< The Kinematics of Machinery
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Absolute motion, 43, 57.
- Adams' spring wheels, 177.
- Adjustable spanner, 320.
- Air-bells, 181.
- Air-vessels, 199.
- Allen bed-plate, 450.
- Ampère, 11.
- Analysis, descriptive, 510.
- Analysis, kinematic, 274.
- Analysis of machines, 52.
- Ancient lathes, 211, 602.
- Ancient toothed-wheels, 603.
- Ancient wheeled vehicles, 208, 599.
- Anderssohn, 184.
- Andrew, 377.
- Animals as direct actors, 508.
- Animals as prime-movers, 500.
- Annular wheels, 263, 429, 433.
- Anti-parallel cranks, 290, 571.
- Approximate construction of element profiles, 160.
- Aronhold, 57, 590.
- Augmentation of chains, 341.
- Automatics, 16.
- Auxiliary centroids, 153.
- Axis, instantaneous, 65, 79.
- Axoids, 80.
- Axoids of closed pairs, 92.
- Axoids of conic crank-chain, 399.
- Axoids, higher, 164.
- Babbage, (kin. notation), 249.
- Bährens, 350.
- Balanced valves, 475.
- Ball, Prof., 591, 597.
- Ball and socket joint, 553.
- Ballista, 222, 459, 228.
- Baker's blower, 417.
- Beale, 363 r 365.
- Becher, 406.
- Bed-plates, 447.
- Behrens, 420.
- Belanger, 15, 80, 591.
- Bellford, 368.
- Bellows, 199.
- Belts, 451, 539.
- Belt-train, 183, 215, 261, 452.
- Berthelot's knotted belt, 506.
- Bishop, 386.
- Blow-tube, 222, 228.
- Bompard, 350.
- Borgnis,10, 506.
- Boring, 206, 214.
- Boring in stone, 599.
- Borrie, 365.
- Bouché, 390.
- Bow, 220, 228.
- Bow-drill, 214.
- Bow-lathe, 214.
- Brackets, 447.
- Brakes, 467.
- Bramah, 378, 406.
- Bramah lock, 565.
- Brahmins, 205.
- Broderip, 347.
- Brotherhood's engine, 190, 347.
- Broughton, 359.
- Brown's steam-engine, 552.
- Caird and Robertson's steering-gear, 577.
- Cam-chains, 460, 563.
- Cam-pairs, 537.
- Caméré, 365.
- Camus, 154, 594.
- Card-making machine, 490.
- Cardanic circles, 119.
- Cardioid, 119, 592.
- Carnot, 9.
- Cartwright's parallel-motion, 576.
- Carving by wooden drills, 206, 599.
- Catapult, 222, 228, 459.
- Central polygon, 61.
- Central polygon, spheric, 77.
- Central wheels, 431.
- Centroids, 63, 128, 148, 193, 590.
- Centroids, determination of, 65.
- Centroids in crank-train, 67.
- Centroids of spur-wheels, 70.
- Centroids, reduced, 70.
- Ceutroids as profiles, 164.
- Centroids, secondary, 74, 155.
- Centroids having infinite branches, 67, 74.
- Centroids of higher pairs, 118, 132.
- Chain, kinematic, 46, 502.
- Chain, simple, 49, 545.
- Chain, compound, 49, 569.
- Chain and pair-closure, 180.
- Chain and force-closure, 181.
- Chain-closure, 289.
- Chain-closure of dead-points, 188, 289, 571.
- Chain-closure of elements, 178.
- Chain-wheels, 453.
- Chamber and piston, 344.
- Chamber click-trains, 459.
- Chamber-crank trains, 344.
- Chamber-wheel trains, 403.
- Change positions or points, 192, 571.
- Chariots, ancient, 599.
- Chinese scoop-wheel, 207.
- Chubb, 466.
- Circular sliding-pairs, 181.
- Clack valve, 475.
- Class symbols, 252.
- Classification of constructive elements, 481.
- Clearance in toothed-wheels, 237.
- Click-trains, fluid, 474.
- Click-trains, in chamber-gear, 459.
- Click-wheels and gear, 455.
- Clip-drum, 541.
- Clocks, 498, 504, 519.
- Clock-springs, 185.
- Clock-work, notation for, 249.
- Closed kinematic chain, 46, 502.
- Closed pairs of elements, 87, 142.
- Closure, chain, 183.
- Closure, force, 183.
- Closure, pair, 179.
- Closure, complete, 183.
- Closure of chains by elements, 191.
- Closure of flectional elements, 183.
- Clutches, 445, 469.
- Cochrane, Lord, 363, 368, 369, 371, 381, 384.
- Cocks, 475.
- Collars of shafts, 91.
- Combined chains, 572.
- Common point-paths, 126.
- Communicator, the, 487.
- Complete machines, 202, 488, 502, 505.
- Complexity of modern machines, 239.
- Compound chains, 49, 265, 569.
- Compound chamber-wheel trains, 425.
- Compound epicyclic trains, 431.
- Compound spur-wheel trains, 267, 426, 574.
- Concentral point-paths, 129.
- Concentral roulettes, 129.
- Condie's steam-hammer, 95.
- Cones of instantaneous axes, 78.
- Conic chamber-trains, 384.
- Conic double slider-crank, 388.
- Conic quadric crank-chains, 327, 384.
- Conic rolling, 77.
- Conic slider-crank, 329.
- Conic swinging cross-block, 391.
- Conic turning cross-block, 393.
- Connecting rods, 454.
- Conplane motion, 64.
- Constant breadth, figures of, 129.
- Constrained closure, 484.
- Constrained motion, 46, 87.
- Constructive elements, 436, 480.
- Contracted formulæ, 263, 270.
- Contrapositive chains, 181, 184.
- Converse antiparallel cranks, 2UO.
- Cooke, 381.
- Coriolis, 11.
- Corliss' valve-gear, 240, 450.
- Coupled-engines, 200.
- Coupler, 284, 454.
- Couplings, 292, 445, 483.
- Cramer, 362.
- Cranes, 490, 499, 519.
- Cranks, 284, 454.
- Crank-chains, 187, 283.
- Cross-block, 313.
- Cross-bow, 222, 228.
- Crossed crank-chains, 550.
- Crossed screw-chains, 555.
- Crossed slider-crank chain, 318.
- Crossed slide-trains, 322.
- Crossed swinging block, 319.
- Crossed turning slider-crank, 319.
- Cross-heads, 454.
- Curb-train, 459.
- Curtate point-paths, 126.
- Curtate trochoids, 592.
- Curve-pentagon, 140.
- Curve-square, 132.
- Curve-triangle, 131, 145.
- Cutters, 441.
- Cylinder-chains, 549.
- Cylinder of instantaneous axes, 65.
- Cylinder pair, 90, 256.
- Cylindric crank-trains, table of, 323.
- Cylindric rolling, 69.
- Cylindric slider-crank chain, 294, 301.
- Dakeyne, 386.
- Dalgety and Ledier, 365.
- Dart, 420.
- Davey's reversing gear, 320.
- Davies, 363, 386, 390, 391, 393, 425.
- Dawes, 196, 355.
- Dead-points, 186.
- Definition of the machine, 35, 503, 585.
- Degrand, 381.
- De la Hire, 154, 594.
- Delivery-gear, 513.
- Deprez's reversing gear, 320.
- De Sarques, 154.
- Descriptive analysis, 511.
- Development of ruled surfaces, 81.
- Diagram of synthetic processes, 531.
- Differential gear, 431.
- Differential screws, 547.
- Direct-acting engine, 345.
- Direct-actors, 507.
- Direct kinematic synthesis, 528.
- Director or directing-gear, 344, 512.
- Disc-engine, 385, 609.
- Disc-crank, 305.
- Discovery and invention, 243.
- Disengaging-gear, 468.
- Dividing machine, 558.
- Donkey-engine, 374.
- Double-action, 452.
- Double-crank, 285, 382.
- Double-cylinder engine, 188, 200, 289.
- Double-lever, 285.
- Double-slider chain, 313.
- Double-wood, 204.
- Doubling of chains, 568.
- Drag-link coupling, 71.
- Driver, 499, 511.
- Driving-link, 272.
- Duaugle, 116.
- Dübs locomotive coupling, 292.
- Duclos, 393.
- Dudgeon, 407.
- Duncan, 391.
- Dundonald, see Cochrane.
- Eade's pulley-block, 577.
- Early treatment of machines, 9.
- Eccentric, 306.
- Elements, pairs of, 43, 86, 532, 538, 544.
- Elements, fixture of a pair of, 467, 472.
- Elements, separation of, 469, 471, 472.
- Elliptic chuck, 316, 336.
- Emery, 362.
- Endless belt, 215, 452.
- Endless screw, 83.
- Energy, see Storing.
- Engaging-gear, 468.
- Envelopes, 42, 87.
- Envelopes, in form-changing machines, 493.
- Epicycloidal teeth, 153.
- Epicyclic chamber-wheel gear, 427.
- Epicyclic trains, 427.
- Equidistant curves as profiles, 157, 178.
- Ericsson, 378.
- Escapements, 463.
- Euler, 15.
- Eve, 422.
- Evrard, 416.
- Expansion of elements, 304.
- Fabry, 409.
- Face-wheel, 83.
- Fast click-train, 457.
- Feathers on shafts, 91.
- Feed of a machine, 513.
- Field of restraint, 99.
- Field of sliding, 99.
- Field of turning, 103.
- Figures of constant breadth, 129.
- Fire-drills, 205.
- Fire, early use of, 205.
- Fire production, 597.
- Fixture of a pair of elements, 467, 472, 549.
- Fixed closure, 484, 549.
- Fixed-couplings, 445.
- Fixed link, 47, 271, 450.
- Fixed link, omission of, 260.
- Flange coupling, 445.
- Flectional elements, 173, 181, 183.
- Flectional elements, closure of, 183.
- Flectional elements, table of pairs with, 544.
- Fly-wheel, 187, 238, 453.
- Fluids in pure mechanism, 12, 176.
- Fluid click-trains, 474.
- Fluid ratchet-trains, 476, 479.
- Force-closure of axoids, 171.
- Force-closure of chains, 187, 278.
- Force-closure, disuse of, 226.
- Force-closure in early machines, 227, 233.
- Force-closure of pairs of elements, 169.
- Forced joints, 443.
- Form-changing machines, 493, 499, 503.
- Form-symbols, 253.
- Formulæ, contracted, 263.
- Formulæ for chains, 258.
- Formulæ for compound chains, 270.
- Formulæ for links, 255.
- Formulæ for mechanisms, 270.
- Formulæ for pairs, 255.
- Formulæ for pressure-organ chains, 268.
- Formulæ, general, 272 .
- Formulæ, special, 272.
- Fowler's clip-drum, 541.
- Frame (in a crank-chain) 284.
- Framing, 447.
- Free click-trains, 457.
- Friction, 171, 595.
- Friction-couplings, 470.
- Friction-wheels, 164, 171, 452.
- Funicular machine, 281, 605.
- Fusee, 539, 540.
- Galloway, 197, 427, 433.
- Ganahl, 422.
- Gas exhauster, 363.
- Gearing, 514.
- Geiger, 201, 204, 207, 245.
- Geiss, 396.
- General formulæ, 572.
- Geneva ratchet, 564.
- Gibs, 442.
- Gibson, 607.
- Girault, 15.
- Goodeve, 299.
- Gray, 378.
- Grindstone, 500.
- Guerike, Otto von, 7.
- Guide blocks, 94.
- Guides, 454.
- Giulio, 13.
- Gun-lock, 459.
- Hachette, 9, 18.
- Hall, 353.
- Hand-worked machines, 500.
- Hand-spindles, 216, 228.
- Harvey's parallel motion, 573.
- Hastie, 347.
- Haton, 15.
- Heppel, 382.
- Hicks, 347.
- Higher pairs of elements, 116, 131, 533.
- Higher pairing in chains, 195.
- Higher pairs in cylinder chains, 559.
- Higher pairing in reduced chains, 333.
- Higher pairs, point paths of, 121.
- Hipp, 465.
- Homocentral point-paths or roulettes, 129.
- Hooke's joint, 331, 447.
- Hornblower's cam, 560.
- Humphreys, 347.
- Hyatt, 377.
- Hydraulic press, 181.
- Hydraulic ram, 505, 520.
- Hyperboloid pairs, 533.
- Hyperboloids as axoids, 82.
- Hyperboloidal face-wheel, 83.
- Hyperboloidal wheels, 82.
- Hypocycloidal parallel motion, 579.
- Hypo-cycloids and -trochoids, 592.
- Inclined plane, the, 277.
- Indian fabrics, 202.
- India-rubber tyres, 236.
- Indirect kinematic synthesis, 529.
- Inductive method, 53.
- Infinite annular wheels, 431.
- Infinite branches of centroids, 67, 74.
- Infinite links, 295.
- Instantaneous centre, 69, 148.
- Instrument, 51.
- Invention, 3, 19, 52, 243, 401, 582.
- Inversion of pairs, 94.
- Inversion of chains, 47.
- Involute teeth, 156.
- Isosceles crank-train, 197, 292.
- Isosceles crossed trains, 321.
- Isosceles double-slider, 196.
- Isosceles slider-crank, 302, 355.
- Isosceles turning block, 303.
- Jacquard loom, 520.
- Jelowicki, 358.
- Jones, 413.
- Jones and Shirreff, 366.
- Justice, 425.
- Keyed-joints, 441, 482.
- Keys, 441.
- Key-ways in shafts, 110.
- Kinematics, 40.
- Kinematic analysis, 274.
- Kinematic notation, 247,
- Kinematic synthesis, 527.
- Kinematic synthesis, direct, 528.
- Kinematic synthesis, indirect, 529.
- Kittoe and Brotherhood, 347.
- Knott, 359.
- Kosmic and machinal systems, 31, 244.
- Küster, 396.
- Laboulaye, 13, 166.
- Lagarousse levers, 463, 477.
- Laidlow and Thomson, 417.
- Lamb, 349.
- Lantern pinions, 158.
- Lanz, 9, 18.
- Larivière and Braithwaite, 393.
- Latent forces, 33, 174.
- Lathe, 493.
- Lathe, Egyptian, 213.
- Lathe, Italian, 214, 227.
- Lathe, Kalmuck, 211, 227.
- Leading train of a machine, 512.
- Lechat, 368.
- Laver carnages, 209, 600.
- Leclerc, 406.
- Lecocq, 420.
- Left-handed screws, 223.
- Lemielle, 382.
- Leonardo da Vinci's elliptic chuck, 316.
- Leupold, 9, 406.
- Lever, the, 276.
- Lever, first use of, 219, 224.
- Levers, 286, 454.
- Lever-crank train, 285, 378.
- Lift-wheel, 269, 272.
- Limaçon, as centroid, 197.
- Link, kinematic, 46.
- Link, fixed, 47.
- Link-formation, 441, 443.
- Link motion, 311.
- Link, reversing, 95.
- Linkworks, 590.
- Locks, 466.
- Locomotive, 491.
- Loose couplings, 445, 469.
- Loose ring, 91.
- Lower pairs of elements, 116, 532,
- Lüdecke, 425.
- Machinal and Kosmic systems, 244.
- Machine, Ampère's definition of, 11.
- Machines, analysis of, 52, 510, 516.
- Machines, definition of, 35, 50, 503, 585.
- Machines, natural, 51.
- Machines, study of, 37.
- Machines, synthesis of, 52.
- Machino-facture, 525.
- Main train of a machine, 512.
- Maltese cross-wheel, 564.
- Maudslay, 552, 576.
- Mechanical powers, 275, 604.
- Mechanisms, analysis of, 284.
- Mechanisms (definition of), 47.
- Mechanisms, early treatment of, 9.
- Mechanisms (formation of), 50.
- Mechanisms, formulæ for, 270.
- Men as direct-actors, 508.
- Men as prime-movers, 500.
- Minari, 369.
- Mixed chains, 572.
- Molard, 390.
- Monge, 9, 17.
- Mono-kinetic pairs of elements, 175.
- Morey, 362.
- Morgan, 378.
- Morin, 14, 596.
- Morton's disc-engine, 609.
- Moseley, 487.
- Motor, 502.
- Mouline, 362.
- Moveable couplings, 445.
- Murdock, 356, 407.
- Myers, 368.
- Nail-making machine, 490.
- Name symbols, 252.
- Napier, 353.
- Nasmyth's dividing machine. 558.
- Natural forces, early use of, 225.
- Newcomen's engine, 232.
- Nomenclature of trochoidal curves, 592.
- Noria, the, 229.
- Normal cross-block, 313.
- Normal double slider-chain, 313.
- Notation, kinematic, 247.
- Oldham's coupling, 315, 446.
- Omission of links, 333.
- One-toothed wheels, 418.
- Ortlieb and White, 365.
- Oscillating-engine, 297, 35^
- Outer wheels, 431.
- Pair-closed cam-trains, 460.
- Pair-closure, 179, 226.
- Pair-closure of chains, 292,
- Pairing, higher, in chains, 195, 559,
- Pairs of elements, 43, 86, 230.
- Pairs of elements, see Lower, Higher, &c.
- Panteg steel works, engines at, 189.
- Papin, 7.
- Pappenheim wheels, 403.
- Paragon pump, 347.
- Parallel cranks, 287.
- Parallel curves as profiles, 157.
- Parallel motion, 3, 355, 576.
- Parallel trains, 432.
- Partner element, 258.
- Pattison, 348.
- Pawl, 455.
- Payton, 414.
- Penn, 347, 450.
- Peri-trochoids, 119, 592.
- Phoronomy, 56, 58.
- Picota, 219, 228.
- Pins, 444.
- Pin-teeth, 158.
- Pin-wheel and disc, 304.
- Pipes, 473.
- Piston, 473.
- Place-changing machines, 493, 499.
- Planet-train, Watt's, 234, 433, 575.
- Planet-wheel chain, 575.
- Plaustrum, 209.
- Plummer blocks, 447.
- Poinsot, 15, 80, 591.
- Point of restraint, 98.
- Point-paths, common, 126.
- Point-paths, concentral, 129.
- Point-paths, curtate, 126.
- Point-paths, homocentral, 129.
- Point-paths, prolate, 126.
- Point-paths as tooth profiles, 156.
- Point-paths of higher pairs, 121, 133.
- Polishing machines, 300.
- Polygon, central, 60.
- Polygon, spheric central, 77.
- Poncelet, 11, 150.
- Potter's wheel, 208.
- Pouyer-Quertier, 470.
- Practical mechanics, 36.
- Practical work, 54.
- Praying mills, 207.
- Pressure-click, 456.
- Pressure-organs, 174, 268.
- Pressure-organs, chaining of, 342, 567.
- Pressure-organ pairs, 542.
- Prime-movers, 498, 505, 524.
- Prime-movers, the first, 225.
- Primitive boring, 206, 214, 599.
- Primitive methods of fire-production, 597.
- Prism chains, 553.
- Prism pairs, 90.
- Profiles of elements, determination of, 146.
- Profiles, cross, 89, 610.
- Profiles, of screw-thread, 89.
- Prolate point-paths, 126.
- Prolate trochoids, 592.
- Prunier, 477.
- Puffing Billy, 209.
- Pull-click, 456.
- Pulley, the, 279, 604.
- Pulley block, 577.
- Pulley-chains, 565.
- Pulley (fixed), 18.
- Pulley tackle, 181, 604.
- Pump-cylinders, 473.
- Pumps, as ratchet-trains, 477.
- Push-click, 456.
- Quadric cylindric crank-chain, 283.
- Quadric conic crank-chain, 327.
- Quick return motions, 299, 306.
- {sc|Rack}}, 268, 537,
- Rack click-train, 457, 475.
- Railway-wheels, 171.
- Ramelli, 9, 365, 384.
- Ramey, 427.
- Rankine, Prof., 23.
- Ratchet-trains, 180, 455, 461, 498.
- Ratchet-trains, fluid, 476, 479.
- Receptor, the, 487, 497, 512.
- Redtenbacber, 14, 38, 451.
- Reduced centroids, 70.
- Reduction of chains, 333, 553.
- Regulator or regulating gear, 514.
- Reichenbach, 3.
- Relative motion, 43, 57, 79.
- Repsold, 417.
- Résal, 16.
- Restraint against sliding, 98.
- Restraint against turning, 103.
- Restraint in closed pairs, 113.
- Restraint of elements, 96.
- Retaining-gear, 462.
- Reversal of pairs, 302.
- Reverse anti-parallel cranks, 290.
- Reversed click-train, 459, 479.
- Reverse cranks, 192.
- Reversed fluid ratchet-train, 479.
- Reversing-link, 95, 311, 320.
- Reversed ratchet-gear, 498, 518.
- Reverted epicyclic trains, 429.
- Reverted trains, 426.
- Reverted wheel-train, 574.
- Révillion, 422.
- Revolute pair, see solids of revolution.
- Rhombus, in higher pairs, 130.
- Rigg's turning-gear, 200.
- Rigid elements, table of pairs of, 538.
- Rivets, 443.
- Robertson's steam-engine, 551.
- Robertson's water gearing, 611.
- Rolling-mill engines, 189.
- Römer, 155.
- Root, 378, 411.
- Ropemaking, 218.
- Rope-pump, 543.
- Ropes, 451.
- Rösky, 384.
- Rotary engines, 343, 498, 581.
- Rotation about a point, 76.
- Rotation, continuous, 207.
- Roulettes, 152, 592.
- Routledge, 459.
- Ruled surfaces, 79, 81, 535.
- Running-gear, 498.
- {sc|Safety-locks}}, 467.
- Samarkan, 222, 228.
- Schiller, 245.
- Schwartzkoff's spanner, 320.
- Schneider, 362.
- Scoop-wheel, Chinese, 207.
- Screws, 83, 88, 94, 201, 222, 281, 591.
- Screw-chain, 440, 546, 555.
- Screw, endless, 83.
- Screwed joints, 438.
- Screwing-machines, 491.
- Screw pair of elements, 88, 556.
- Screw and nut, 88, 94.
- Screw and nut, first use of, 222.
- Screw-wheel pairs, 536.
- Secondary centroids, 74, 155.
- Sector, symbol for, 252.
- Sector and slot, 295, 310, 321.
- Segmental wheels, 564.
- Seller's wheel-cutting machine, 238.
- Sensible forces, 33.
- Separation of elements, 469, 471, 472.
- Serkis-Ballian, 377.
- Serviéres, 406.
- Set-screw, 440.
- Set-wheels, 153, 162.
- Seven-linked cylinder chain, 550.
- Seven-linked screw chain, 555.
- Shadoof, 220, 228, 602.
- Shafts, 444.
- Shaping-machines, 299.
- Sharp's coupling, 446.
- Shrinking on, 444.
- Simple machines, 275, 604.
- Simpson and Shipton, 358, 373.
- Single action, 457.
- Skew double-slider chain, 322.
- Skew screw chains, 555, 574.
- Skinner's steering-gear, 547.
- Slider-cam trains, 460.
- Slider-crank, 296, 344.
- Sliding pairs of elements, 91.
- Sliding pairs, circular, 181.
- Slot, see Sector.
- Slotted disc, 304.
- Slotting-machines, 299, 312.
- Smith, 371.
- Smyth, 368, 427.
- Solid angular linkwork, 607.
- Solids of revolution, pairs of, 90, 286, 533, 610.
- Space bounding a figure, 213.
- Spanner, adjustable, 320.
- Special formulæ, 272.
- Special synthesis, 528.
- Spheric central polygon, 77.
- Spindles, 445.
- Spindles, hand, 217.
- Spinning by hand, 216.
- Spinning machines, 496, 513.
- Spinning-wheel, 219.
- Springs, 176, 185, 480, 483.
- Spur-wheel trains, 179, 262, 267, 402, 453, 574.
- Square, in higher pairs, 131.
- Stamm, 16, 513.
- Steam-boat, 269, 271, 521.
- Steam cylinder, 473.
- Steam cylinder, Papin's, 7.
- Steam-engine, as a compound chain, 569.
- Steam-engine, descriptive analysis of, 516.
- Steam-engine, main train of, 188.
- Steam-engine, see Rotary, and under proper names.
- Steam-hammer, 95.
- Steering-gear, 547, 577.
- Stocker, 369.
- Stoltz' pump, 476.
- Star-wheels, 564.
- Stop-gear, 514.
- Stopping, methods of, 472.
- Storing of energy, early use of, 225.
- Strained joints, 448.
- Stuffing boxes, 473.
- Sun- and planet-wheels, see planet.
- Supply train, 513.
- Swinging-block, 297, 356.
- Swinging cross-block, conic, 331, 391.
- Swinging double-slider, 317.
- Swinging slider-crank, 300, 371.
- Sylvester, 197, 590.
- Symbols, kinematic, 251,
- Symbols of relation, 255.
- Synthesis, kinematic, 16, 52, 527, 581.
- Taylor and Davies, 393.
- Table of crank-trains, 323.
- Tangye, 450.
- Tapped bolt, 440.
- Tchebyscheff, 355, 573.
- Temporary axis, 77.
- Temporary centre, 60, 77.
- Tension-click, 456.
- Tension organs, 173, 439, 451, 539, 565.
- Tension organs used under thrust, 175.
- Tension organs in chains, 565.
- Tension organs in pairs, 539.
- Textile industry, 524.
- Theory and practice, 1, 55.
- Thibetan prayer mills, 207.
- Thomas, 475.
- Thomson, 427.
- Three-cylinder engines, 190, 347.
- Tilt hammer, 230.
- Tool, 487, 490, 493, 512.
- Toothed-eccentric, 578.
- Toothed-wheels, 151, 153, 156, 281, 535.
- Toothed-wheels, see spur, bevel, etc.
- Traction-engines, 235.
- Trammels, 318.
- Transmitting parts, 487.
- Transport on common roads, 235.
- Trochoids, 64, 121, 592.
- Trunk-engine, 347
- Turbines, 497, 516, 548.
- Turning-block, 299, 360.
- Turning cross-block, 313, 375.
- Turning double slider-crank, 314, 374.
- Turning, early attempts at, 211.
- Turning, Roman, 212.
- Turning pair, see solids of revolution.
- Turning slider-crank, 296, 344.
- Twirling stick, 205, 207, 597.
- Twisting, 79, 591.
- Twisting of axoids, 82, 591.
- Twisting pair, 88, 556.
- Tylor, 205.
- Uhlhorn, 470.
- Unconstrained closure, 484, 504, 554.
- Universal joint, 260, 331, 446.
- Unwin, Prof., 163.
- Valves, 97.
- Valves, as click-trains, 474.
- Valves, classification of, 473.
- Valve-gear, 512.
- Vose, 477.
- Ward, 362.
- "Waterwitch," 190.
- Water-gearing, 611.
- Water-rods, 182, 184.
- Water-wheels, 182, 268, 271, 497, 504, 516.
- Watt, 3, 234, 433, 459, 576.
- Wedding, 359.
- Wedge, 278, 442, 554.
- Weights in force-closure, 188.
- Weisbach, 14, 585.
- Wheatstone, 465.
- Wheels, ancient, in British Museum, 601.
- Wheel and axle, 280.
- Wheel-chains, 263, 562.
- Wheel-chains, compound, 267, 569.
- Wheels of infinite diameter, 431.
- Wheels of one tooth, 418, 564.
- Wheeled-vehicles, 208, 600.
- Whitworth, 306.
- Willis, 12, 154, 161, 176, 249, 587.
- Wind-chests, 199.
- Windmills, 497.
- Wine-press, 230, 6U3.
- Witty, 375.
- Wood. 396.
- Woodcock, 377.
- Working parts, 487.
- Work-piece, 495, 511.
- Worm-wheels, 83.
- Yule, 353.
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