Eggs that hatched on Yom Tov, Beis Shammai says, you can eat. And Beis Hillel says, you may not eat. Beis Shammai says, an olive's volume of leaven, and a date's volume of what is leavened, (is forbidden on Pesach to eat) Beis Hillel says, both (leaven and what is leavened) are (in the category of) an olive's volume.
One who slaughters a non-domesticated (wild) animal or a chicken (עוף means bird, poultry, but means chicken here, see Beitzah 1a) on a festival, Beis Shammai says one can dig with a shovel (literal meaning: pick) and cover (the blood), and Beis Hillel says one may not slaughter, unless he had dirt ready (to cover the blood) while it was still day (daylight on the day before the festival. And they agree (literal: acknowledge) that if he did slaughter, he can dig with a shovel (literal: pick) and cover it if the dirt of the burner (ashes?) was pre-prepared. (at daylight on the day before the festival, they can be used to cover up the blood.)
Beis Shammai says One may not lean a ladder from one dove-cot to another, but may lean (angle) the ladder from one window to another. Beis Hillel says, it is allowed. Beis Shammai says that one may not take (birds from the cot for slaughtering) unless he had dealt with them (literal: rocked, swayed) at daylight on the day before the festival. Beis Hillel say one may stand and say "So and so I will take"
If one designated (literal: invited) black ones (birds to slaughter) and found white ones or designated white ones and found black ones, or if he designated two and found three, these are prohibited. If he designate three and found two these are permitted. If he designated that they were inside the nest and found them outside the nest, behold, these are prohibited. But if there are only those particular birds (that he designated i.e. he designated white ones and he could only find black ones) these are allowed.
Beis Shammai says: one may not remove a door (cupboard door? see Beitzah 11b) on a festival Beis Hillel permits it, except for putting it back. Beis Shammai says one may not crush meat with a pestle on a festival. Beis Hillel permits. Beis Shammai says one may not place a hide in the path of tramplers, (i.e. using it as a doormat) and one may not lift it up, unless with it there is an olive's volume of meat. And Beis Hillel permits it. Beis Shammai says, one does not take out a small child or a lulav (the ripe green frond of the date palm that is waved on Succos) or a Torah scroll into the public domain. Beis Hillel permits.