< Caregiving and dementia
Caregiving and dementia - Projects

This page provides links to overviews and more information about projects related to training in caregiving and dementia.

Dementia Training Study Centres

These projects were undertaken by the Dementia Training Study Centres (DTSCs) in Australia (2011-2013). Each project addressed one or more National Priority Areas and was lead by one of the Dementia Training Study Centres (DTSCs).

There are also separate pages with overviews about each priority area.

Allied health

  1. Allied health dementia education project
  2. Dementia champions
  3. Dementia clinical case studies educational resource
  4. Masonic Care dementia education program
  5. Mater Hospital dementia education program
  6. Osborne Park Hospital guide for occupational therapists in clinical practice
  7. Postgraduate unit – Introduction to dementia
  8. Psychology curriculum development
  9. Rural and remote training
  10. Wellbeing and dementia workshops


  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visual learning resource project
  2. Aboriginal creative arts project
  3. Creative arts as cultural expression for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in RACFs
  4. Culturally sensitive indigenous workshops
  5. Special needs case studies
  6. Training for Aboriginal health workers

Behaviour management

  1. Advanced directives workshop
  2. Evidence-based tools for assessing BPSD
  3. Evidence-based assessment and management of behaviours associated with dementia
  4. Workforce scoping and development project
  5. Sexualities and dementia resource


  1. CALD and end of life: Undergraduate inter-professional education
  2. CALD cultural sensitivity workshops
  3. CALD needs analysis
  4. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) project
  5. Best practice principles and guidelines for culturally- aware and culturally- sensitive policies, procedures, education and practices in residential dementia care in an increasingly multicultural environment

Caregiving and dementia/Topics/Diagnosing dementia|Diagnosing dementia]]

  1. Diagnosing dementia – Northern Territory
  2. National diagnosing dementia project
  3. Responding to challenging behaviours

Curricula mapping and dementia career and educational pathways

  1. Career and education pathway

Environmental design and assistive technology

  1. Clinical workshops on environmental design for people with dementia
  2. Development of an audit tool based educational package to inform an understanding of the use of the physical environment in the care of people with dementia
  3. Introducing environmental design for people with dementia into undergraduate architectural curricula
  4. Provision of timely education to aged care managers and architects involved in designing facilities for people with dementia

GPs and medical specialists

  1. Alzheimer’s Australia WA GP master class
  2. Canning division of general practice – GP nurse and education package
  3. Development, delivery and evaluation of education content on the topic of diagnosing dementia for GPs
  4. GP and medical specialists education and training
  5. GP and medical specialists needs analysis project
  6. Master classes
  7. Medical students – 5th year placement
  8. On-line illustrated lectures for GPs
  9. Palliative care GP seminars

Knowledge transfer

  1. Acute care course
  2. Acute care symposium
  3. Australian Journal of Dementia Care
  4. Clinical workshop program
  5. Curriculum penetration and career pathway development: The scaffolding project
  6. Dementia education online
  7. Establishment and development of a dementia care wiki
  8. Fellowships in dementia education program
  9. Guest lecture series
  10. Knowledge transfer events
  11. Knowledge transfer in relation to the care of people with dementia
  12. Online education modules
  13. Resource distribution
  14. Provision of support to industry

Medication management

  1. Learning package to improve management of medication for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities


  1. Australian registered nurses training program
  2. Dementia nursing competencies
  3. Development, delivery and evaluation of education content on the topic of diagnosing dementia for practice nurses, ACAT clinicians and community nurses
  4. Educational materials to aid nurses working within the correctional and forensic healthcare context
  5. Falls prevention
  6. Graduate certificate in dementia care nursing
  7. Improving the understanding of dementia in overseas qualified nurses
  8. Nurse education about bowel management in people with dementia
  9. Nursing students placement program
  10. Support for a service prepared to evaluate the adoption of post graduate education and nursing competencies for registered nurses engaged in the care of people with dementia

Palliative/End of life care

  1. Development of curriculum content for clinical placement in palliative care of people with dementia
  2. E-ageing
  3. End of life, train the trainer project
  4. Working with dementia in today's world: An education resource for GP practices

Person-centred care

  1. Assessing fitness to drive
  2. Identifying best practice models for the care of prisoners with dementia
  3. Life writing and depression in people with dementia
  4. Person-centred care needs analysis
  5. Resource for aged care assessment team and community based clinicians
  6. Toolkit for the implementation of person-centred care

Younger onset dementia

  1. Younger onset dementia training resource package
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