< The Kinematics of Machinery

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Absolute motion, 43, 57.
Adams' spring wheels, 177.
Adjustable spanner, 320.
Air-bells, 181.
Air-vessels, 199.
Allen bed-plate, 450.
Ampère, 11.
Analysis, descriptive, 510.
Analysis, kinematic, 274.
Analysis of machines, 52.
Ancient lathes, 211, 602.
Ancient toothed-wheels, 603.
Ancient wheeled vehicles, 208, 599.
Anderssohn, 184.
Andrew, 377.
Animals as direct actors, 508.
Animals as prime-movers, 500.
Annular wheels, 263, 429, 433.
Anti-parallel cranks, 290, 571.
Approximate construction of element profiles, 160.
Aronhold, 57, 590.
Augmentation of chains, 341.
Automatics, 16.
Auxiliary centroids, 153.
Axis, instantaneous, 65, 79.
Axoids, 80.
Axoids of closed pairs, 92.
Axoids of conic crank-chain, 399.
Axoids, higher, 164.


Babbage, (kin. notation), 249.
Bährens, 350.
Balanced valves, 475.
Ball, Prof., 591, 597.
Ball and socket joint, 553.
Ballista, 222, 459, 228.
Baker's blower, 417.
Beale, 363 r 365.
Becher, 406.
Bed-plates, 447.
Behrens, 420.
Belanger, 15, 80, 591.
Bellford, 368.
Bellows, 199.
Belts, 451, 539.
Belt-train, 183, 215, 261, 452.
Berthelot's knotted belt, 506.
Bishop, 386.
Blow-tube, 222, 228.
Bompard, 350.
Borgnis,10, 506.
Boring, 206, 214.
Boring in stone, 599.
Borrie, 365.
Bouché, 390.
Bow, 220, 228.
Bow-drill, 214.
Bow-lathe, 214.
Brackets, 447.
Brakes, 467.
Bramah, 378, 406.
Bramah lock, 565.
Brahmins, 205.
Broderip, 347.
Brotherhood's engine, 190, 347.
Broughton, 359.
Brown's steam-engine, 552.


Caird and Robertson's steering-gear, 577.
Cam-chains, 460, 563.
Cam-pairs, 537.
Caméré, 365.
Camus, 154, 594.
Card-making machine, 490.
Cardanic circles, 119.
Cardioid, 119, 592.
Carnot, 9.
Cartwright's parallel-motion, 576.
Carving by wooden drills, 206, 599.
Catapult, 222, 228, 459.
Central polygon, 61.
Central polygon, spheric, 77.
Central wheels, 431.
Centroids, 63, 128, 148, 193, 590.
Centroids, determination of, 65.
Centroids in crank-train, 67.
Centroids of spur-wheels, 70.
Centroids, reduced, 70.
Ceutroids as profiles, 164.
Centroids, secondary, 74, 155.
Centroids having infinite branches, 67, 74.
Centroids of higher pairs, 118, 132.
Chain, kinematic, 46, 502.
Chain, simple, 49, 545.
Chain, compound, 49, 569.
Chain and pair-closure, 180.
Chain and force-closure, 181.
Chain-closure, 289.
Chain-closure of dead-points, 188, 289, 571.
Chain-closure of elements, 178.
Chain-wheels, 453.
Chamber and piston, 344.
Chamber click-trains, 459.
Chamber-crank trains, 344.
Chamber-wheel trains, 403.
Change positions or points, 192, 571.
Chariots, ancient, 599.
Chinese scoop-wheel, 207.
Chubb, 466.
Circular sliding-pairs, 181.
Clack valve, 475.
Class symbols, 252.
Classification of constructive elements, 481.
Clearance in toothed-wheels, 237.
Click-trains, fluid, 474.
Click-trains, in chamber-gear, 459.
Click-wheels and gear, 455.
Clip-drum, 541.
Clocks, 498, 504, 519.
Clock-springs, 185.
Clock-work, notation for, 249.
Closed kinematic chain, 46, 502.
Closed pairs of elements, 87, 142.
Closure, chain, 183.
Closure, force, 183.
Closure, pair, 179.
Closure, complete, 183.
Closure of chains by elements, 191.
Closure of flectional elements, 183.
Clutches, 445, 469.
Cochrane, Lord, 363, 368, 369, 371, 381, 384.
Cocks, 475.
Collars of shafts, 91.
Combined chains, 572.
Common point-paths, 126.
Communicator, the, 487.
Complete machines, 202, 488, 502, 505.
Complexity of modern machines, 239.
Compound chains, 49, 265, 569.
Compound chamber-wheel trains, 425.
Compound epicyclic trains, 431.
Compound spur-wheel trains, 267, 426, 574.
Concentral point-paths, 129.
Concentral roulettes, 129.
Condie's steam-hammer, 95.
Cones of instantaneous axes, 78.
Conic chamber-trains, 384.
Conic double slider-crank, 388.
Conic quadric crank-chains, 327, 384.
Conic rolling, 77.
Conic slider-crank, 329.
Conic swinging cross-block, 391.
Conic turning cross-block, 393.
Connecting rods, 454.
Conplane motion, 64.
Constant breadth, figures of, 129.
Constrained closure, 484.
Constrained motion, 46, 87.
Constructive elements, 436, 480.
Contracted formulæ, 263, 270.
Contrapositive chains, 181, 184.
Converse antiparallel cranks, 2UO.
Cooke, 381.
Coriolis, 11.
Corliss' valve-gear, 240, 450.
Coupled-engines, 200.
Coupler, 284, 454.
Couplings, 292, 445, 483.
Cramer, 362.
Cranes, 490, 499, 519.
Cranks, 284, 454.
Crank-chains, 187, 283.
Cross-block, 313.
Cross-bow, 222, 228.
Crossed crank-chains, 550.
Crossed screw-chains, 555.
Crossed slider-crank chain, 318.
Crossed slide-trains, 322.
Crossed swinging block, 319.
Crossed turning slider-crank, 319.
Cross-heads, 454.
Curb-train, 459.
Curtate point-paths, 126.
Curtate trochoids, 592.
Curve-pentagon, 140.
Curve-square, 132.
Curve-triangle, 131, 145.
Cutters, 441.
Cylinder-chains, 549.
Cylinder of instantaneous axes, 65.
Cylinder pair, 90, 256.
Cylindric crank-trains, table of, 323.
Cylindric rolling, 69.
Cylindric slider-crank chain, 294, 301.


Dakeyne, 386.
Dalgety and Ledier, 365.
Dart, 420.
Davey's reversing gear, 320.
Davies, 363, 386, 390, 391, 393, 425.
Dawes, 196, 355.
Dead-points, 186.
Definition of the machine, 35, 503, 585.
Degrand, 381.
De la Hire, 154, 594.
Delivery-gear, 513.
Deprez's reversing gear, 320.
De Sarques, 154.
Descriptive analysis, 511.
Development of ruled surfaces, 81.
Diagram of synthetic processes, 531.
Differential gear, 431.
Differential screws, 547.
Direct-acting engine, 345.
Direct-actors, 507.
Direct kinematic synthesis, 528.
Director or directing-gear, 344, 512.
Disc-engine, 385, 609.
Disc-crank, 305.
Discovery and invention, 243.
Disengaging-gear, 468.
Dividing machine, 558.
Donkey-engine, 374.
Double-action, 452.
Double-crank, 285, 382.
Double-cylinder engine, 188, 200, 289.
Double-lever, 285.
Double-slider chain, 313.
Double-wood, 204.
Doubling of chains, 568.
Drag-link coupling, 71.
Driver, 499, 511.
Driving-link, 272.
Duaugle, 116.
Dübs locomotive coupling, 292.
Duclos, 393.
Dudgeon, 407.
Duncan, 391.
Dundonald, see Cochrane.


Eade's pulley-block, 577.
Early treatment of machines, 9.
Eccentric, 306.
Elements, pairs of, 43, 86, 532, 538, 544.
Elements, fixture of a pair of, 467, 472.
Elements, separation of, 469, 471, 472.
Elliptic chuck, 316, 336.
Emery, 362.
Endless belt, 215, 452.
Endless screw, 83.
Energy, see Storing.
Engaging-gear, 468.
Envelopes, 42, 87.
Envelopes, in form-changing machines, 493.
Epicycloidal teeth, 153.
Epicyclic chamber-wheel gear, 427.
Epicyclic trains, 427.
Equidistant curves as profiles, 157, 178.
Ericsson, 378.
Escapements, 463.
Euler, 15.
Eve, 422.
Evrard, 416.
Expansion of elements, 304.


Fabry, 409.
Face-wheel, 83.
Fast click-train, 457.
Feathers on shafts, 91.
Feed of a machine, 513.
Field of restraint, 99.
Field of sliding, 99.
Field of turning, 103.
Figures of constant breadth, 129.
Fire-drills, 205.
Fire, early use of, 205.
Fire production, 597.
Fixture of a pair of elements, 467, 472, 549.
Fixed closure, 484, 549.
Fixed-couplings, 445.
Fixed link, 47, 271, 450.
Fixed link, omission of, 260.
Flange coupling, 445.
Flectional elements, 173, 181, 183.
Flectional elements, closure of, 183.
Flectional elements, table of pairs with, 544.
Fly-wheel, 187, 238, 453.
Fluids in pure mechanism, 12, 176.
Fluid click-trains, 474.
Fluid ratchet-trains, 476, 479.
Force-closure of axoids, 171.
Force-closure of chains, 187, 278.
Force-closure, disuse of, 226.
Force-closure in early machines, 227, 233.
Force-closure of pairs of elements, 169.
Forced joints, 443.
Form-changing machines, 493, 499, 503.
Form-symbols, 253.
Formulæ, contracted, 263.
Formulæ for chains, 258.
Formulæ for compound chains, 270.
Formulæ for links, 255.
Formulæ for mechanisms, 270.
Formulæ for pairs, 255.
Formulæ for pressure-organ chains, 268.
Formulæ, general, 272 .
Formulæ, special, 272.
Fowler's clip-drum, 541.
Frame (in a crank-chain) 284.
Framing, 447.
Free click-trains, 457.
Friction, 171, 595.
Friction-couplings, 470.
Friction-wheels, 164, 171, 452.
Funicular machine, 281, 605.
Fusee, 539, 540.


Galloway, 197, 427, 433.
Ganahl, 422.
Gas exhauster, 363.
Gearing, 514.
Geiger, 201, 204, 207, 245.
Geiss, 396.
General formulæ, 572.
Geneva ratchet, 564.
Gibs, 442.
Gibson, 607.
Girault, 15.
Goodeve, 299.
Gray, 378.
Grindstone, 500.
Guerike, Otto von, 7.
Guide blocks, 94.
Guides, 454.
Giulio, 13.
Gun-lock, 459.


Hachette, 9, 18.
Hall, 353.
Hand-worked machines, 500.
Hand-spindles, 216, 228.
Harvey's parallel motion, 573.
Hastie, 347.
Haton, 15.
Heppel, 382.
Hicks, 347.
Higher pairs of elements, 116, 131, 533.
Higher pairing in chains, 195.
Higher pairs in cylinder chains, 559.
Higher pairing in reduced chains, 333.
Higher pairs, point paths of, 121.
Hipp, 465.
Homocentral point-paths or roulettes, 129.
Hooke's joint, 331, 447.
Hornblower's cam, 560.
Humphreys, 347.
Hyatt, 377.
Hydraulic press, 181.
Hydraulic ram, 505, 520.
Hyperboloid pairs, 533.
Hyperboloids as axoids, 82.
Hyperboloidal face-wheel, 83.
Hyperboloidal wheels, 82.
Hypocycloidal parallel motion, 579.
Hypo-cycloids and -trochoids, 592.


Inclined plane, the, 277.
Indian fabrics, 202.
India-rubber tyres, 236.
Indirect kinematic synthesis, 529.
Inductive method, 53.
Infinite annular wheels, 431.
Infinite branches of centroids, 67, 74.
Infinite links, 295.
Instantaneous centre, 69, 148.
Instrument, 51.
Invention, 3, 19, 52, 243, 401, 582.
Inversion of pairs, 94.
Inversion of chains, 47.
Involute teeth, 156.
Isosceles crank-train, 197, 292.
Isosceles crossed trains, 321.
Isosceles double-slider, 196.
Isosceles slider-crank, 302, 355.
Isosceles turning block, 303.


Jacquard loom, 520.
Jelowicki, 358.
Jones, 413.
Jones and Shirreff, 366.
Justice, 425.


Keyed-joints, 441, 482.
Keys, 441.
Key-ways in shafts, 110.
Kinematics, 40.
Kinematic analysis, 274.
Kinematic notation, 247,
Kinematic synthesis, 527.
Kinematic synthesis, direct, 528.
Kinematic synthesis, indirect, 529.
Kittoe and Brotherhood, 347.
Knott, 359.
Kosmic and machinal systems, 31, 244.
Küster, 396.


Laboulaye, 13, 166.
Lagarousse levers, 463, 477.
Laidlow and Thomson, 417.
Lamb, 349.
Lantern pinions, 158.
Lanz, 9, 18.
Larivière and Braithwaite, 393.
Latent forces, 33, 174.
Lathe, 493.
Lathe, Egyptian, 213.
Lathe, Italian, 214, 227.
Lathe, Kalmuck, 211, 227.
Leading train of a machine, 512.
Lechat, 368.
Laver carnages, 209, 600.
Leclerc, 406.
Lecocq, 420.
Left-handed screws, 223.
Lemielle, 382.
Leonardo da Vinci's elliptic chuck, 316.
Leupold, 9, 406.
Lever, the, 276.
Lever, first use of, 219, 224.
Levers, 286, 454.
Lever-crank train, 285, 378.
Lift-wheel, 269, 272.
Limaçon, as centroid, 197.
Link, kinematic, 46.
Link, fixed, 47.
Link-formation, 441, 443.
Link motion, 311.
Link, reversing, 95.
Linkworks, 590.
Locks, 466.
Locomotive, 491.
Loose couplings, 445, 469.
Loose ring, 91.
Lower pairs of elements, 116, 532,
Lüdecke, 425.


Machinal and Kosmic systems, 244.
Machine, Ampère's definition of, 11.
Machines, analysis of, 52, 510, 516.
Machines, definition of, 35, 50, 503, 585.
Machines, natural, 51.
Machines, study of, 37.
Machines, synthesis of, 52.
Machino-facture, 525.
Main train of a machine, 512.
Maltese cross-wheel, 564.
Maudslay, 552, 576.
Mechanical powers, 275, 604.
Mechanisms, analysis of, 284.
Mechanisms (definition of), 47.
Mechanisms, early treatment of, 9.
Mechanisms (formation of), 50.
Mechanisms, formulæ for, 270.
Men as direct-actors, 508.
Men as prime-movers, 500.
Minari, 369.
Mixed chains, 572.
Molard, 390.
Monge, 9, 17.
Mono-kinetic pairs of elements, 175.
Morey, 362.
Morgan, 378.
Morin, 14, 596.
Morton's disc-engine, 609.
Moseley, 487.
Motor, 502.
Mouline, 362.
Moveable couplings, 445.
Murdock, 356, 407.
Myers, 368.


Nail-making machine, 490.
Name symbols, 252.
Napier, 353.
Nasmyth's dividing machine. 558.
Natural forces, early use of, 225.
Newcomen's engine, 232.
Nomenclature of trochoidal curves, 592.
Noria, the, 229.
Normal cross-block, 313.
Normal double slider-chain, 313.
Notation, kinematic, 247.


Oldham's coupling, 315, 446.
Omission of links, 333.
One-toothed wheels, 418.
Ortlieb and White, 365.
Oscillating-engine, 297, 35^
Outer wheels, 431.


Pair-closed cam-trains, 460.
Pair-closure, 179, 226.
Pair-closure of chains, 292,
Pairing, higher, in chains, 195, 559,
Pairs of elements, 43, 86, 230.
Pairs of elements, see Lower, Higher, &c.
Panteg steel works, engines at, 189.
Papin, 7.
Pappenheim wheels, 403.
Paragon pump, 347.
Parallel cranks, 287.
Parallel curves as profiles, 157.
Parallel motion, 3, 355, 576.
Parallel trains, 432.
Partner element, 258.
Pattison, 348.
Pawl, 455.
Payton, 414.
Penn, 347, 450.
Peri-trochoids, 119, 592.
Phoronomy, 56, 58.
Picota, 219, 228.
Pins, 444.
Pin-teeth, 158.
Pin-wheel and disc, 304.
Pipes, 473.
Piston, 473.
Place-changing machines, 493, 499.
Planet-train, Watt's, 234, 433, 575.
Planet-wheel chain, 575.
Plaustrum, 209.
Plummer blocks, 447.
Poinsot, 15, 80, 591.
Point of restraint, 98.
Point-paths, common, 126.
Point-paths, concentral, 129.
Point-paths, curtate, 126.
Point-paths, homocentral, 129.
Point-paths, prolate, 126.
Point-paths as tooth profiles, 156.
Point-paths of higher pairs, 121, 133.
Polishing machines, 300.
Polygon, central, 60.
Polygon, spheric central, 77.
Poncelet, 11, 150.
Potter's wheel, 208.
Pouyer-Quertier, 470.
Practical mechanics, 36.
Practical work, 54.
Praying mills, 207.
Pressure-click, 456.
Pressure-organs, 174, 268.
Pressure-organs, chaining of, 342, 567.
Pressure-organ pairs, 542.
Prime-movers, 498, 505, 524.
Prime-movers, the first, 225.
Primitive boring, 206, 214, 599.
Primitive methods of fire-production, 597.
Prism chains, 553.
Prism pairs, 90.
Profiles of elements, determination of, 146.
Profiles, cross, 89, 610.
Profiles, of screw-thread, 89.
Prolate point-paths, 126.
Prolate trochoids, 592.
Prunier, 477.
Puffing Billy, 209.
Pull-click, 456.
Pulley, the, 279, 604.
Pulley block, 577.
Pulley-chains, 565.
Pulley (fixed), 18.
Pulley tackle, 181, 604.
Pump-cylinders, 473.
Pumps, as ratchet-trains, 477.
Push-click, 456.


Quadric cylindric crank-chain, 283.
Quadric conic crank-chain, 327.
Quick return motions, 299, 306.


{sc|Rack}}, 268, 537,
Rack click-train, 457, 475.
Railway-wheels, 171.
Ramelli, 9, 365, 384.
Ramey, 427.
Rankine, Prof., 23.
Ratchet-trains, 180, 455, 461, 498.
Ratchet-trains, fluid, 476, 479.
Receptor, the, 487, 497, 512.
Redtenbacber, 14, 38, 451.
Reduced centroids, 70.
Reduction of chains, 333, 553.
Regulator or regulating gear, 514.
Reichenbach, 3.
Relative motion, 43, 57, 79.
Repsold, 417.
Résal, 16.
Restraint against sliding, 98.
Restraint against turning, 103.
Restraint in closed pairs, 113.
Restraint of elements, 96.
Retaining-gear, 462.
Reversal of pairs, 302.
Reverse anti-parallel cranks, 290.
Reversed click-train, 459, 479.
Reverse cranks, 192.
Reversed fluid ratchet-train, 479.
Reversing-link, 95, 311, 320.
Reversed ratchet-gear, 498, 518.
Reverted epicyclic trains, 429.
Reverted trains, 426.
Reverted wheel-train, 574.
Révillion, 422.
Revolute pair, see solids of revolution.
Rhombus, in higher pairs, 130.
Rigg's turning-gear, 200.
Rigid elements, table of pairs of, 538.
Rivets, 443.
Robertson's steam-engine, 551.
Robertson's water gearing, 611.
Rolling-mill engines, 189.
Römer, 155.
Root, 378, 411.
Ropemaking, 218.
Rope-pump, 543.
Ropes, 451.
Rösky, 384.
Rotary engines, 343, 498, 581.
Rotation about a point, 76.
Rotation, continuous, 207.
Roulettes, 152, 592.
Routledge, 459.
Ruled surfaces, 79, 81, 535.
Running-gear, 498.


{sc|Safety-locks}}, 467.
Samarkan, 222, 228.
Schiller, 245.
Schwartzkoff's spanner, 320.
Schneider, 362.
Scoop-wheel, Chinese, 207.
Screws, 83, 88, 94, 201, 222, 281, 591.
Screw-chain, 440, 546, 555.
Screw, endless, 83.
Screwed joints, 438.
Screwing-machines, 491.
Screw pair of elements, 88, 556.
Screw and nut, 88, 94.
Screw and nut, first use of, 222.
Screw-wheel pairs, 536.
Secondary centroids, 74, 155.
Sector, symbol for, 252.
Sector and slot, 295, 310, 321.
Segmental wheels, 564.
Seller's wheel-cutting machine, 238.
Sensible forces, 33.
Separation of elements, 469, 471, 472.
Serkis-Ballian, 377.
Serviéres, 406.
Set-screw, 440.
Set-wheels, 153, 162.
Seven-linked cylinder chain, 550.
Seven-linked screw chain, 555.
Shadoof, 220, 228, 602.
Shafts, 444.
Shaping-machines, 299.
Sharp's coupling, 446.
Shrinking on, 444.
Simple machines, 275, 604.
Simpson and Shipton, 358, 373.
Single action, 457.
Skew double-slider chain, 322.
Skew screw chains, 555, 574.
Skinner's steering-gear, 547.
Slider-cam trains, 460.
Slider-crank, 296, 344.
Sliding pairs of elements, 91.
Sliding pairs, circular, 181.
Slot, see Sector.
Slotted disc, 304.
Slotting-machines, 299, 312.
Smith, 371.
Smyth, 368, 427.
Solid angular linkwork, 607.
Solids of revolution, pairs of, 90, 286, 533, 610.
Space bounding a figure, 213.
Spanner, adjustable, 320.
Special formulæ, 272.
Special synthesis, 528.
Spheric central polygon, 77.
Spindles, 445.
Spindles, hand, 217.
Spinning by hand, 216.
Spinning machines, 496, 513.
Spinning-wheel, 219.
Springs, 176, 185, 480, 483.
Spur-wheel trains, 179, 262, 267, 402, 453, 574.
Square, in higher pairs, 131.
Stamm, 16, 513.
Steam-boat, 269, 271, 521.
Steam cylinder, 473.
Steam cylinder, Papin's, 7.
Steam-engine, as a compound chain, 569.
Steam-engine, descriptive analysis of, 516.
Steam-engine, main train of, 188.
Steam-engine, see Rotary, and under proper names.
Steam-hammer, 95.
Steering-gear, 547, 577.
Stocker, 369.
Stoltz' pump, 476.
Star-wheels, 564.
Stop-gear, 514.
Stopping, methods of, 472.
Storing of energy, early use of, 225.
Strained joints, 448.
Stuffing boxes, 473.
Sun- and planet-wheels, see planet.
Supply train, 513.
Swinging-block, 297, 356.
Swinging cross-block, conic, 331, 391.
Swinging double-slider, 317.
Swinging slider-crank, 300, 371.
Sylvester, 197, 590.
Symbols, kinematic, 251,
Symbols of relation, 255.
Synthesis, kinematic, 16, 52, 527, 581.


Taylor and Davies, 393.
Table of crank-trains, 323.
Tangye, 450.
Tapped bolt, 440.
Tchebyscheff, 355, 573.
Temporary axis, 77.
Temporary centre, 60, 77.
Tension-click, 456.
Tension organs, 173, 439, 451, 539, 565.
Tension organs used under thrust, 175.
Tension organs in chains, 565.
Tension organs in pairs, 539.
Textile industry, 524.
Theory and practice, 1, 55.
Thibetan prayer mills, 207.
Thomas, 475.
Thomson, 427.
Three-cylinder engines, 190, 347.
Tilt hammer, 230.
Tool, 487, 490, 493, 512.
Toothed-eccentric, 578.
Toothed-wheels, 151, 153, 156, 281, 535.
Toothed-wheels, see spur, bevel, etc.
Traction-engines, 235.
Trammels, 318.
Transmitting parts, 487.
Transport on common roads, 235.
Trochoids, 64, 121, 592.
Trunk-engine, 347
Turbines, 497, 516, 548.
Turning-block, 299, 360.
Turning cross-block, 313, 375.
Turning double slider-crank, 314, 374.
Turning, early attempts at, 211.
Turning, Roman, 212.
Turning pair, see solids of revolution.
Turning slider-crank, 296, 344.
Twirling stick, 205, 207, 597.
Twisting, 79, 591.
Twisting of axoids, 82, 591.
Twisting pair, 88, 556.
Tylor, 205.


Uhlhorn, 470.
Unconstrained closure, 484, 504, 554.
Universal joint, 260, 331, 446.
Unwin, Prof., 163.


Valves, 97.
Valves, as click-trains, 474.
Valves, classification of, 473.
Valve-gear, 512.
Vose, 477.


Ward, 362.
"Waterwitch," 190.
Water-gearing, 611.
Water-rods, 182, 184.
Water-wheels, 182, 268, 271, 497, 504, 516.
Watt, 3, 234, 433, 459, 576.
Wedding, 359.
Wedge, 278, 442, 554.
Weights in force-closure, 188.
Weisbach, 14, 585.
Wheatstone, 465.
Wheels, ancient, in British Museum, 601.
Wheel and axle, 280.
Wheel-chains, 263, 562.
Wheel-chains, compound, 267, 569.
Wheels of infinite diameter, 431.
Wheels of one tooth, 418, 564.
Wheeled-vehicles, 208, 600.
Whitworth, 306.
Willis, 12, 154, 161, 176, 249, 587.
Wind-chests, 199.
Windmills, 497.
Wine-press, 230, 6U3.
Witty, 375.
Wood. 396.
Woodcock, 377.
Working parts, 487.
Work-piece, 495, 511.
Worm-wheels, 83.


Yule, 353.



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