< St. Nicholas



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.


Part I—NOVEMBER, 1913, TO APRIL, 1914.



Copyright, 1913, 1914, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—November, 1913, to April, 1914.


Acrostic, A Christmas. Verse, Mabel Livingston Frank 169
Acrostic, An: “Thanksgiving.” Verse, Mabel Livingston Frank 45
Afternoon Tea. Picture. Drawn by Gertrude A. Kay 341
Alcott (Louisa M.), Miss, A Letter From. (Illustrated from photographs and letter) 222
Apple-wood Fire, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 340
“April Fool!” Saved by. Verse Clara J. Denton 489
Ballad of Belle Brocade, The. Verse. (Illustrated by C. Clyde Squires) Carolyn Wells 244
Base-ball: The Game And Its Players. (Illustrated from photographs) Billy Evans 510
Billy and Mister Turkey. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Katharine M. Daland 68
Birthday Greeting, A. 92
Birthday Treasure. Verse. (Illustrated by Herbert Paus) Elsie Hill 123
Black-on-Blue. (Illustrated by W. F. Stecher) Ralph Henry Barbour 195
Blue Sky, Under The. (Illustrated) E. T. Keyser
Bob-Sledding and Skating. (Illustrated by Norman Price and with diagrams) 325
The Boy's Fishing Kit 498
Boys, What They Have Done for the World George Frederic Stratton 58
Brains, Two Men With Tudor Jenks 256
Brownies and the Railroad, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Palmer Cox 253
Brownies Build A Bridge, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Palmer Cox 60
Bunglers. Verse. (Illustrated by R. B. Birch) Ellen Manly 148
Chimney, Down the Wrong. Picture. Drawn by E. B. Bird 152
Christmastide, In Paris at. Verse. (Illustrated by Gertrude A. Kay) Esther V. Ayres 170
Christmas Tree, At the Sign of the. Verse. (Illustrated by Beatrice Stevens) Pauline Frances Camp 132
Christmas Tree, The Song of the. Verse Blanche Elizabeth Wade 152
Clock, The Singing. (Illustrated by Thomas M. Bevans) Katherine Dunlap Cather 47
Contrasts. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 233
Correction, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). George O. Butler 109
Courage, A Question of. (Illustrated by O. F. Schmidt) C. H. Claudy 22
Cuckoo Clock. See “Clock, The Singing” 47
Deacon’s Little Maid, The. (Illustrated by George Varian) Ruth Hatch 392
Dim Forest, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) D. K. Stevens 163
Djinnger Djar, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Carolyn Wells 172
Dutch Doll and Her Eskimo, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Thelma Cudlipp) Ethel Blair 347
Eight O'Clock. Verse Margaret Widdemer 298
Elephant, Mauled by an. (Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull) J. Alden Loring 429
Face, The Real Story of the. Lewis Edwin Theiss 543
Fairies, Bad. Verse C.H. 515
“Fairy Tales.” Picture. Painted by J. J. Shannon 298
Fairy Tea. Verse. (Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory) D. K. Stevens 400
Fishing Kit, The Boy’s. “Under the Blue Sky.” (Illustrated by Harriet R. Boyd, and with photographs and a diagram) E. T. Keyser 498
The Field-Goal Art. (Illustrated from photographs) Parke H. Davis 141
The Full-Field Run from Kick-off to Touch-down. (Illustrated from photographs) Parke H. Davis 13
“Foot-Balls” Against The “turkeys,” The Great Game On Thanksgiving Day. Picture. Drawn by E. B. Bird 147
Fractions. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 410
Garden-making And Some Of The Garden’s Stories: Who is Who Grace Tabor 539
Golf: The Game I Love. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea and from photographs) Francis Ouimet 395, 434
Goose-Fair at Warsaw, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Nora Archibald Smith 411
Grizzlies, My Friends the. (Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull) Enoch J. Mills 294
Grown-Up Me, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Harriet Repplier Boyd) Margaret Widdemer 428
Hallowee'en Meeting, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler 69
Hans and the Dancing Shoes. (Illustrated byHerbert Paus) Mary E. Jackson 290
Housekeeping Adventures of the Junior Blairs, The. (Illustrated by Sarah K. Smith) Caroline French Benton 257, 342, 449, 545
India, Traveling in, Where Nobody is in a Hurry. (Illustrated from photographs) Mabel Alberta Spicer 4
Indians Came, When the. (Illustrated by Frank Murch) H. S. Hall 494
Jealousy. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Alice Lovett Carson 19
Jerusalem Artie’s Christmas Dinner. (Illustrated by Horace Taylor) Julia Darrow Cowles 234
Jinglejays, Ruth and the. Verse. (Illustrated by Allie Dillon) Charlotte Canty 330
Jinglejays Write on Spring, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Allie Dillon) Charlotte Canty 524
Johnston, Annie Fellows. (Illustrated from photographs) Margaret W. Vandercook 127
Larry Goes to the Ant. (Illustrated by Bernard J. Rosenmeyer) Efie Ravenscroft 110
Leaf-Raking. Verse. (Illustrated by Gertrude A. Kay.) Melville Chater 20
Letter, The First. Verse. (Illustrated by Louise Perrett) Nora Bennett 107
Lucky Stone, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Abbie Farwell Brown 215, 315, 413, 502
Magic Cup, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Arthur Rackham) Arthur Guiterman 289
“Magnolia.” Picture. Painted by J. J. Shannon 299
Matinée, At The Children’s. (Illustrated from photographs) Clara Meadowcroft 351
“Melilotte.” A Fairy Operetta. (Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker) David Stevens 434
Men Who Do Things, With. (Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha, from photographs and diagrams) A. Russell Bond 237, 333, 420, 526
Men Who Try, The. Verse Whitney Montgomery 264
Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Annie Fellows Johnston 52, 99
More Than Conquerors. Biographical Sketches. (Illustrations by Oscar F. Schmidt and from photographs) Ariadne Gilbert
Beloved of Men—and Dogs. (Sir Walter Scott) 27
The Magic Touch. (Augustus Saint-Gaudens) 205
Mother Goose, The Nursery Rhymes of. (Illustrated by Arthur Rackham)
“Bye, Baby Bunting”—“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”—“I Saw a Ship A-Sailing”—“How They Ride” 1
“Hark, Hark, the Dogs do Bark”—“Hickory, Dickory, Dock”—“Little Jack Horner” —“Diddle-ty-Diddle-ty-Dumpty”—“Three Wise Men of Gotham”—“Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross”—“Little Betty Blue” 97
“Hot-cross Buns!”—“There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe”—“Girls and Boys Come out to Play”—“Old Mother Hubbard”—“Polly, Put the Kettle on”—“Jack Spratt Could Eat no Fat” 193
Mother’s Almanac. Verse. (Illustrated by Beatrice Stevens) C. Leo 542
Mysterious Disappearance, Another. Picture. Drawn by I. W. Taber 21
Nature, Back to. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George Butler 131
“Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, This is.” Picture. Drawn by I. W. Taber. 256
“Not Invited.” Picture. Drawn by Gertrude A. Kay 214
“On Guard!” Picture. Drawn by C. Clyde Squires 402
Ostrich and the Tortoise, The. Verse. (Illustrated by George O. Butler) D. K. Stevens 23
Peggy's Chicken Deal. (Illustrated by Laetitia Herr) Elizabeth Price 490
Pipe of Peace, The. Picture. Drawn by H. E. Burdette 357
Pop! Pop! Pop! Verse Malcolm Douglas 523
Prinnie, Taking Care of. (Illustrated by Frances E. Ingersoll) Rebecca Deming Moore 64
Racing Waters Louise de St. Hubert Guyol 349
Rackham, Arthur: The Wizard at Home (Illustrated from photographs and with sketches by Arthur Rackham) Eleanor Farjeon 385
Rather Hard. Verse Eunice Ward 203
Resolve, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory) Ethel M. Kelley 108
Rights and Lefts. Verse Mary Dobbins Prior 508
Robin, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Margaret Johnson 544
Rose Alba, Christmas Waits at the. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Eveline Warner Brainerd 226
Rose Alba to St. John’s, From the. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Eveline Warner Brainerd 532
Rose Alba, War and Peace at the. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Eveline Warner Brainerd 156
Runaway, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Allen French 37, 134, 246, 300, 403, 516
Saint-gaudens, Augustus. See “More Than Conquerors” 205
Schoolmaster, The New. Verse Pauline Frances Camp 236
Scott, Sir Walter. See “More Than Conquerors” 27
Seasons’ Calendar, The. Verse Harriet Prescott Spofford 394
Secrets. Verse. (Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory) Marjorie Knapp 204
Shakspere’s Room, In. Poem. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch, Alfred Parsons, and from photographs) Benjamin F. Leggett 481
Silhouette, The Story of the Walter K. Putney 448
Singing Clock, The. (Illustrated by Thomas M. Bevans) Katherine Dunlap Cather 47
Sisters, The. Picture. From painting from Edmund C. Tarbell 550
Sled, Stolen, The Story of the. Pictures. Drawn by Culmer Barnes 332
“Snowball!, Boo-Hoo! He’s got my.” Picture. Drawn by Donald McKee 314
Snowman, The: The Finishing Touch. Picture. Drawn by John Edwin Jackson 322
Squirrel, The. “His Little Paws are Just as Good as Hands!” Picture. Drawn by George T. Tobin 46
Story Corner, The. (Illustrated from photographs) Sarah Comstock 308
“Strange, But True!” Verse Charles Lincoln Phifer 314
Telephone, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Charles M. Relyea) Ethel M. Kelley 307
“Thanksgiving!, And To-morrrow is.” Picture. Drawn by Gertrude A. Kay. 67
Tommy’s Adventure. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 500
Tracks in the Snow, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Enos B. Comstock 418
When Alexander Dances. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Elsie Hill 10
Wireless Cage, The. Picture. Drawn by Culmer Barnes 155
Wireless Wizardry. (Illustrated from photographs) Robert G. Skerrett 153


“Bye, Baby Bunting,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 1—“Hark, Hark, the Dogs do Bark!” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 97—“Mother Goose,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 193—“The Magic Cup,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 289—“Children in Kensington Gardens, London,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 385—“The Gossips,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 481.


For Very Little Folk. (Illustrated)
The Baby Bears’ Adventures Grace G. Drayton 73
173, 205, 301, 457, 553
Nature and Science. (Illustrated) 76, 176, 268, 364, 460, 556
St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 84, 182, 276, 372, 468, 564
Books and Reading. (Illustrated) Hildegarde Hawthorne 70
262, 358, 454, 550
Editorial Notes 476, 572
The Letter-Box. (Illustrated) 93, 190, 285, 381, 476, 572
The Riddle-Box. (Illustrated) 95, 101, 287, 383, 479, 575

St Nicholas-V41-P1-012.jpg



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.


Part II—MAY, 1914, TO NOV, 1914.



Copyright, 1914, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—May to October, 1914.


Aquaplane Riding. (Illustrations from photographs) E. J. Morris, M.D. 974
Aviator, The. Verse. (Decoration by Junius S. Cravens) Arthur Wallace Peach 963
Bambaroo. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) C. F. Lester 1114
Baring-Gould. Photograph. See Letter-Box Editorial Note 860
Base-Ball Problems 807, 907, 1018, 1148
Base-Ball: The Game and Its Players. (Illustrations from photographs) Billy Evans 607, 708, 802, 903, 1014, 1063
Blue Sky, Under the, (Illustrated) E. T. Keyser
The Making of a Canoeist. (Illustrated by Norman Price, William Van Dresser, and from photographs and diagrams) 629, 725, 796
Boast, A. Verse, (Illustrated by Harmon Neill) Emily Rose Burt 892
Bonheur, Rose. See “Tomboy from Bordeaux, The” 1057
Booth, Edwin, See “More Than Conquerors”. 996
Botany, The Boy Who Studies. Verse Robert Emmet Ward 741
Boy of Cadore, The. (Illustrated by Maurice Lincoln Bower) Katherine Dunlap Cather 674
Brave Little Girl, The. Verse Tudor Jenks 841
Brook, Capitalizing a. (Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha) Frank J. Stillman 879
Building Contract, A. Verse. (IIlustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman. 814
Butterflying. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler 612
Canoeist, The Making of a. (“Under the Blue Sky” Series.) (Illustrated by Norman Price, William Van Dresser, and from photographs and diagrams) E. T. Keyser 629
Capitalizing a Brook. (Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha) Frank J. Stillman 879
Cassowary, The, His Vocabulary, and the Dictionary. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch). E. L. McKinney 978
Cheeses, Dutch. (Illustrations from photographs) H. M, Smith 1108
Cherry-time. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Marion Mallette Thornton 673
Clever Artist and the Hungry Wave, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler. 968
Contract, A Big. Picture Drawn by Harrison Cady 1100
Coon Hollow Push-mobile Aeroplane, The. Pictures. Drawn by Culmer Barnes 832
Decoration Day, After the Parade on. Picture. Drawn by George T. Tobin 724
“Eternal Feminine, The.” Picture. Drawn by Grace G. Drayton 633
“Evening Glow, In the.” Picture. From a painting by Charles C. Curran 819
Fairy Men, The Foolish. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). Jo L. G. McMahon 1128
Fairy Steeple, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Katharine Maynadier Browne 820
Fancy Dress, A Rush Order for Josephine Story 977
Finding our Aunt Hester. (Illustrated by W. F. Stecher) Virginia Woods Mackall 990
Flag, Two Boys and The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea). Eleanor Schureman 769
First Inpressions—Or, THe First Day or School. Picture. Drawn by Mary Louise Baker 1025
Foot-ball: Tactics and Tacticians of the Gridiron. (Illustrations from photographs) Parke H. Davis 1116
Footstep Fairies, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Harold Sichel) Muriel E, Windram 628
Fortunate Frog, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) G. O. Butler 1004
“Frog Prince, The.” See Editorial Note. 764
Gardener, The Complete. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) B. S. 828
Garden, In the. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 910
Garden-making and Some of the Garden’s Stories Grace Tabor
The Story of the Twofold Torments. 634
The Story of the Defenders Unaware. 730
The Story of the Fractions. 829
The Story of the Sentinels. 925
The Story of the Crystal Halls. 1021
Giants, Stories of Friendly. (Illustrated by Pamela C. Smith) Eunice Fuller,/Seymour Barnard,
1. The Wigwam Giants. 604
2. How the Giants Got the Best of Thor. 822
3. The Giant and the Herdboy. 918
4. How Jack Found the Giant Riverrath. 1101
Golf: The Game I Love. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea and from photographs) Francis Ouimet 592, 689, 815, 911
“Hallowe’en, A-Coming Home on.” Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler 1077
“Hallowe’en.” Picture. Painted by George Luks 1093
Hallowe’en Night, 'T is. Verse. Blanche Elizabeth Wade 1120
Home, The. Verse. (Illustration from photograph) Gladys Hyatt Sinclair 743
Housekeeping Adventures of the Junior Blairs, The. (Illustrated by Sarah K. Smith) Caroline French Benton 641, 737, 833, 929, 1026, 1121
How the Neighbors Knew. Verse. (Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker) Clara Platt Meadowcroft 585
“In Days of Old, When Knights Were Born.” Picture. Drawn by Grace G. Drayton 613
Independence Day. Verse. (Illustrated by Beatrice Stevens) Ella M. Boult. 821
Interrupted Song, An. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler. 801
Johnson, Walter. See “‘Speed-King,’ Some Experiences of a” 1063
Joy. Verse. C. H. 713
June-time Jingles. Verse. Clinton Scollard 699
“Just Anne.” (Illustrated by Harriet Roosevelt Richards) J. L. Glover 1110
Kind-hearted Countryman, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) George O. Butler 900
Laughing. Verse. Mary MacRae Gray 1125
“Laurel Blossoms, Among the.” Picture. Painted by Charles C. Curran 596
Little Jo. Verse. (Illustrated by Edmund Frederick) Anna Fletcher 742
Luck—Pluck. Verse. Abbie Farwell Brown 990
Lucky Stone, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Abbie Farwell Brown 614, 713, 808
Men Who Do Things, With, (Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha and from photographs) A. Russell Bond 621, 718, 837, 893, 1006, 1094
More Than Conquerors. The Star-Shower Baby (Edwin Booth). (Illustrations from photographs) Ariadne Gilbert 996
Mothering Dolly—For Polly. Verse. (Illustrations by C. Clyde Squires). Constance Johnson 916
Mozart Raced with Marie Antoinette, When. (Illustrated by Maurice L. Bower) Katherine D. Cather 867
Nature-Study and Teacher. Verse. Blanche Elizabeth Wade 766
Newton and the Pin. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Helen E. Richards 1083
Officer, An Ingenious. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). George O. Butler 688
Path of Least Resistance, the. Verse. (Illustrated by R. B. Birch). Helen Coale Crew. 670
Peter of the Wild Rose-tree. (Illustrated by Bruce Horsfall and from photographs) Patten Beard. 586
Pinch of Necessity, The. (Illustrated by Charles R. Chickering) Mary Bronson Hartt 872
“Please, Mother!—Did You Say the Candy Was in the Top Drawer?” Picture. Drawn by B. J. Rosenmeyer 1013
Polite Pirate, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). Frederick Moxon 620
Princess and the Pirate, The. (Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker) Doris Webb 780
“Princess Primrose Takes the Air, When.” Picture. Drawn by Esther Peck 1005
Procession, The. Verse Margaret Widdemer 820
Queela Hunted the Hawk’s Bill, How. (Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull) Peri Lupia 964
Race, A Useless. Picture. Drawn by C. Barnes. 795
Race, Go-As-You-Please, on the Old Mill-Pond, A. Picture. Drawn by Harrison Cady 915
Revere, Paul—Goldsmith. (Illustrations from photographs) Park Pressey 784
Rose Alba, The “K. K.” or the. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Eveline Warner Brainerd 1070
Runaway, The. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Allen French 597, 700, 788, 886, 981, 1086
School, The First Day of. Picture, Drawn by Mary Louise Baker 1025
Sea-Horse of Grand Terre, The. (Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull) Charles Tenney Jackson 577
Self-made Man, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 1020
Shaker Town, In. Verse. (Illustrated by Charles M. Relyea) Marion Pugh Read 884
Silver Cup, The. (Illustrated by Charles R. Chickering) George M. Johnson 1078
Singing. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 736
Sir Rigmarole’s Ramble. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Charles F. Lester 638
“Speed-King,” Some Experiences of a. (Illustrations from photographs) Walter Johnson 1063
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” The Story of. (Illustrations from photographs, painting, and manuscript) J. L. Harbour 969
Summer Shower, A. Picture. Drawn by George T. Tobin 902
“Sun and Shade.” Picture, Drawn by M. L. McMillan 779
Swing Time. Verse. (Illustrated by Henrietta Collins) M. F. 584
Tactics And Tacticians of the Gridiron. (Illustrations from photographs). Parke H. Davis 1116
Teddy and Miss Rainy-Day. Verse. Pauline Frances Camp. 591
Thoughts. Verse. Ethel Blair 729
Titian. See “Boy of Cadore, The” 674
Tomboy From Borveaux, The. (Illustrated by Maurice Lincoln Bower) Katherine Dunlap Cather 1057
Tommy and Nan. Verse, (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 640
Touchy, Little Miss. Verse, (Illustrated by S. Wendell Mitchell) Laura G. Thompson 1019
Trail, The Hidden. Verse Mary Carolyn Davies 936
Travel, Concerning. Verse. (Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer) Caroline Hofman 640
Twinkle, Twinkle! Verse. (Illustration from a photograph) Ruth McEnery Stuart 916
Two Boys and the Flag. (Illustrated by Charles M. Relyea) Eleanor Schureman 769
Umbrellas. Verse. (Illustrated by Gertrude A. Kay) Melville Chater 604
Unselfishness. Verse. (Illustrated by G. E. Wesson) Marjorie Osborn Wesson 637
Victory, The Greater. (Illustrated by Robert McCaig). H. Carson Davies 679
Warm-Weather Soup, The Most Popular, in the Deer Woods District. Picture. Drawn by Sears Gallagher 878
Wasted Hole, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Gertrude A. Kay) Melville Chater 1084
“Yes” and “No.” Essay. George Lawrence Parker 605
Youngest, The, Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald B. Birch) Ethel M. Kelley 908


“Wee Folk,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 577—“The Frog Prince,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 673—“Marjorie and Margaret,” painted by Arthar Rackham, facing page 769—“Jack and the Beanstalk,” drawn by Arthur Rackham, facing page 867—A Little Maid of Holland, from a painting by Jacob Gerritsz Cuyp, facing page 963—“Puss in Boots,” painted by Arthur Rackham, facing page 1057.


For Very Little Folk. (Illustrated)
The Lost Curl Grace E. Craig 649
Proud Daddy Anne Porter Johnson 744
The Toy Pussy-Cat. Verse. Margaret G. Hays 747
The Doll’s Circus. Verse Will Philip Hooper 857
The Adventures of Arabella Helen Peck
I. The Adventure of the Big Wave 937
II. The Adventure of the Lovely Lights 1033
III. The Adventure at the Zoo 1129
Nature and Science, (Illustrated) 652, 748, 842, 940, 1036, 1132
St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 660, 756, 849, 948, 1044, 1140
Books and Reading. (Illustrated) Hildegarde Hawthorne 646
734, 934, 1030, 1126
Editorial Notes 764
The Letter-Box. (Illustrated) 668, 764, 860, 956, 1053, 1149
The Riddle-Box. (Illustrated) 671, 767, 863, 959, 1055, 1151

St Nicholas-V41-P1-012.jpg

Numbers month

Number 11913 November
Number 21913 December
Number 31914 January
Number 41914 February
Number 51914 March
Number 61914 April
Number 71914 May
Number 81914 June
Number 91914 July
Number 101914 August
Number 111914 September
Number 121914 October

Serials month

The Runaway
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
The Baby Bears’ Adventures
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman
1913 October[1]
1913 November
1913 December
The Nursery Rhymes of Mother Goose
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
Housekeeping Adventures with the Junior Blairs
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
Golf: The Game I Love
1914 March
1914 April
The Lucky Stone
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
With Men Who Do Things
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
Nature and Science
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
St. Nicholas League
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
Books and Reading
1913 November
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
The Letter-Box
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
The Riddle-Box
1913 November
1913 December
1914 January
1914 February
1914 March
1914 April
1914 May
1914 June
1914 July
1914 August
1914 September
1914 October
Editorial Notes
1914 March
1914 April

  1. In a previous volume.
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