Subject classification: this is a psychology resource.
Completion status: this resource is ~25% complete.


Participants in this learning project are encouraged to explore:

  1. Processes of knowing, understanding, and reasoning that involve being aware of one's thoughts and perceptions.
  2. What is the physical substrate of cognition?
  3. Can man-made machines ever become cognitively active?
  4. What human brain processes generate cognitive experiences?

What is cognition?

  1. Cognition is a general term for all forms of knowing (e.g. attending, remembering, reasoning and understanding concepts, facts, propositions, and rules).
  2. Cognitive processes are how you manipulate your mental contents.
  3. Cognitive psychology is the study of cognition.
  4. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field that extends the principles of cognitive psychology to other systems that manipulate information.

Cognition and the brain

Non-invasive brain scanning allows correlations to be made between human conscious experiences and patterns of brain activity. Studies of both visual[1] and auditory[2] perception allow distinctions to be made between brain regions that do and do not show activity patterns that correlate with conscious experiences. Results from study of brain lesions, application of drugs, and electromagnetic disruption of the function of specific brain regions can be interpreted in combination with results from brain scans.

Cognitive therapy

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle



  1. Neural correlates of the visual vertical meridian asymmetry by Taosheng Liu, David J. Heeger, and Marisa Carrasco in Journal of Vision (2007) Volume 6: 1294–1306.
  2. Hierarchical Processing of Auditory Objects in Humans by Sukhbinder Kumar, Klaas E Stephan, Jason D Warren, Karl J Friston and Timothy D Griffithsin in PLoS Comput Biol. (2007) Volume 3:e100.

See also

Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Cognitive psychology.
Search for Cognition on Wikipedia.



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