Eczema or atopic dermatitis forearm.

Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and related diseases.[1]


Learning Resources

DOIT is a non-profit association of several academic partners in Europe. It runs the multilingual (6) e-learning-platform DOIT(Dermatology Online with Interactive Technology; , which provides an interactive, systematic, case-orientated program for Medical Students, accessible worldwide free of charge (more than 15’000 registrations so far, >140 Universities in >40 countries). A mobile version for Tablet-PC and Smartphones (online and offline; iOS, Android and others) is available since 2014 (App. cyberderm). The program has received several international awards The various modules follow a didactic Catalog of Learning Objectives. It has been supported by the Swiss Government and the Founding Universities since 2000. Founding Editor: Günter Burg, Zürich et al. In 2012 the European Forum of Dermatology (EDF) has chosen DOIT to be the standard e-learning platform for Medical Schools in Europe. DOIT also has been elected a prototype e-learning program by eduGAIN Service ( ), which "interconnects identity federations around the world, simplifying access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community”.


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