Amelanchier bartramiana

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Profile for Amelanchier bartramiana (Mountain Juneberry, Oblongfruit Serviceberry)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:5 white petals with long pinkish stamens. Flowers are about 2cm across and appear either singly or in clusters of up to four.
Foliage:Oblong-shaped leaves have fine teeth almost all the way to the base. The leaves are tapered on both ends.
Growing Conditions:Partial shade, dry-to-moist soils
Fruit:Pear-shaped edible berries about 1cm long. Red, ripening to purplish-black.
Life Cycle: perennial
Similar Plants:Choke Cherry, other Amelanchier species.
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This page is a profile for the plant species Amelanchier bartramiana, used to collect records of where and when this plant was observed blooming, and for providing identification information for use in dichotomous keys. If you would like to help collect data for this or other plants, see Bloom clock project/How to Contribute for orientation.
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