< Translation:Mishnah < Seder Nashim < Tractate Kiddushin
- One who says to his fellow, go and betroth to me a certain woman,
- [and] he went and betrothed her to himself —
- she is betrothed to the second one.
- Similarly, one who says to a woman,
- "You are hereby betrothed to me after thirty days,"
- and another came and betrothed her within thirty days —
- she is betrothed to the second one.
- If it is the daughter of a priest to a (non-priestly) Jew, she may eat of priestly gifts.
- [If he said, "You are hereby betrothed to me] from now and after thirty days,"
- and another came and betrothed her within thirty days —
- she is betrothed and not betrothed.
- If it is the daughter of a priest to a (non-priestly) Jew, she may not eat of priestly gifts.
- One who says to a woman, "You are hereby betrothed to me
- on condition that I will give you two hundred zuz" —
- she is betrothed, and he must give [it].
- "...on condition that I give you [two hundred zuz] from now and until thirty days" —
- if he gave it to her within thirty days, she is betrothed;
- if not, she is not betrothed.
- "...on condition that I have two hundred zuz" —
- she is betrothed, and he must have it.
- "...on condition that I have [two hundred zuz] in a certain place" —
- if he has it in that place, she is betrothed;
- if not, she is not betrothed.
- "...on condition that I will show you two hundred zuz" —
- she is betrothed, and he must show it to her.
- If he showed it to her on the [money-changer's] table, she is not betrothed.
- [One who says to a woman, "You are hereby betrothed to me..."]
- "...on condition that I have a kor-size tract of land" —
- she is betrothed, and he must have it.
- "...on condition that I have [a kor-sized tract of land] in a certain place" —
- if he has it in that place, she is betrothed;
- if not, she is not betrothed.
- "...on condition that I will show you a kor-sized tract of land" —
- she is betrothed, and he must show it to her.
- If he showed it to her in the valley, she is not betrothed.
- Rabbi Meir says:
- Any condition that is not like the condition of the Reubenites and the Gadites is not a [valid] condition;
- as it says, "Moses said to them, 'If the Reubenites and the Gadites will cross [the Jordan] with you...
- ...and if they will not cross armed with you...'" (Numbers 32:29–30)
- Rabbi Hananiah son of Gamaliel says: It was necessary for the matter to be stated,
- for if not so, it would be implied that even in the Land they would not receive an estate.
- One who betroths a woman,
- and [later] says, "I had thought that she was priestly and she is in fact a Levite;"
- "...a Levite, and she is in fact priestly;"
- "...a poor woman, and she is in fact a rich woman;"
- "...a rich woman, and she is in fact a poor woman;"
- she is betrothed, because she did not decieve him.
- One who says to a woman, "You are hereby betrothed to me..."
- "...after I convert;" "...after you convert;"
- "...after I am freed;" "...after you are freed;"
- "...after your husband dies;" "...after your brother-in-law performs the shoe-removal ceremony;"
- she is not betrothed.
- Similarly, one who says to his fellow, "If your wife gives birth to a female,
- [the child] is hereby betrothed to me,"
- has not said anything.
- One who says to a woman, "You are hereby betrothed to me,"
- "...on condition that I speak on your behalf to the sultan."
- or "...that I act for you as a laborer." —
- if he speaks on her behalf to the sultan, or acts for her as a laborer,
- she is betrothed;
- if not, she is not betrothed.
- "...on condition that father is willing" —
- if the father is willing, she is betrothed;
- if not, she is not betrothed.
- If the father died, she is betrothed.
- If the son died, we instruct the father to say "I am not willing."
- [One who says,] "I had my daughter betrothed, but I do not know to whom I had her betrothed;"
- [If] another comes and says, "I betrothed her," he is believed.
- [If] this one says, "I betrothed her," and this one says, "I betrothed her,"
- they both give a bill of divorce.
- And if they desire, one gives a bill of divorce and one takes her in.
- [If one says,]
- "I had my daughter betrothed as a minor,"
- [or] "I had her betrothed and divorced when she was a minor,"
- and she is [still] a minor —
- he is believed.
- "I had her betrothed and divorced when she was a minor."
- and she is an adult —
- he is not believed.
- "She was captured and I ransomed her,"
- whether she is a minor or an adult —
- he is not believed.
- One who said at his time of death,
- "I have sons" — he is believed;
- "I have brothers" — he is not believed.
- One who has his daughter betrothed ambiguously —
- an elder daughter is not included.
- One who has two sets of daughters from two wives,
- and says, "I had my older daughter betrothed,
- but I do not know if it was the oldest of the older ones,
- or the oldest of the younger ones,
- or the youngest of the older ones
- who is older than the oldest of the younger ones" —
- they are all forbidden, the words of Rabbi Meir,
- except for the youngest of the younger ones.
- Rabbi Yosi says: They are all permitted,
- except for the oldest of the older ones.
- [if he says,] "I had my younger daughter betrothed,
- but I do not know if it was the youngest of the younger ones,
- or the youngest of the older ones,
- or the oldest of the younger ones
- who is younger than the youngest of the older ones —
- they are all forbidden, the words of Rabbi Meir,
- except for the oldest of the older ones.
- Rabbi Yosi says: They are all permitted,
- except for the youngest of the younger ones.
- One who says to a woman, "I betrothed you,"
- and she says, "You did not betroth me" —
- her relatives are forbidden to him,
- and his relatives are permitted to her.
- [One who says to a man,] "You betrothed me,"
- and he says, "I did not betroth you" —
- her relatives are permitted to him,
- and his relatives are forbidden to her.
- [One who says to a woman,] "I betrothed you,"
- and she says, "You betrothed none other than my daughter" —
- the relatives of the older one are forbidden to him,
- and his relatives are permitted to the older one;
- the relatives of the younger one are permitted to him,
- and his relatives are permitted to the younger one.
- [One who says to a woman,] "I betrothed your daughter,"
- and she says, "you betrothed none other than myself" —
- the relatives of the younger one are forbidden to him,
- and his relatives are permitted to the younger one;
- the relatives of the older one are permitted to him,
- and his relatives are forbidden to the older one.
- Wherever there is betrothal and no sin,
- the child goes after the male.
- Which is this?
- This is a priestly woman, a Levitess, or an (ordinary) Jewess.
- who married a priest, a Levite or an (ordinary) Jew.
- Wherever there is betrothal and there is a sin,
- the child goes after the flawed one.
- Which is this?
- This is a widow to the High Priest,
- a divorcee or a woman who has undergone the shoe-removal ceremony to an ordinary priest,
- a mamzeret or a Nathinitess to an (ordinary) Jew,
- An (ordinary) Jewess to a mamzer or Nathinite.
- Any [woman] for whom there is no betrothal to him [specifically],
- but there is betrothal to others,
- the child is a mamzer.
- Which is this?
- This is one who cohabits with any one of the forbiden relations mentioned in the Torah.
- Any [woman] for whom there is no betrothal either to him or to others,
- the child is like her.
- Which is this?
- This is the child of a (non-Jewish) maidservant or a non-Jewish woman.
- Rabbi Tarfon says:
- Mamzers can be purified [from their status].
- How is this?
- A mamzer who married a (non-Jewish) maidservant, the child is a (non-Jewish) servant.
- If they were freed, the son becomes a free [ordinary Jew].
- Rabbi Eliezer says:
- This [child] is a mamzer slave.
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