Acer rubrum

Flower clusters

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Profile for Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Large tree
Flowers:Red flowers opening well before the leaves
Foliage:As with all maples, they are deciduous and arranged oppositely on the twig. They are typically 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) long and wide with 3-5 palmate lobes with a serrated margin. The sinuses are typically narrow, but the leaves can exhibit considerable variation.
Stem:In dense forests, trunk will remain free of branches until some distance up the tree. Individuals grown in the open are shorter and thicker with a more rounded crown.
Growing Conditions:It can be found growing in swamps, on poor dry soils, and most anywhere in between
Similar Plants:Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple)
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring

Regional data:
Southeastern Pennsylvania: (native) (cultivated) March, April
New Hampshire: (native), April, May
Central Pennsylvania: April

Additional images:

Please contribute!
This page is a profile for the plant species Acer rubrum, used to collect records of where and when this plant was observed blooming, and for providing identification information for use in dichotomous keys. If you would like to help collect data for this or other plants, see Bloom clock project/How to Contribute for orientation.
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