Cornus ssericea

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Profile for Cornus sericea (Red Osier Dogwood)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:Small (5-10 mm diameter), dull white in color, in clusters 3-6 cm diameter
Foliage:Opposite, 5-12 cm long and 2.5-6 cm broad, with an ovate to oblong shape and an entire margin; they are dark green above and glaucous below; fall color is commonly bright red to purple.
Growing Conditions:Commonly grows in areas of damp soil, such as wetlands.
Fruit:The fruit is a globose white berry 5-9 mm diameter.
Life Cycle: Perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Summer

Regional data:
New Hampshire: (native) August

Additional images:

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