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Welcome to the Brexit Learning Project. The word Brexit refers to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.[1] Following the 2016 referendum vote to leave, the UK started the withdrawal process on 29 March 2017, putting the UK on course to leave by April 2019.[2] |
EtymologyBrexit (and the earlier variant, Brixit)[3] is a portmanteau of "British" and "exit". It was derived from Grexit, a hypothetical Greek withdrawal from the Eurozone (and possibly the EU).[4] |
The terms of withdrawal have not yet been negotiated and the UK remains a full member of the European Union.[5] Theresa May has announced 12 negotiating objectives and confirmed that the UK Government would not seek permanent single market membership.[6] She has proposed a Great Repeal Bill to repeal the European Communities Act 1972 and incorporate existing EU laws directly into UK law.[7] |
Negotiation objectives[6]
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