An Act
To amend the National and Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a Corporation for National Service, enhance opportunities for national service, and provide national service educational awards to persons participating in such service, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title; Table of Contents.
- This Act may be cited as the ``National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993´´.
- The table of contents is as follows:
- Sec. 1. Short Title; Table of Contents.
- Sec. 2. Findings and Purpose.
- Subtitle A — Programs
- Sec. 101. Federal Investment in Support of National Service.
- Sec. 102. National Service Trust and Provision of National Service Educational Awards.
- Sec. 103. School-based and Community-based Service-Learning Programs.
- Sec. 104. Quality and Innovation Activities.
- Sec. 105. Public Lands Corps.
- Sec. 106. Urban Youth Corps.
- Subtitle A — Programs
- The table of contents is as follows:
- Subtitle B — Related Provisions
- Sec. 111. Definitions.
- Sec. 112. Authority to Make State Grants.
- Sec. 113. Family and Medical Leave.
- Sec. 114. Reports.
- Sec. 115. Nondiscrimination.
- Sec. 116. Notice, Hearing, and Grievance Procedures.
- Sec. 117. Nondisplacement.
- Sec. 118. Evaluation.
- Sec. 119. Engagement of Participants.
- Sec. 120. Contingent Extension.
- Sec. 121. Audits.
- Sec. 122. Repeals.
- Sec. 123. Effective Date.
- Subtitle B — Related Provisions
- Sec. 201. State Commissions on National and Community Service.
- Sec. 202. Interim authorities of the Corporation for National and Community Service and ACTION Agency.
- Sec. 203. Final authorities of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
- Sec. 204. Business Plan.
- Sec. 205. Actions under the national service laws to be subject to the availability of appropriations.
- Subtitle B — Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973
- Sec. 311. Short Title; References.
- Chapter 1 — VISTA and Other Anti-poverty Programs
- Sec. 321. Purpose of the VISTA program.
- Sec. 322. Assistant director for VISTA program.
- Sec. 323. Selection and assignment of VISTA volunteers.
- Sec. 324. Terms and periods of service.
- Sec. 325. Support for VISTA volunteers.
- Sec. 326. Participation of younger and older persons.
- Sec. 327. Literacy activities.
- Sec. 328. Applications for assistance.
- Sec. 329. Repeal of authority for student community service programs.
- Sec. 330. University Year for VISTA.
- Sec. 331. Authority to establish and operate special volunteer and demonstration programs.
- Sec. 332. Technical and financial assistance.
- Sec. 333. Elimination of separate authority for drug abuse programs.
- Chapter 2 — National Senior Volunteer Corps
- Sec. 341. National Senior Volunteer Corps.
- Sec. 342. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
- Sec. 343. Operation of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
- Sec. 344. Services under the Foster Grandparent Program.
- Sec. 345. Stipends for low-income volunteers.
- Sec. 346. Conditions of grants and contracts.
- Sec. 347. Evaluation of the Senior Companion Program.
- Sec. 348. Agreements with other Federal agencies.
- Sec. 349. Programs of national significance.
- Sec. 350. Adjustments to Federal financial assistance.
- Sec. 351. Demonstration programs.
- Chapter 3 — Administration
- Sec. 361. Purpose of agency.
- Sec. 362. Authority of the Director.
- Sec. 363. Political activities.
- Sec. 364. Compensation for volunteers.
- Sec. 365. Repeal of report.
- Sec. 366. Application of Federal law.
- Sec. 367. Nondiscrimination provisions.
- Sec. 368. Elimination of separate requirements for setting regulations.
- Sec. 369. Clarification of role of Inspector General.
- Sec. 370. Copyright protection.
- Sec. 371. Deposit requirement credit for service as a volunteer.
- Chapter 4 — Authorization of Appropriations and Other Amendments
- Chapter 5 — General Provisions
- Subtitle B — Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973
Sec. 2. Findings and Purpose.
- (a) IN GENERAL.—
- Section 2 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12501) is amended to read as follows:
- ``(a) FINDINGS.—
- The Congress finds the following:
- ``(1) Throughout the United States, there are pressing unmet human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs.
- ``(2) Americans desire to affirm common responsibilities and shared values, and join together in positive experiences, that transcend race, religion, gender, age, disability, region, income, and education.
- ``(3) The rising costs of postsecondary education are putting higher education out of reach for an increasing number of citizens.
- ``(4) Americans of all ages can improve their communities and become better citizens through service to the United States.
- ``(5) Nonprofit organizations, local governments, States, and the Federal Government are already supporting a wide variety of national service programs that deliver needed services in a cost-effective manner.
- ``(6) Residents of low-income communities, especially youth and young adults, can be empowered through their service, and can help provide future community leadership.
- The Congress finds the following:
- ``(b) PURPOSE.—
- It is the purpose of this Act to—
- ``(1) meet the unmet human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs of the United States, without displacing existing workers;
- ``(2) renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community throughout the United States;
- ``(3) expand educational opportunity by rewarding individuals who participate in national service with an increased ability to pursue higher education or job training;
- ``(4) encourage citizens of the United States, regardless of age, income, or disability, to engage in full-time or part-time national service;
- ``(5) reinvent government to eliminate duplication, support locally established initiatives, require measurable goals for performance, and offer flexibility in meeting those goals;
- ``(6) expand and strengthen existing service programs with demonstrated experience in providing structured service opportunities with visible benefits to the participants and community;
- ``(7) build on the existing organizational service infrastructure of Federal, State, and local programs and agencies to expand full-time and part-time service opportunities for all citizens; and
- ``(8) provide tangible benefits to the communities in which national service is performed.´´.
- It is the purpose of this Act to—
- Section 1(b) of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-610; 104 Stat. 3127) is amended by striking the item relating to section 2 and inserting the following new item:
Approved September 21, 1993.
Legislative History
- No. 103-155 (Comm. on Education and Labor)
- No. 103-219 (Comm. of Conference)
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 139 (1993):
- July 28, considered and passed House.
- Aug. 3, considered and passed Senate in lieu of S. 919 with an amendment.
- Aug. 5, Conference report filed.
- Aug. 6, House agreed to conference report.
- Sept. 8, Senate agreed to conference report.
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