An Act
To enhance national and community service, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title and Table of Contents.
- This Act may be cited as the ``National and Community Service Act of 1990´´.
- Subtitle C — American Conservation and Youth Corps
- Sec. 120. Short Title.
- Sec. 121. General Authority.
- Sec. 122. Allocation of Funds.
- Sec. 123. State Application.
- Sec. 124. Focus of Programs.
- Sec. 125. Related Programs.
- Sec. 126. Public Lands or Indian Lands.
- Sec. 127. Training and Education Services.
- Sec. 128. Amount of Award; Matching Requirement.
- Sec. 129. Preference for Certain Projects.
- Sec. 130. Age and Citizenship Criteria for Enrollment.
- Sec. 131. Use of Volunteers.
- Sec. 132. Post-Service Benefits.
- Sec. 133. Living Allowance.
- Sec. 134. Joint Programs.
- Sec. 135. Federal and State Employee Status.
- Sec. 136. Regulations and Assistance.
- Subtitle C — American Conservation and Youth Corps
- Subtitle D — National and Community Service
- Sec. 140. Short Title.
- Sec. 141. General Authority.
- Sec. 142. Grants.
- Sec. 143. Types of National Service.
- Sec. 144. Terms of Service.
- Sec. 145. Eligibility.
- Sec. 146. Post-Service Benefits.
- Sec. 147. Living Allowance.
- Sec. 148. Training.
- Sec. 149. Public-Private Partnership.
- Sec. 150. In-Service Education Benefits.
- Subtitle D — National and Community Service
- Subtitle F — Administrative Provisions
- Sec. 171. Limitation on Number of Grants.
- Sec. 172. Reports.
- Sec. 173. Supplementation.
- Sec. 174. Prohibition on Use of Funds.
- Sec. 175. Nondiscrimination.
- Sec. 176. Notice, Hearing, and Grievance Procedures.
- Sec. 177. Nonduplication and Nondisplacement.
- Sec. 178. State Advisory Board.
- Sec. 179. Evaluation.
- Sec. 180. Engagemnt of Participants.
- Sec. 181. National Service Demonstration Program Amendments.
- Sec. 182. Partnerships with Schools.
- Sec. 183. Service as Tutors.
- Sec. 184. Drug-Free Workplace Requirements.
- Sec. 185. Conforming Amendments.
- Subtitle F — Administrative Provisions
Sec. 2. Purpose.
- It is the purpose of this Act to—
- (1) renew the ethic of civic responsibility in the United States;
- (2) ask citizens of the United States, regardless of age or income, to engage in full-time or part-time service to the Nation;
- (3) begin to call young people to serve in programs that will benefit the Nation and improve the life chances of the young through the acquisition of literacy and job skills;
- (4) enable young Americans to make a sustained commitment to service by removing barriers to service that have been created by high education costs, loan indebtedness, and the cost of housing;
- (5) build on the existing organizational framework of Federal, State, and local programs and agencies to expand full-time and part-time service opportunities for all citizens, particularly youth and older Americans;
- (6) involve participants in activities that would not otherwise be performed by employed workers; and
- (7) generate additional service hours each year to help meet human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs, particularly those needs relating to poverty.
Approved November 16, 1990.
Legislative History
- No. 101-677 accompanying H.R. 4330 (Comm. on Education and Labor)
- No. 101-893 (Comm. of Conference)
- No. 101-176 (Comm. on Labor and Human Resources)
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 136 (1990):
- Mar. 1, considered and passed Senate.
- Sept. 13, considered and passed House in lieu of H.R. 4330.
- Sept. 16, Conference reort filed.
- Sept. 17, Senate agreed to conference report.
- Sept. 24, House agreed to conference report.
See also
- Public Law 93-113. Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973
- Public Law 102-10. National and Community Service Technical Amendments Act of 1991
- Public Law 102-384. National and Community Service Technical Amendment Act of 1992
- Public Law 103-82. National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
- Public Law 103-304. King Holiday and Service Act of 1994
- Public Law 104-210. Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act
- Public Law 108-45. Strengthen AmeriCorps Program Act
- Public Law 111-13. Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
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