< Translation:Mishnah < Seder Zeraim < Tractate Berakhot

Mishnah 1

If one was reading [the Shema] in the Torah, and it came time to recite [the Shema]:
If he directed his heart [and intended to fulfill his obligation to recite the Shema as he read it], he has fulfilled his obligation.
And if not, he has not fulfilled his obligation.
At the breaks [between sections of the Shema], one may greet another out of honor and return a greeting,
And in the middle [of a section], one may greet out of fear and return a greeting.
These are the words of Rabbi Meir.
Rabbi Yehuda says:
In the middle, one may greet out of fear and return a greeting out of honor,
And at the breaks, one may greet out of honor and return a greeting to any person.

Mishnah 2

These are the section breaks:
Between the first and second blessings,
Between the second blessing and Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4),
Between Shema and V'hayah im shamoa ("If you truly listen")(Deuteronomy 11:13),
Between V'hayah im shamoa and Vayomer ("[God] said")(Numbers 15:37),
Between Vayomer and Emet v'yatziv ("True and enduring").
Rabbi Yehuda says:
Between Vayomer and Emet v'yatziv -- one may not pause.
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Korchah said:
Why does Shema precede V'hayah im shamoa?
So that one may accept the yoke of the kingdom of heaven first,
And after that accept the yoke of the commandments.
And [why does] V'hayah im shamoa [precede] Vayomer?
Because V'hayah im shamoa applies during the day and at night,
And Vayomer only applies during the day.

Mishnah 3

One who recites Shema but doesn't make it audible to his ear - has fulfilled his obligation.
Rabbi Yosei says: Has not fulfilled his obligation.
One who recites but does not articulate each letter:
Rabbi Yosei says: Has fulfilled his obligation.
Rabbi Yehuda says: Has not fulfilled his obligation.
One who recites out of order - has not fulfilled his obligation.
One who recites and makes a mistake - should return to the place where he made the mistake.

Mishnah 4

Workers can recite [Shema] on top of a tree or on top of a wall of stones,
which they are not permitted to do for tefillah [prayer].

Mishnah 5

A groom is exempt from reciting Shema on the first night, until Saturday night
if he has not done the deed.
A story about Rabban Gamliel
who recited [Shema] on the first night that he got married.
His students said to him:
Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that a groom is exempt from reciting Shema on the first night?
He said to them:
I will not listen to you, to remove the kingdom of heaven from me for even one hour.

Mishnah 6

[Rabban Gamliel] washed on the first night after his wife died.
His students said to him:
Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that a mourner is forbidden to wash?
He said to them:
I am not like other people.
I am delicate.

Mishnah 7

And when [Rabban Gamliel's] slave Tavi died,
He received words of comfort for him.
His students said to him:
Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that one does not receive words of comfort for slaves?
He said to them:
My slave Tavi was not like other slaves.
He was kasher.

Mishnah 8

If a groom wants to recite Shema on the first night, he may recite [it].
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says:
Not everyone who wants to take on a name may take it on.
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