< Sixty-two Theosophic Epistles

The Ninth Epistle

To C. B. Of the 12. September 1620.

Light, Salvation and Eternall Power, out of the wel-spring or fountaine of the Heart of JESUS CHRIST, be our refreshing or Quickning, and Enlivening.

1Honourable and Esteemed Sir: and in Christ, loving Brother, the Letter you sent me, with the inclosed Rix-Doller, I received and returne you thanks for it, God will, according to his word, richly repay it.
2 Although [1] the Gifts of God are not sold for Money or any of this worlds Good, yet I find in you, according to your Letter, an Earnest diligence, in that you are desirous to study the divine wisdome, and that you have a Zeale, your self to write out a Copy, of that which is given me from God out of Grace; and I acknowledge it to be done out of Thankfulness and obedience towards God; and in that regard, I also willingly accept it.
3 And exhort you brotherly in Christ, that you proceed according to the Course you have begun, to strive as a Constant Soldier, against own-self outward Reason in Flesh and Blood; also against the Devill and the Hypocriticall flattering Evil world; with firme trust and Confidence in God, with a zealous spirit and Minde, in a still quiet life; whereby you may obtaine the Noble Crown or Garland of Victory, which indeed assisteth a young fellow-companion fearing God and is very acceptible, in the prefence of God and his Angells: which if it be once set upon you, you will well discerne [2] What God IS and CAN doe.
4 And then you will not much need to learn of others when the right Teacher is IN your selfe; who Teacheth ALL Men. and confirmeth that to Gods Children which he teacheth from or out of Man; for [3] the Kingdome of God is IN Man if he be borne againe in Christ.
5 As you will find it sufficiently described in my writings, which are not proceeded or sprung from conceipt or Opinion, but in such as themselves signifie and Express: viz. concerning the Soldierly Combat, and what I have attained thereby, and HOW I have overcome.
6 I have written thii for ray own Remembiwice and Meditation, also for their fakes, whom God will visit or stirre up thereby, and also Crowne with THIS Garland, as indeed is given me to know, for which things sake, I have written according to the High Gifts in the Light of God, and suppressed the outward Reason as folly or a foolish Virgin, and not advanced my outward Life and honour thereby, because much scorne and persecution hath become my wages, besides, what further may attend me at hand.
7 But I account it enough for me, if I may but bring my Garland along with me out of this world into my true native Fathers Country, then have I honour enough and riches enough; [4] The Serpent must still in this life ways bruise or fling the womans Seede in the Heele.
8 In the Cross affliction and tribulation, [5] we must be borne anew, for, [6] If we would live with Christ, we must also be persecuted with him, and dye with him, and be buried in him, also rise againe in Him, and Eternally live in him; become wholly [7] conformable to his image, and come to him only under his Purple Mantle , he only must cover us, else we are in the Devills and Anrichrists Nett and stand with the Babylonish Whore quite Naked; and ashamed before the Countenance of God.
9 But seeing God hath already opened your Heart, so that you see with other Eyes, therefore it is highly necessary to proceed on, and to remaine Consistant; for he that will crowne you is already upon the way, but you must [8] endure the Affliction and hold out, and not give way or roome to the fleshly Reason, for the Devill vehemently sets upon the Grains of Mustardseede, which becometh sowne by the Holy Spirit, he would continually destroy it.
I0 It goeth with a New borne Child of Christ, as with a young tender Tree, which is easily destroyed, but when it groweth and becometh strong, then it can stand; and though likely many times a Branch is torne off by a storme of winde, yet the Stock or Body standeth; and bringeth forth other Branches.
II But it must be earnestness that will fight with the Devill and overcome the Anger of God ; Own Reason(?) must drown and kill IT self, and give it self up into God, that God might live in the understanding of Man; that he might be his willing and doing, else there is no finding in the divine wisdome; the Spirit of God must only find it selfe in Man, that the true Image may be his work and wonder.
I2 For, all whatsoever is taught and spoken concerning God, without the Spirit of God, is but Babell, let it play the hypocrite and flatter how it will Gods Spirit must speake from or out of US, if our speech be acceptible before God.
I3 For, he himself presenteth us before God; for, and in, himself, he bringeth our will-spirit with, and in, himself, into God, and confirmeth us to be his children in Christ; it is HE that findeth us, WE cannot finde him, but His Will findeth presented to us, HE hath IN Christ, spread abroad both his Armes on the Crosse; to receive or embrace us; we should only cast our selves into or upon him, and goe forth out of Reason and Malice.
I4 If we doe that, then we fall to him into Christs Armes, and there he seeketh and findeth us in him, and, there we become his owne and his dwelling house; and there he followeth after our will-spirit, and [9] is Subject to us, and all whatsoever we then performe or doe, THAT is acceptable to him, and [10] all those works follow us, and are our Eternall boasting, and become put on to us, as a garment, to Gods honour and deeds of wonder; [11] for which things sake, God hath moved himself to the Creation of Man, and for which things sake God became Man, that he might deliver us from Evill.
I5 Therefore seeing you have my writings in your hands, I give you to understand, that you should only Childelike and simply consider them; and so you may finde the Pearle therein; for sharp or accute [12] searching alone doth it not; but will and doe WELL; for the Pearle lyeth not in the LETTER, but as above mentioned.
I6 In the Book that is sent with this, which also is borne out of this Schoole, you will finde further ground concerning this Authour.
I7 But if any thing shall be too hard in the Understanding I would, if you signifie it unto me, cleere and illustrate it, though I hope once to speak with your self herein, if an Opportunity afford.
I8 As for the Two other little bookes, viz: the New Testament, and Third part of [13]Gnothi Seauton; have a little patience: for they are not yet in my hands, till the Leipsick Mari, but I am confident, then they shall be sent you. And I commend you into the brotherly Love in Christ. Dated as above.

The NAME of the LORD is a strong
Fortress; the righteous runneth into
it and is Exalted.
Jacob Behme.


  1. Acts 8.18.
  2. NOTE
  3. Luk 17.21.
  4. Gen: 3.15.
  5. Joh. 3.7.
  6. 2 Tim.2.11,12
  7. Phil.3.10.11.; Rom 8.29.
  8. James 1.12.
  9. 1 Cor.14.32.
  10. Rev.14.13.
  11. NOTE
  12. Searching only, doth not find the Pearle.
  13. (?)
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