< CisLunarFreighter
- OpenOffice
- GIMP - Graphics Image Manipulation Program is useful for a wide variety of graphics image tasks including creating tilesets and sprites, translating file formats, and creating background and foreground stills and masks.
- Inkscape
PDF File Creation
- OpenOffice - A productivity desktop suite. Contains word processor which will create and export a pdf file. Useful for storyboarding. One file contains all pictures and text.
- Art of Illusion - An easy to learn powerful 3D modeling and animation environment. There are few import/export paths for this program but it is written in Java with an extensible object oriented framework. Probably worth reading the code for graphical programming techniques and possibly classes.
- w:Blender_(software) - A 3D modeling and animation suite with additional capabilities to support game programming. It has been confirmed that blender will import 3ds files. Exporting from a now out dated version of 3DSMax to 3ds and imported into Blender3D has been accomplished successfully. An external introduction to blender set of video tutorials.. Wikibooks has several online books on Blender.b:Blender
- Make Human - Allow for quick and detailed modeling humans.
Sound Clip/Track Editing
- Audacity - An open source sound processing tool.
Still Art Editing/Creation
- Inkscape - An open source illustration program.
Game Engines/Tools
- Arianne - An open source 2D massive multiplayer online role playing game engine.
- HiperGL - Game Framework - Framework for hardware accelerated 2D graphics.
- Crystalspace3d - a 3d game engine
- ImageJ - Written in Java this is an image processor focused on Scientific processing. It may also be useful for lifting techniques for graphics programming using the Java standard library.
- Panda3D - A BSD-licenced 3D graphics and game engine.
Code version/build/test/programming tools
- Ant - A build and test automation tool. Has worked well so far with Beans and jFreeRails and ImageJ. Well worth someone learning to package our distribution effectively.
- ArgoUML - An open source UML editor. I have seen it alleged that this does not yet implement the full UML specification. Anybody who can illuminate us please do so here.
- Beans IDE - This is a very sophisticated and so far robust integrated development environment. It works well with ANT. I have successfully compiled and tested ImageJ and jFreerails using the build xml files that came with them.
- JVM - The Java Virtual Machine platform runs on most desktop or better hardware, making it ideal for widespread distribution of our applets.
- 3D No Plugin - Uses Java and python to display 3D models online without plugins. A little slow. Useful for model evaluation
Information available at other projects
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephants_Dream This article on the FOSS short creation process has a list of tools used within the project.
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