- ↑ J'aime — I like (fr).
- ↑ Lustspiel — a comedy (de).
- ↑ Jean Paul or Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, a German Romantic writer, best known for his humorous novels and stories.
- ↑ "Hesperus" (1795) — the best-selling books by Jean Paul made him famous.
- ↑ Comment, frère Jean, vous jurez? — How, brother Jean, you swear? (fr).
- ↑ Revenons à nos moutons — let us return to our sheep: let us get back to the subject (fr).
- ↑ Soif — thirst (fr).
- ↑ Buveurs — drunkards (fr).
- ↑ Parlons de boire — let us speak of a drinking (fr).