An Act
To extend and modify authorities needed to combat terrorism, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title; Table of Contents.
- (a) Short Title.—
- This Act may be cited as the 'USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005'.
- (b) Table of Contents.—
- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
- Sec. 101. References to, and modification of short title for, USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 102. USA PATRIOT Act sunset provisions.
- Sec. 103. Extension of sunset relating to individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers.
- Sec. 104. Section 2332b and the material support sections of title 18, United States Code.
- Sec. 105. Duration of FISA surveillance of non-United States persons under section 207 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 106. Access to certain business records under section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 106A. Audit on access to certain business records for foreign intelligence purposes.
- Sec. 107. Enhanced oversight of good-faith emergency disclosures under section 212 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 108. Multipoint electronic surveillance under section 206 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 109. Enhanced congressional oversight.
- Sec. 110. Attacks against railroad carriers and mass transportation systems.
- Sec. 111. Forfeiture.
- Sec. 112. Section 2332b(g)(5)(B) amendments relating to the definition of Federal crime of terrorism.
- Sec. 113. Amendments to section 2516(1) of title 18, United States Code.
- Sec. 114. Delayed notice search warrants.
- Sec. 115. Judicial review of national security letters.
- Sec. 116. Confidentiality of national security letters.
- Sec. 117. Violations of nondisclosure provisions of national security letters.
- Sec. 118. Reports on national security letters.
- Sec. 119. Audit of use of national security letters.
- Sec. 120. Definition for forfeiture provisions under section 806 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 121. Penal provisions regarding trafficking in contraband cigarettes or smokeless tobacco.
- Sec. 122. Prohibition of narco-terrorism.
- Sec. 123. Interfering with the operation of an aircraft.
- Sec. 124. Sense of Congress relating to lawful political activity.
- Sec. 125. Removal of civil liability barriers that discourage the donation of fire equipment to volunteer fire companies.
- Sec. 126. Report on data-mining activities.
- Sec. 127. Sense of Congress.
- Sec. 128. USA PATRIOT Act section 214; authority for disclosure of additional information in connection with orders for pen register and trap and trace authority under FISA.
- Sec. 301. Short title.
- Sec. 302. Entry by false pretenses to any seaport.
- Sec. 303. Criminal sanctions for failure to heave to, obstruction of boarding, or providing false information.
- Sec. 304. Criminal sanctions for violence against maritime navigation, placement of destructive devices.
- Sec. 305. Transportation of dangerous materials and terrorists.
- Sec. 306. Destruction of, or interference with, vessels or maritime facilities.
- Sec. 307. Theft of interstate or foreign shipments or vessels.
- Sec. 308. Stowaways on vessels or aircraft.
- Sec. 309. Bribery affecting port security.
- Sec. 310. Penalties for smuggling goods into the United States.
- Sec. 311. Smuggling goods from the United States.
- Sec. 401. Short title.
- Sec. 402. Increased penalties for terrorism financing.
- Sec. 403. Terrorism-related specified activities for money laundering.
- Sec. 404. Assets of persons committing terrorist acts against foreign countries or international organizations.
- Sec. 405. Money laundering through hawalas.
- Sec. 406. Technical and conforming amendments relating to the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Sec. 407. Cross reference correction.
- Sec. 408. Amendment to amendatory language.
- Sec. 409. Designation of additional money laundering predicate.
- Sec. 410. Uniform procedures for criminal forfeiture.
- Sec. 501. Residence of United States attorneys and assistant United States attorneys.
- Sec. 502. Interim appointment of United States Attorneys.
- Sec. 503. Secretary of Homeland Security in Presidential line of succession.
- Sec. 504. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to the Department of Justice.
- Sec. 505. Qualifications of United States Marshals.
- Sec. 506. Department of Justice intelligence matters.
- Sec. 507. Review by Attorney General.
- Sec. 601. Short title.
- Sec. 602. Interference with national special security events.
- Sec. 603. False credentials to national special security events.
- Sec. 604. Forensic and investigative support of missing and exploited children cases.
- Sec. 605. The Uniformed Division, United States Secret Service.
- Sec. 606. Savings provisions.
- Sec. 607. Maintenance as distinct entity.
- Sec. 608. Exemptions from the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
- Subtitle A—Domestic regulation of precursor chemicals
- Sec. 711. Scheduled listed chemical products; restrictions on sales quantity, behind-the-counter access, and other safeguards.
- Sec. 712. Regulated transactions.
- Sec. 713. Authority to establish production quotas.
- Sec. 714. Penalties; authority for manufacturing; quota.
- Sec. 715. Restrictions on importation; authority to permit imports for medical, scientific, or other legitimate purposes.
- Sec. 716. Notice of importation or exportation; approval of sale or transfer by importer or exporter.
- Sec. 717. Enforcement of restrictions on importation and of requirement of notice of transfer.
- Sec. 718. Coordination with United States Trade Representative.
- Subtitle B—International regulation of precursor chemicals
- Sec. 721. Information on foreign chain of distribution; import restrictions regarding failure of distributors to cooperate.
- Sec. 722. Requirements relating to the largest exporting and importing countries of certain precursor chemicals.
- Sec. 723. Prevention of smuggling of methamphetamine into the United States from Mexico.
- Subtitle C—Enhanced criminal penalties for methamphetamine production and trafficking
- Sec. 731. Smuggling methamphetamine or methamphetamine precursor chemicals into the United States while using facilitated entry programs.
- Sec. 732. Manufacturing controlled substances on Federal property.
- Sec. 733. Increased punishment for methamphetamine kingpins.
- Sec. 734. New child-protection criminal enhancement.
- Sec. 735. Amendments to certain sentencing court reporting requirements.
- Subtitle D—Enhanced environmental regulation of methamphetamine byproducts
- Subtitle E—Additional programs and activities
- Sec. 751. Improvements to Department of Justice drug court grant program.
- Sec. 752. Drug courts funding.
- Sec. 753. Feasibility study on Federal drug courts.
- Sec. 754. Grants to hot spot areas to reduce availability of methamphetamine.
- Sec. 755. Grants for programs for drug-endangered children.
- Sec. 756. Authority to award competitive grants to address methamphetamine use by pregnant and parenting women offenders.
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