Welcome to the Astronomy Learning Project. This learning project offers activities that allow Wikiversity participants to learn astronomy "on the job" by participating in analysis of astronomical observations. Participants in this project access public astronomy data to explore objects in our universe.


A very bright "fireball" captured by the SkyCam in 2012.

The SkyCam project uses an automated camera system to periodically record images of the entire sky from dusk until dawn. These images will be incorporated into other learning projects that include real-time scientific data as dynamic curricular content.

Observational Astronomy

Image processing of the Horsehead Nebula.

Astronomers can gain an understanding of objects in the universe by studying them with a telescope. In this learning project computer programs will be used to view and study images or measurements taken with a telescope to learn basic concepts in astronomy.


Cosmological simulation of the formation of large scale structure in the early universe.
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