July to December, 1923
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Livingston, Arthur, translator The Man With the Flower in His Mouth 313
Lovett, Robert Morss The Squire in Politics 391
Mann, Thomas German Letter 369
Meier-Graefe, Julius German Art After the War 1
Morand, Paul Paris Letter 173, 473, 583
Moore, George The Apostle 43
George Moore and Granvill Barker 135
George Moore and John Freeman 341
Moore, Marianne An Eagle in the Ring 498
Gentle Sorcery 203
Mortimer, Raymond London Letter 73
The Memoirs of M de Charlus 376
Parsons, Alice Beal Sin 603
Pirandello, Luigi The Man with the Flower in His Mouth 313
Powys, John Cowper The Philosopher Kwan 430
Powys, Llewelyn An Historical Novel 600
Matthew Prior 265
Rosenfeld, Paul Randolph Bourne 545
Russell, Bertrand Leisure and Mechanism 105
Life as an Art 487
A New System of Philosophy 278
Santayana, G. A Long Way Round to Nirvana 435
Sapir, Edward Mr Housman's Last Poems 192
Schnitzler, Arthur The Fate of the Baron von Leisenbohg (Fiction) 565
Seldes, Gilbert Before a Picture by Picasso 406
The Demoniac in the American Theatre 303
Shorter and Better Stories 184
Toujours Jazz 151
Mr Wells' Ancients 285
Toomer, Jean Waldo Frank's Holiday 383
von Hofmannsthal, Hugo Vienna Letter 271
Wapsworth, P. Beaumont, translator The Injured One 521
Prague Letter 7
Wescott, Glenway The First Book of Mary Butts 282
Wilkinson, Louis Sir James Barrie 167
Wilson, Edmund The Anatomy of War 93
Late Violets from the Nineties 387
The Mantuan 492
Woolf, Virginia Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street (Fiction) 20
Worster, W. W., translator On the Island 209
Wright, Cuthbert Much Ado About Nothing 608
Yeats, William Butler An Autobiographical Fragment 13 VERSE
Barnes, Djuna First Communion 166
Coatsworth, Elizabeth J. Desert Horizon 150
Majesty Walks in the Garden 582
Colum, Padraic The Lehua Trees 544
Kreymborg, Alfred City Chap 461
Crocus 224
Hermit Thrush 460
Neighbours 460
Robin 461
Song Sparrow 462
Swallows 462
Lowell, Amy Sultry 561
Time's Acre 562
Muir, Edwin Reverie 534
Naumburg, Margaret Country Sunday 134
In Central Park 134
Wescott, Glenway Named Flamingo 264
Williams, William Carlos Three Poems 170
Winters, Yvor The Crystal Sun 363
Wrynn, Anthony He Wove His Nest in the Portico 333
Proud 332
Bonnard, Pierre A Painting . . . . . . . July
Corinth, Lovis . . . . . . . Dancers . . . . . . . . July
Davis, Stuart . . . . . . . A Drawing . . . . . . August
Dehn, Adolph . . . . . . . Students in the Borghese Gardens, Rome . . . . . . September
Viennese Cabaret . . . . December
Viennese Coffee House . . December
Women Praying in St Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna . . . September
Derain, André . . . . . . . La Cour . . . . . . . August
Fry, Roger . . . . . . . . Spanish Scene . . . . December
Galanis, D . . . . . . . . . Three Woodcuts . . . . November
Geddes, Norman-Bel . . . . . Two Brush Drawings . . . . July
Gropper, William . . . . . . Two Line Syncopations . . December
Haller, Hermann . . . . . Marie Laurencin . . . . . August
Hofer, Carl . . . . Women by the Sea . . . . . July
Laurencin, Marie . . . . . . Le Citron . . . . . . . August
Maillol, Aristide . . . . . . Adolescence . . . . . . October
Flora . . . . . . . . October
Girl . . . . . . . . October
Matisse, Henri. . . . . . . Bonheur de Viore. . . . November
Ciel Nuageux . . . . . . October
Pahouin . . . . . . . . . Negro Sculpture . . . . September
Pansaers, Clément . . . . . Paysage . . . . . . . August
Picasso, Pablo . . . . . . . The Bullfight. . . . . September
La Comtesse E. de Beaumont November
Robinson, Boardman . . . . . H. G. Wells . . . . . September
Rychtarik, W. R. . . . . . . A Drawing . . . . . September
A Linoleum Cut . . . September
Sargent, John Singe. . . . . Asher Wertheimer . . . November
Essie, Ruby, and Ferdinand, Children of Asher Wertheimer November
Hylda Wertheimer . . . November
Seurat, Georges . . . . . . Le Cirque . . . . . December
Sommer, William . . . . . . Nude . . . . . . . . October
Two Drawings . . . . . . July
Sprinchorn, Carl . . . . . . Three Drawings . . . . . August
Van Vorst, Marie . . . . . The Grey Boa . . . . December
London Pride . . . . December
von Huhn, Rudolf. . . . . . Fons Vitae . . . . . . October
The Mandarin . . . . . October
von Marées, Hans . . . . . Ganymede. . . . . . . . July
Zorach, William . . . . . . A Drawing . . . . . . October
Authors and Titles
Adcock, A. St. John. E. O. Hoppé, illustrator. Gods of Modern Grub Street 509
Anderson, Rasmus B., translator. Creative Spirits of the Nineteenth Century, by George Brandes 98
Anonymous. The Enchanted April 96
Anonymous. Grey Towers 399
Archer, William. The Old Drama and the New 99
Armstrong, Martin. The Puppet Show 301
Asquith, Cynthia. The Child at Home 614
Ayscough, John. Dobachi 507
Bealby, J. T., translator. Weird Tales, by E. T. W. Hoffmann 506
Beerbohm, Max, introduction. Men of letters, by Dixon Scott 509
Belloc, Hilaire. The Modern Traveller 400
Benavente, Jacinto. John Garrett Underhill, translator. Plays: Third Series 97
Bergeuer, George. Eleanor and Van Wyck Brooks, translators. Some Aspects of the Life of Jesus 613
Bibesco, Elizabeth. Baloons 300
Björkman, Edwin. Gates of Life 97
Bodenheim, Maxwell. The Sardonic Arm 202
Borden, Mary. Jane—Our Stranger 611
Bottome, Phyllis. The Victim, and The Worm 398
Boyd, Thomas. Through the Wheat 93
Bradford, Gamaliel. Damaged Souls 613
Brandes, Georg. Rasmus B. Anderson, translator. Creative Spirits of the Nineteenth Century 98
Brooks, Eleanor and Van Wyck, translators. Some Aspects of the Life of Jesus, by George Bergeur 613
Broun, Heywood. The Sun Field 612
Butler, Howard Russell. Painter and Space, or in The Third Dimension in Graphic Art 192
Butler, Nicholas Murray. Building the American Nation 614
Butts, Mary. Speed the Plough, and Other Stories 282
Canfield, Dorothy. Raw Material 401
Cannan, Gilbert. Annette and Bennett 299
Cather, Willa. April Twilights 400
Chekhov, Anton. Constance Garnett, translator. Love and Other Stories 96
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. The Ballad of St. Barbara and Other Verses 508
Classen, E., translator. Downstream, by Sigfrid Siwertz 200
Clews, Henry, Jr. Mumbo Jumbo 302
Coatsworth, Elizabeth J. Fox Footprints 400
Cutler, Car Gordon and Stephen C. Pepper. Modern Colour 302
Davis, Fannie Stearns. The Ancient Beautiful Things 507
de Gourmont, Remy. C. Sartoris, translator. The Horses of Diomedes 398
de Montesquiou, Robert. Les Pas Effacés. Mémoires de Robert de Montesquiou 376
Deutsch, Babette and Avrahm Yarmolinsky, translators. Contemporary German Poetry 196
Doran, Carl Van. See Van Doran.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. S. S. Koteliansky and J. Middleton Murry, translators. Dostoevsky: Letters and Reminiscences 605
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Coming of the Fairies 91
Drinkwater, John. Preludes 202
Drinkwater, John. Robert E. Lee 612
Dukes, Ashley, translator. The Machine Wreckers, by Ernst Toller 401
Dunsany, Lord. Plays of Near and Far 201 Easton, Dorothy. Tantalus 611
Ellis, Don Carlos and Laura Thornborough. Motion Pictures in Education 302
Ellis, Havelock. The Dance of Life 487
Firbank, Ronald. The Flower Beneath the Foot 387
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, translator. Life of Christ, by Giovanni Papini 99
Foster, Jeanne Robert. Rock-Flower 202
Frank, Tenney. Virgil: A Biography 492
Frank, Walpo. Holiday 383
Galsworthy, John. The Burning Spear 201
Galsworthy, John. Captures 506
Galsworthy, John. Loyalties 301
Galsworthy, John. Windows 401
Gardiner, A. G. The Life of Sir William Harcourt 391
Garnett, Constance, translator. Love and Other Stories, by Anton Chekov 96
Gerould, Katherine Fullerton. Conquistador 300
Gibbs, Philip. The Middle of the Road 97
Gourmony, Remy de. See de Gourmont.
Greene, Anne Bosworth. The Lone Winter 299
Grudin, Louis. Charlatan 400
Guerney, B. Guilbert, translator. Sulamith, by Alexandre Kuprin. 98
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. Things Remembered 203
Hart, William S. A Lighter of Flames 612
Hecht, Ben. The Florentine Dagger 399
Hoffmann, E. T. W. J. T. Bealby, translator. Weird Tales 506
Hoppé, E. O., illustrator. Gods of Modern Grub Street, by A. St. John Adcock 509
Housman, A. E. Last Poems—A Shropshire Lad 188
Housman, Laurence. Moonshine and Clover: A doorway in Fairyland 293
Hudson, Stephen. Prince Hempseed 96
Johns, Orrick. Blindfold 300
Jordan-Smith, Paul. Cables of Cobweb 200
Josephson, Matthew. Galimathias 613
Josey, Charles Conant. Race and National Solidarity 614
Joyce, James. Ulysses. 480
Kemp, Harry. The Love-Rogue 400
Koteliansky, S. S. and J. Middleton Murry, Dostoevsky: Letters and Reminiscences 605
Kreymborg, Alfred. Puppet Plays 201
Kuprin, Alexandre. B. Guilbert Guerney, translator. Sulamith 98
Lindsay, Vachel. Collected Poems 498
Lindsay, Vachel. Going to the Sun 202
Lubbock, Percy. Roman Pictures 508
McGraw, John J. My Thirty Years in Baseball 203
McKenna, Stephen. Soliloquy 200
Mackail, J. W. Virgil and His Meaning to the World of Today 492
MacOrlan, Pierre. Malice 506
Mallarmé, Camille. The House of the Enemy 301
Mansfield, Katherine. The Dove's Nest 484
Marks, Jeanette. The Sun Chaser. 508
Masefield, John. The Dream and Other Poems 507
Masters, Edgar Lee. Skeeters Kirby 98
Merrick, Leonard. To Tell You the Truth 96
Meynell, Alice. The Poems of Alice Meynell 202
Mitchison, Naomi. The Conquered. 600
Monahan, Michael. An Attic Dreamer 99
Montague, C. E. Disenchantment 301
Montesquiou, Robert de. See de Montesquiou
Moore, Marianne. Marriage (Manikin Number 3).—Poems 594
Murry, J. Middleton and S. S. Koteliensky, translators. Dostoevksy: Letters and Reminiscences. 605 Myers, L. H. The Orissers .
NeviLL, Ralph. Yesterday and To-day
Niles, Blair. Casual Wanderings in Ecuador
Norris, Charles Gilman. Bread
O'Brien, Edward J. The Advance of the Americna Short Story
O'Brien, Edward J., editor. The Best Short Stories of 1922
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1922. Chosen by the Society of Arts and Sciences. Introduction by Blanche Colton Williams
Overton, Grant. Island of the Innocent
Oxford Poetry—1921. Oxford Poetry—1922
Parini, Giovanni. Dorothy Canfield Fisher, translator. Life of Christ
Pepper, Stephen C. and Carl Gordon Cutler. Modern Colour
Phelps, William Lyon. As I Like It
Phelps, William Lyon. Some Makers of American Literature
Phillpotts, Eden. Black, White and Brindled.—Children of Men
Pitkin, Walter B., editor. As We Are
Powys, John Cowper. Psychoanalysis and Morality
Powys, Llewelyn. Thirteen Worthies .
Powys, T. F. The Left Leg
Russell, John. In Dark Places
Sackville-West, V. Challenge
Sackville-West, V. Grey Wethers
Santayana, George. Scepticism and Animal Faith. Introduction to a system of Philosophy
Sartoris, C., translator. The Horses of Diomedes, by Remy de Gourmont
Schnitzler, Arthur. The Shepherd's Pipe
Schreiner, Olive. Stories, Dreams, and Allegories
Scott, C. Kay. Sinbad
Scott, Dixon. Max Beerbohm, introduction. Men of Letters.
Scott, Evelyn. Escapade.
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Pro Vita Monastica
Shakespear, D., illustrator. Elimus: A Story, by B. C. Windeler
Sherman, Stuart P. The Genius of America
Singmaster, Elsie. The Hidden Road
Sitwell, Sacheverell. The Hundred and One Harlequins
Siwertz, Sigfrid. E. Classen, translator. Downstream
Smith, Paul Jordan-. See Jordan-Smith.
Snow, Wilbert. Maine Coast
Society of Arts and Sciences, editors. Blanche Colton Williams, introduction. O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1922
Stern, G. B. The Back Seat
Stork, Charles Wharton, editor and translator. Modern Swedish Masterpieces
Stork, Charles Wharton, editor. Second Contemporary Verse Anthology
Sudermann, Hermann. The Book of Youth
Sullivan, Edmund J. Line
Tenison, E. M. Louise Imogen Guiney
Thornborough, Laura and Don Carlos Ellis. Motion Pictures in Education
Toller, Ernst. Ashley Dukes, translator. The Machine Wreckers
Tolstoy, Alexey. The Road to Calvary
Tormay, Cecile. An Outlaw's Diary: Revolution
Underhill, John Garrett, translator. Plays: Third Series, by Jacinto Benavente
Van Doren, Carl. The Roving Critic
Van Vechten, CarL. The Blind Bow-Boy
Walston, Sir Charles. Harmonism and Conscious Evolution
Watson, E. L. Grant. The Desert Horizon
Wells, H. G. Men Like Gods
Werner, M. R. Barnum 99
West, V. Sackville-. See Sackville-West.
Widdemer, Margaret. Graven Image 612 Page:The Dial (Volume 75).djvu/738 Page:The Dial (Volume 75).djvu/739 Page:The Dial (Volume 75).djvu/740 PAGE
Opera in Germany 369
Pan-European Weather 271
Pfitzner, Hans. Von Deutscher Seele 622
Phoenix Society, The 144
Preetorius, Emil 369
Prix du Nouveau Monde 176, 476
Proust, Marcel 38
Radiguet, Le Diable au Corps 178, 476
Rath Brothers 409
Reinhardt-Theater 371
Rivers, W. H. R. Instinct and the Unconscious 117
Roussel, Albert. Padmavati 474
Seyler, Athene 145
Strawinsky, Igor. Noces 474
Symons, Arthur 14
Theatre in Germany, The 377
Traherne's Poems 418
Van Gogh, Vincent 7
von Marées, Hans 3
Walter, Bruno 369
Wharton, Edith 425
Wright, S. MacDonald 90
Yellow Book Era, The 388
Briefer Mention .
Briefe Mention 96, 200, 299,398, 506, 611
Comment 206, 402, 510, 615
Dublin Letter 179
German Letter 369
London Letter 73
Modern Art 5, 619
Musical Chronicle 518, 622
Paris Letter 173, 473, §83
Prague Letter 79,588
Theatre, The 512, 617
Vienna Letter 271