Nymphaea odorata

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Profile for Nymphaea odorata (White Water Lily)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:Large white flower with many petals floats on the surface of the water. 10 cm across.
Foliage:Round with a V-shaped notch on one side. Up to 30 cm long.
Growing Conditions:Ponds, lakes, slow-moving streams and rivers
Life Cycle: Perennial
Similar Plants:Nuphar variegata
Recent Logs
  • Jomegat 01:05, 13 June 2010 (UTC)
  • Jomegat 19:46, 26 June 2010 (UTC)
    (view all logs)

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer

Regional data:
New Hampshire: (native) June, July, August

Additional images:

Please contribute!
This page is a profile for the plant species Nymphaea odorata, used to collect records of where and when this plant was observed blooming, and for providing identification information for use in dichotomous keys. If you would like to help collect data for this or other plants, see Bloom clock project/How to Contribute for orientation.
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