: Samantha Gross. "Sen. Clinton: Iran Is a Threat to Israel." February 1, 2007. News Report
  • From the Kremlin Russian President Vladimir Putin tells television audience that Iran has the "right" to a civilian nuclear power program and asserts that it can satisfy international concerns: "It is necessary to find a scenario for the development of nuclear industry that would, on the one hand, fully guarantee Iran's access [to nuclear technology] and on the other, address any concerns within the international community...Such options exist, and Mr. Mohamed ElBaradei [Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)] is proposing them...As you know, we are cooperating with Iran in peaceful nuclear activities, building a nuclear power plant in Bushehr. We intend to pursue this program in the future." Source: n.a. "Peaceful Iran Nuclear Program Can Be Guaranteed-Putin." RAI Novosti. February 1, 2006.
  • Not exactly stirring rhetoric. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comments that Iran will celebrate "the stabilization and the establishment of its full right" to enrich uranium. Source: n.a. "Iran To Stabilize Muke Program Next Week." The Jerusalem Post. February 1, 2007.


January 31, 2007

  • London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies concludes that Iran will have enough enriched weapons grade uranium for a single nuclear weapon (55 pounds) roughly 11 months after its planned 3,000-centrifuge cascade is operational. Source: Raphael G. Satter. "Report: Iran Years From Nuclear Weapons." Washington Post. January 31, 2007.
  • U.S. Defense Logistics Agency freezes sales of spare parts for F-14s. Iran's 79 US-built F-14s were purchased before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Successive U.S. administrations banked heavily on the anti-communist Pahlavi Regime and sold it virtually any weapons system that it wanted. Source: Jack Mannion. "US Stops F-14 Parts Sales, Hints Iran Behind Karbala Attack." Agence France Presse & France 24. January 31, 2007.

January 29, 2007

  • In an extremely friendly interview with NPR's Juan Williams U.S. President George W. Bush issues vague threat: "If Iran escalates its military action in Iraq to the detriment of our troops and/or innocent Iraqi people, we will respond firmly." Later in the interview he denies having plans to invade Iran: "Yeah. I have no intent upon going into Iran." Although not part of the NPR written transcript, Bush can be clearly heard on the audio starting to use the word "incursion," which had been used by Williams, but caught himself and stopped at "incurs__." Incursion was the euphemism used by the Nixon administration to describe its invasion of Cambodia. Source: NPR Transcript. "President Bush on the Record, Part 1." All things Considered. January 29, 2007.
  • Notwithstanding a stated desire to resolve the problem diplomatically, U.S. Acting Ambassador to the UN Alejandro Wolff rejected Mohamed ElBaradei's "timeout" proposal: "There is a path laid out for suspension...That is Iranian suspension of their enrichment activities to be responded to by the council. That is very clear and it is not subject to reinterpretation." Source: Bill Varner. "ElBaradei's Idea for `Timeout' With Iran Is Rejected by U.S." Bloomberg. January 29, 2007. News Report

January 28, 2007

  • Delaying tactics. Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani states that his government needed time to review an IAEA plan to end the nuclear impasse offered by Mohamed ElBaradei at Davos: "Time should be allocated to see if the plan has the capacity to solve the case." Source: n.a. "Iran Wants Time to Review Plan That Delays U.N. Sanctions." Associated Press & The New York Times. January 28, 2007.
  • Princeton emeritus professor Bernard Lewis believes he can read the minds of 60 million Iranians but appears unaware he is engaged in wishful thinking. Lewis claims that most Iranaisn oppose their government's nuclear program. Source: Amir Mizroch. "Bernard Lewis: Iranians Oppose Regime's Nuke Drive." Jeruslaem Post. January 28, 2007.

January 27, 2007

  • Influential American political scientist Graham Allison published op-ed column asserting that the "objective consequence" of the second Bush administration's invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein was to strengthen Iran and that negotiations with Iran are probably the way forward: "If Iran is to be prevented from building nuclear bombs without war, the US must now explore negotiating options that are unpalatable but nonetheless better than the options a President will face at the end of the road he is now on." Source: Graham Allison. "Graham Allison: Iran's Nuclear Bomb: Acquiesce or Attack?" January 27, 2007. Op-Ed Column
  • Iranian Atomic Energy Organization spokesperson Hossein Simorgh states that, "no new centrifuges have been installed in Natanz." Source: Nasser Karimi. "Iran Official Denies Nuke Plant Reports." Associated Press. January 28, 2007. News Report

January 25, 2007

  • IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei opposes military attack on Iran: "It would be absolutely counterproductive and encourage it to develop a nuclear bomb." Source: Stella Dawson. "IAEA Chief Says Attack on Iran Would Be Catastrophe." Reuters. January 25, 2007.
  • Iranian nuclear scientist Ardeshir Hassanpour is reported on Iranian state television, one wek after the death from radiation. An Article in Stratfor suggests that the death may have been the result of covert action against Iran.

January 24, 2007

  • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert threatens Iran with nuclear attack using the Holocaust as a moral justification: "The Jewish people, with the scars of the Holocaust fresh on its body, cannot afford to allow itself to face threats of annihilation once again. Anyone who threatens us, who threatens our existence, must know that we have the determination and capability of defending ourselves, responding with force, discretion and with all the means at our disposal." However he wants "every country" (Code for the United States and various Western European states) to share complicity for attacks against Iran: "It is the obligation of every country to act against this with all its might." Source: Steven Glutkin. "Olmert Calls For action against Iran." Associated Press & San Jose Mercury News. January 24, 2007. News Report
  • The story improves with the telling. The Daily Telegraph reports that North Korea is helping Iran prepare to conduct a nuclear test. However what the text of the article in the conservative Briitsh daily reveals is that an unnamed senior western military official told its reporters that a) the Iranians are working closely with the North Koreans to study the results of last year's North Korean nuclear bomb test, b) there is increased activity at Iran's nuclear facilities this year and c) "there are indications" that "the Iranians are working hard to prepare for their own underground nuclear test." Source: Con Coughlin. "N Korea Helping Iran With Nuclear Testing." The Daily Telegraph. January 24, 2007. Daily Telegraph News Article Haaretz then reports that, "the Daily Telegraph reported Wednesday, North Korea is helping Iran prepare an underground nuclear test similar to the one Pyongyang carried out last year." Source: n.a. "Report: Iran Planning Nuclear Test with N. Korean Assistance." Haaretz. January 24, 2007. Haaretz New Article
  • U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice admits that there is nothing to the claim that North Korea is helping Iran prepare to test a nuclear device: "I don't see that it's based on anything that I've seen. I don't see what it's based on." Source: n.a. "Rice Dismisses Report North Korea Helping Iran Prepare Nuke Test." Agence France Presse. January 24, 2007. News Report

January 23, 2007

  • U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs Nicholas Burns blusters in speech the Dubai-based Gulf Research Center: "The Middle East isn't a region to be dominated by Iran. The Gulf isn't a body of water to be controlled by Iran. That's why we've seen the United States station two carrier battle groups in the region...Iran is going to have to understand that the United States will protect its interests if Iran seeks to confront us." While in Syria, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemns American and Isreali motives: "The U.S. intends to cause insecurity and dispute and weaken independent governments in the region to continue with its dominance over the Middle East and achieve its arrogant goals...The U.S. and Zionist regime have a conspiracy to stir up conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in order to plunder the wealth of the regional nations." Source: Jim Krane. "U.S. Warns Iran to Back Down." Associated Press. January 23, 2007. News Report
  • French Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jean-Baptiste Mattei expressed his government's dismay that Iran had decided to bar IAEA nulcear inspectors from entering the country. Source: n.a. "France Expresses Concern About Iran's Decision to Bar 38 U.N. Nuclear Agency Inspectors." The International Herald Tribune. January 23, 2007. Nuclear weapons state France disapproves of Iranian efforts to achieve the same status but has not offered to give up its own nuclear arsenal.
  • Isreali rightist Benjamin Netanuyahu urges Massachusetts Treasurer Tom Cahill to divest in firms doing business with Iran because of that coutnry's nuclear policies: "This allows you to use economic pressure that might obviate the need to use different measures. It actually might work given Iran's own vulnerabilities." Source: n.a. "Netanyahu Asks U.S. Pension Fund to Quit Companies Dealing With Iran." Reuters and Haaretz. January 24, 2007. But did Neyanyahu promise to work for Israeli nuclear disarmament?
  • Courting the Isreali lobby back home. Speaking at the annual Herzliya Conference in Isreal Mormon Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney called for economic sanctions against Iran like those imposed on aparthied era South Africa. He also promised "The military option remains on the table." Source: Glen Johnson. "Romney Calls for Anti-Apartheid-like Sanctions Against Iran." Associated Press. January 23, 2007. Does Mitt Romney's Mormon morality permit promising a war to get elected? What about approving Israeli "aparthied" against the Palestinians? Also considering a run for the Republican nomination is Newt Gingrich who competing with Romney as fear-monger: "Israel is in the greatest danger it has been in since 1967. Prior to '67, many wondered if Israel would survive. After '67, Israel seemed military dominant, despite the '73 war. I would say we are (now) back to question of survival." Source: Yaacov. "Israel Faces Nuclear Holocaust Warns Gingrich." Y-Net News. January 23, 2006. Gingrich waxes hysterical: "Three nuclear weapons are a second holocaust. ... I'll repeat it. Three nuclear weapons are a second holocaust. ... Our enemies are fully as determined as Nazi Germany and more determined than the Soviets. Our enemies will kill us the first chance they get...If we knew that tomorrow morning we would lose Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, what would we do to stop it? If we knew that we would tomorrow lose Boston, San Francisco or Atlanta, what would we do?"

January 22, 2007

  • The Iranian government retaliates for UN Resolution 1737 (December 23, 2006) by barring 38 out of a total of 200 IAEA nuclear inspectors detailed to Iran. Iranian parliamentary foreign policy and national security committee chair Alaedin Boroujerdi announced: "The committee has decided to bar 38 inspectors from coming to Iran and we have announced the new limitation to the agency." However, according to the IAEA spokesperson Melissa Fleming, "There are a sufficient number of inspectors designated for Iran and the IAEA is able to perform its inspection activities in accordance with Iran's Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement." Source: Nazila Fathi. "Iran Bars Inspectors; Cleric Criticizes President." The New York Times. January 23, 2007.

January 21, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issues hyperbolic dismissal of the claim that Resolution 1737 had any effect in Iran: "The (U.N.) resolution was delivered dead. Ten more similar resolutions will not affect our economy and our policy...Falsely, they want to imply that we have had costs in this regard." He also promises to distribute shares of ownership in companies to 20 million more Iranians. Source: Naser Karimi. "Iran's Leader: U.N. Won't Stop Nuke Plan." Associated Press. January 21, 2007.
  • Iranian government announces it has begun three days of tests for its short range Zalzal and Fajr-5 missiles. Source: Naser Karimi. "Iran Announces New Missile Tests." The Guardian. January 22, 2007.
  • Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants "the world" (code for The United States) to attack Iran in the 21st century to atone for its failure to attack Nazi Germany in the mid-20th century in an impossible effort to save Jewish non-U.S. citizens from genocide: "I want to call on the world that didn't stop the Holocaust last time to stop any attempt this time and what needs to be done is divest genocide." Source: Naser Karimi. "Iran's Leader: U.N. Won't Stop Nuke Plan." Associated Press. January 21, 2007. Curious how Netanyahu has not demanded that Israeli Defense Force units be rushed to Darfur.

January 20, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad begins tour of the Arab Middle East Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Source: n.a. "Musharraf, Ahmadinejad Discuss Mideast." Associated Press. January 19, 2007.

January 19, 2007

  • How did the U.S. get into this miserable position? U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates admits, "Frankly, right at this moment there’s really nothing the Iranians want from us, and so in any negotiation right now we would be the supplicant." Souce: David S. Cloud. "Gates Says U.S. Has Few Options to Halt Iran’s Atomic Plans." The New York Times. January 19, 2007. News Article
  • Sniffing for weakness, speculation is expressed in the language of Orientalism. Chicago Tribune reports that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces conservative opposition over nuclear policy in the "hazy world of Iranian politics." Evidence for the claim takes the form of an editorial in Jomhouri Eslami, a newspaper controlled by conservative Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commenting that Resolution 1737, "is certainly harmful for the country" and disquiet among reformists in the Iranian parliament. Source: Nasila Fathi and Michael Slackman. "Iranians Press Leader to Exit Nuclear Debate: Rebuke of President Follows UN Sanctions." Chicago Tribune. January 19, 2007.
  • Emerging Southwest Asian Islamist Alliance? Pakistani President (miltiary dictator) Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly discuss Middle East politics by telephone. Source: n.a. "Musharraf, Ahmadinejad Discuss Mideast." Associated Press. January 19, 2007.

January 18, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad Ali Hosseini criticises new UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: "Ignoring the right of IAEA members to pursue peaceful nuclear technology is against the provisions of the NPT, the right having been emphasized and backed by 118 countries of the Non-Aligned Movement during its summit on Dec. 22, 2006. We expect the U.N. secretary-general's remarks and stances to be in accordance with the U.N. Charter and to uphold its principles and responsibilities, and to observe fairness in decision making." Source: n.a. "Iran: U.N. Chief Ignorant of Nuclear Law." United Press International. January 18, 2007.
  • Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani blusters before Iranian clerics in Qom: ""The Islamic republic's armed forces are completely ready to confront any probable threats by the enemies...Our enemies have waged a psychological war in order to make us retreat from our nuclear positions." Source: n.a. "Iran Nuclear Chief Says Forces Ready For Any Threat." Agence France Presse. January 20, 2007.

January 17, 2007

  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comments: "They [Israelis] well know the power of the Iranian people. I don't think they would ever dare to attack us, neither them nor their masters. They won't do such a stupid thing." Source: n.a. "Iran President Says Israel Would Not Dare Attack." Reuters NewsAlert. January 17, 2006.
  • IAEA imposes temporary suspension of nuclear assistance to Iran. Source: George Jahn. "U.N. Nuclear Agency Stops Some Iran Aid." Guardian and Associated Press. January 17, 2006.
  • Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the Doomsday Clock to five minutes to midnight. Source: Alex Morales. "Scientists Adjust `Doomsday Clock' as Threat Grows (Update1)." Bloomberg. January 17, 2006.
  • With Republican neo-cons it's always someone else's fault. Increasingly impotent U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tells NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell in an interview that Iran is the party at fault for the U.S. refusal to engage in negotiations: "And as for Iran, this is a time when Iran every day is more and more in violation of international responsibilities and international demands. Iran knows how it can engage with the United States. It only has to suspend its enrichment, something that has been demanded by the international community." Souce: Interview With Andrea Mitchell of NBC News U.S. Department of State January 17, 2007.

January 16, 2007

  • Someone is lying. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mohammad Ali Hosseini denied unconfirmed January 15, 2007 reports that the Iranian government had asked the government of Saudi Arabia to mediate the Iranian Nuclear Crisis: "(The report about) Iran asking Saudi Arabia to mediate between Iran and America is baseless." Source: Parisa Hafezi. Iran Denies Urging Saudi to Mediate With U.S. Reuters Alert.net. January 16, 2006.

January 15, 2007

  • Wishful thinking? News sources report unconfirmed information that a Saudi Arabian government official said that Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani had delivered a joint message from Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Saudi King Abdullah urging him to convey a message of goodwill from Tehran to Washington. Source: Julian Borger, Ian Traynor & Ewen MacAskill. "We Are Not Leaving, Gates Warns Iran as Troop Surge Begins." Guardian. January 16, 2006. News Story
  • Former unconfirmed U.S. Ambassador to the UN now reduced to AEI neo-con talking-head John Bolton concludes that war with Iran to achieve regime change is "preferable" to striking Iran's nuclear site because, "the only course worse than the use of force is an Iran with nuclear weapons". Source: Sarah Baxter. "Sanctions Won't Stop Iran Getting N-arms: Bolton." The Australian. January 15, 2007.

January 14, 2007

  • Iranian Foreign Ministry Mohammad Ali Hosseini denies that nuclear enrichment is stalled at the Natanz facility. Source: n.a. "Iran Denies Reports of Stalled Nuclear Activities." Associated Press and International Herald Tribune. January 14, 2006.
  • Planted news story? Former Russian Black Sea Fleet Edward Baltin warns that the numerous U.S. submarines patrolling in the Persian Gulf indicate a likely U.S. attack on Iran. Source: n.a. "Russian Admiral: Numerous US Nuclear Subs Signals Imminent Strike on Iran." Jerusalem Newswire. January 14, 2007.

January 12, 2007

  • Smiley second Bush White House spokesperson Tony Snow describes the widespread suspicion that Bush's televised January 10, 2007 speech was an attempt to prepare American public opinion for war with Iran as "an urban legend." With respect to preparations for war with Iran, Snow states flatly: "There are not." Read the unambiguous denial made during the January 12, 2007 Transcript of the White House Press Conference.
  • British Iran specialist Ali Ansari describes the U.S. raod on the Iranian consulate in Arbil as an "extreme provocation" and "a declaration of war": "The risk is a wider war. Because of the underlying tensions, we are transferring from a 'cold war' into a 'hot war'." Source: Ann Penketh. "Bush's Tough Tactics Are A 'Declaration of War' on Iran." The Independent. January 12, 2007.

January 11, 2007

  • CBS News reports speculation by Center for Strategic and International Studies' Anthony Cordeman that Iran might have shifted ther focus of uranium enrichment to undisclosed locations because the Natanz plant was a likely target of airstrikes. Source: George Jahn. "Iran Nuke Work Seems Slow, Puzzling West." CBS News. January 11, 2006.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lobbies Chinese leaders in Beijing to discuss Iranian nuclear crisis. Xinhua quotes Prime Minister Wen Jiabao: "China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the (diplomatic) settlement of the (Iran) issue." Source: Dan Williams. "Israel's Olmert Discusses Iran With China's Hu." Washington Post. January 11, 2007.
  • U.S. military arrests 4 Iranian diplomats in a raid on their consulate in Erbil that was not coordinated with the Iraqi national government or the semi-autonomous Kurdish government controlling northern Iraq.

January 9, 2007

  • Eldad Pardo, Hebrew University (Jerusalem) Iran specialist talks up the inevitability of war: "A nuclear Iran would sell weapons to terrorists, and a clash will be inevitable." Source: Etgar Lefkovits. "Expert: Clash Over Iran Nukes Inevitable." Jerusalem Post. January 9, 2007.

January 8, 2007

  • Stuart Levey, described by NPR Morning Edition reporter as the "Bush administration sanctions guy," describes UN Resolution 1737 as potentially powerful: "From my perspective as the guy who does sanctions policy, if you read this resolution and if it is really faithfully enforced, it could be very powerful." Michele Keleman. "U.S., Russia at Odds over U.N. Sanctions on Iran." NPR Morning Edition. January 9, 2007. News Report

January 7, 2007

  • The Sunday Times, a newspaper owned by pro-Israeli Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, "breaks" the story that Israel has drawn up "secret" plans for an airstrike to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical min-nukes, low yeld nuclear weapons designed as "bunker busters." Israeli miltiary officers are reported to be the sources for the (purposefully?) leaked information. The targets named in Natanz, Isfahan and Arak. Source: Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter. "Revealed: Israel Plans Nuclear Strike on Iran." The Sunday Times. January 7, 2007. News Report
  • Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mark Regev denied the reported nuclear attack plan: "Israel is 100 percent committed to the international effort to achieve a diplomatic solution and supports the full and expeditious implementation of UN Resolution 1737." Source: David Rosenberg. "Israel Denies Plan to Attack Iran Nuclear Facility (Update2)." Bloomberg. January 7, 2007. News Report

January 6, 2007

  • Iranian MP Kazem Jalali expreses Iranian sense of victimization: "Western states intend to convince the world that Iran has violated international regulations by obliging the country's officials to make hasty decisions while the issue is not true...Giant world media, influenced by the Zionist regime, intend to show an inappropriate image of Iran." Source: n.a. MP Cautions Against Hasty Decision On Nuclear Case. IRNA. January 6, 2007. News Article
  • The New York Times reports conclusion about the Israeli government by Hebrew University professor Schlomo Avineri suggesting that the Israeli security and intelligence services are calling rhe shots in foreign policy: "This is a government where the prime minister and defense minister don't really control their own people in the security services and don't feel strong enough to challenge them. Source: Steven Erlanger. "In a Weakened Israel, Split on Policy and Politics, Angry Words--or No Words at All." The New York Times. January 7, 2007. A9.

January 5, 2007

  • In Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao urges chief Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani to respond to the UN Resolution 1737: "[W]e hope Iran could make a serious response to the resolution...China continues to believe the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved through diplomatic negotiation." Source: Audra Ang. "Report: China Prods Iran to Answer U.N." Guardian. January 5, 2006. News Report
  • More bluster from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Iranian state-run television: "Iran will stand up to coercion. ... All Iranians stand united to defend their nuclear rights...Enemies have assumed that they can prevent the progress of the Iranian nation through psychological war and issuing resolutions, but they will be defeated." n.a. "Iran Flouts Nuclear Sanctions: Nuclear Chief Touts 'Tons' Of Enrichment Materials As President Rails Against Resolution." CBS News. January 5, 2007.

January 4, 2007

  • The Jerusalem Post reports comments of a former Israeli Air Force commander about an air strike against Iranian nuclear installations: "Israel can do it. All you have to do is pick a number of essential targets and destroy them. This way you delay the process and wait to see what happens...We would need to know all of the specifications, whether the bunker is fortified by steel or concrete and even how thick it is." Source: Yaakov Katz. "IDF Can Stop Iran's Nuclear Program'." January 4, 2007. (Note that the headline said "stop" while the quote said "delay." (This begs the question: Delay for what purpose? Until another bellicose Republican U.S. President can be elected to invade Iran?")
  • In Hendijan, Khuzistan, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reminds his auduence(s) that the international nuclear non-proliferation regime has an explicit quid pro quo: "The Articles of Association of the NPT and IAEA clearly stipulate that the Agency and nuclear technology-rich countries are obligated to assist other members to gain access to the nuclear fuel cycle and in return other members have been urged to refrain from diverting to nuclear weapons". Source: n.a. "Progress of Iran Angers Enemies." Fars news Agency. January 4, 2007. News Report

January 3, 2007

  • Revolutionary Guards Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi threatens: "More than 190,000 members of American forces are scattered in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the U.S. carries out its threats against Iran, they must know that all these forces will be within our reach..."The U.S. and the Zionist regime (Israel) do not have the power to confront us and we will hand them bone-breaking blows...Iraq is getting more unsafe everyday for America anyway." Source: n.a. "Iran Will Target U.S. Forces If Attacked." Aljazeera.com. January 3, 2007. New Report
  • Iranian nuclear negotiator Sirus Naseri comments that anxiety about the "confidentiality of information" is "more intense in view of potential threats of military strikes against facilities visited by the agency", (a.k.a. ther IAEA). Source: n.a. "Iran Will Target U.S. Forces If Attacked." Aljazeera.com. January 3, 2007. New Report
  • Pessimism increases in the U.S. about the possibility the second Bush administration will widen the war to include Iran. Examples: Brace Yourself for 2007.

January 2, 2007

  • Rightist Israeli Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman sends letter to new UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon critical of the Secretary General's conclusion that the Israeli-Palestinian issue was at the core of solving the problems in the Middle East, including the problem of the claimed Iranian threat to Israel: "I have never heard Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad call for territorial compromises from Israel, but rather for the total and unconditional annihilation of the Jewish state. I have never heard Mahmoud Ahmadinejad call for negotiations between Israel and Palestinians, yet I have heard his repeated calls for wiping Israel off the map. Ahmadinejad's vision for a 'new Middle East' is one void of a Jewish state or any Jews at all." Source: Gil Hoffman. "Lieberman Responds to UN Chief." The Jerusalem Post. January 2, 2007. Lieberman then proceeds to make hysterical demand that incoming UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to expel Iran from the world body over its repeated threats against Israel: "Ahmadinejad's intentions are clear, and while the free world takes its time, the Iranian president is pressing with his plan to build nuclear weapons. Israel can and will stand alone against Iran, but we shouldn't have to do so. If Iran is allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, the free world will pay a heavy price and Israel will be the first and will pay the heaviest price. But Iran's aggression will not end there." Source: n.a. "Lieberman to UN Chief: Expel Iran." Ynetnews and Israelinsider. January 4, 2007. News Article

January 1, 2007

New Years Day becomes a day of rhetorical overkill for Iranian MPs.

  • How did humans exercise freedom before they could crack atoms? Should we add nuclear power to speech, press, assembly and due process as essential rights? Iranian MP Kazem Jalali and Rapporteur of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission comments: "After ratification of the unfair and illegal resolution by the Security Council, the Islamic Consultative Assembly, as one of important decision-making centers (of the country), passed the bill to speed up nuclear activities and revise Iran's cooperation with the IAEA...There are special regulations in international relations. Iran has fulfilled its international duties in hope of restoring its rights...There is no reason for denying a country access to its inalienable rights while it has conducted its duties well." Source: n.a. "Majlis Aims To Restore Iran's Nuclear Right: MP." IRNA. January 1, 2006. News Report
  • How did humans even survive before they could crack atoms? Should we add nuclear power to the list of essential including food, shelter, health care and education? Iranian MP Heshmatollah Felahat-Pisheh comments: "All through these years because the West always deprived us of our essential nuclear needs, we were practically sanctioned. Therefore the issuance of such a resolution against Iran was completely predictable. However, Iran will celebrate its nuclear achievement in the Islamic Revolution anniversary days." Source: n.a. "Iran MP: UNSC Sanctions have no effect on Iran's progress." ISNA. January 1, 2007 News Report
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