Amphicarpaea bracteata


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Profile for Amphicarpaea bracteata (Hog-peanut)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Twining herbaceous forb
Flowers:Produces two types of flowers. The first is an unbranched, elongated inflorescence with pedicellate flowers maturing from the bottom up. These flowers open before fertilization and are usually cross-pollinated (chasmogamous). The other flowers are self-fertilized without opening (cleistogamous) and are produced on creeping branches near the ground.
Foliage:Trifoliate, with broadly lanceolate to ovate leaflets.
Stem:Smooth or covered with short hairs, coil around a support for climbing
Growing Conditions:Open woods, thickets
Fruit:The fruit is a sickle-shaped, thin-walled legume, 4-6 mm long.
Life Cycle: Annual
Similar Plants:BCP/Phaseolus polystachios
General information:The genus name is from the Greek and indicates that the plant has two types of fruit. Amphi meaning "both", and carpos meaning "fruit".
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Summer, Early Fall

Regional data:
New Hampshire: (native) August , September

Additional images:

Please contribute!
This page is a profile for the plant species Amphicarpaea bracteata, used to collect records of where and when this plant was observed blooming, and for providing identification information for use in dichotomous keys. If you would like to help collect data for this or other plants, see Bloom clock project/How to Contribute for orientation.
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