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Welcome to BDAL Introduction to BDAL Challenges Organizational Culture BDAL Participants Design Situation Analysis

Design Situation Analysis

Now, lets put it all together. Below you will read a sample scenario. Decide if it meets the criteria for a BDAL program or not. You should agree with 3 out of the 4 criteria relative to the expert responses.

1. Organization – The organization is an agency within the DoD whose mission is to provide acquisition engineering, in-service engineering and technical support for component parts and weapons systems within the DoD. As such, it serves an important role within the DoD supply chain. Part of its mission is supply chain risk management.

2. Problem Definition – The Government Accountability Office (GAO) maintains a high-risk program to focus attention on government operations that it identifies as high risk due to their greater vulnerabilities to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement or the need for transformation to address economy, efficiency, or effectiveness challenges. The DoD Supply Chain Management made the 2015 High-Risk List.

The Department of Defense (DOD) manages more than 5 million secondary inventory items, such as spare parts, with a reported value of approximately $98 billion, as of September 2013.

There are many issues that effect supply chain management, two figure prominently with the subject organization: 1) A shrinking quantity of trusted suppliers of components for ageing DoD weapon systems; 2) The risk of counterfeit parts in the supply chain.

3. Nature of the Challenge – As compliance mandates, and information flows multiply, supply chains are becoming more complex, costly and vulnerable.

  • Supply chains can ’t keep pace with cost volatility which is important in the current fiscal environment.
  • Data visibility – and the collaboration between suppliers and customers required to get information and make decisions with it is both an information technology (IT) and cultural issue.
  • Increasing risk due to globalization and greater supply chain interdependence have not only elevated risk, but also made it more difficult to manage.
    • Lack of standardized processes, insufficient data and inadequate technologies as the chief stumbling blocks preventing effective risk management.
    • Increased globalization, has increased problems caused by unreliable delivery, longer lead times, and poor quality.

4. Organizational Culture – The subject organization’s culture is described as bureaucratic, stable, innovative, and team-oriented. • The organization has a very positive reputation within the DoD for its rapid response to critical problems and is valued for its knowledge and expertise in its assigned technical and business capabilities.

  • The organization is supportive of education and training particularly related to maintaining the health of its technical and business capabilities.

5. People – The employees at the organization are made up predominantly of DoD civilians with only a few military personnel.

  • Approximately 25% have military service backgrounds.
  • The workforce is characterized as patriotic, loyal, and dedicated to supporting the DoDs mission.
  • The organization experiences high levels of collaboration and teamwork internally and externally.
  • The demand for supply chain risk management skills has increased making it more difficult to keep an adequate pipeline of leaders with experience in this area.
  • Aging workforce makes employee development critical for the future.

Design Situation Analysis

1 Does the context represent a complex business challenge?


2 Are the personal challenges in alignment with the business challenge?


3 Is the culture a good fit?


4 Does the participant pool have the right characteristics for BDAL?



In this lesson, you learned how to:

  • Analyze a design situation to determine if BDAL would be an appropriate instructional method

By learning the appropriate characteristics of key BDAL component parts including:

  • Business and Personal Challenges
  • Organizational Culture
  • Individual and Team membership

Business-Driven Action Learning can be a powerful tool for organizational learning under the proper conditions.If you would like to learn more about BDAL, check out these links:

Welcome to BDAL Introduction to BDAL Challenges Organizational Culture BDAL Participants Design Situation Analysis
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