Absurd sermons, 18—21. 70—73
Alberti, Lcarider, 19
of F. de Neuilly, 11
told by Balzac, 12
of Cambridge preacher, 43, 44
of Franciscan preacher, 44
of Chaussemer, 45
of the Père Seraphim, 45
of Felix trembling, 47, 48
of a long sermon, 55
of Jerome de Narni, 57
of St. John Capistran, 57
of a public confession, 57
of a usurer, 58
of the Devil preaching, 81
of Hannibal, 143
Bequest to Apollo, 13
Birds, 29—31
Bon-mots, 15, 16
Catholic preachers, 23—25
Classical allusions, 13, 14. 192
Commentators, 39. 235, 236
Conclusions, 56
D’Oyly and Mant, 40. 235
Effects produced by sermons, 56—58
Exordium, 13. 45—47
Flowers, 31—33
Friar-preachers, 17
Gratian de Drusac, 79
Henry IV., 16
Horæ Homileticæ, 54
James I., 43
Lapide, Cornelius à, 156
Lapide, Joannes de, 83
Lengthy sermon, 55
Louis XIV., 45
Love of nature, 28—33
Mademoiselle d’Entragues, 16
Marginal notes, 12
Mariolatry, 27, 84
Mystical interpretations, 37—43. 85. 124. 141. 187
Natural history, 84. 88. 94—97. 139
Nature, love of, 28—33
Oblates, 161
Open-air sermons, 11. 17
Parker, Matthew, 9
Adrien Mangotius, 59, 60
Alfric, 10
Ambrose, St., 8
Andrew of Crete, St., 10
André, le Père, 15
Andrewes, Bp., 60
Ange de Rouen, 19
Antonio Vieyra, 60
Athanasius, St., 7
Augustine, St., 8
Barlette Gabriel, 16. 19, 20
Barzia, Joseph de, 27. 33. 134—154. 178
Basil, St., 8
Basil of Seleucia, 9
Bede, the Venerable, 10
Biel, Gabriel, 12. 61—68
Borgia, Francis, 132
Bourdaloue, 60
Brydame, Jacques, 45—47
Cæsarius of Aries, St., 9
Camus, Bp. of Belley, 14
Capistran, St. John, 57
Celles, Peter of, 43
Chrysostom, St., 8
Claude, 54
Clement of Alexandria, St., 7
Coster, Francis, 206—236
Cyprian, St., 7, 8
Damascene, St. John, 10
Deza, Maximilian, 192—205
Ephraem Syrus, St., 7
Eucher, St., 9
Faber, Matthias, 31. 49—54. 100—115
Foulque de Neuilly, 11
Geminiano, John, 58, 59. 145
Gonthier, le Père, 16
Granada, Louis of, 12
Gregory the Great, St., 8
Gregory Nazianzen, St., 8
Guerin, le Père, 15
Guevara, Antonio de, Bp. of Mondoneda, 56
Harphius, Henry, 22. 158
Harrone, le Père d’, 60
Hartung, Philip von, 29. 43. 116—133
Helmesius, 26. 135
Imbert, Father, 19
Kempis, St. Thomas à, 22
Konigstein, 25
Labat, 17
Langton, Stephen, 43
Latimer, Hugh, 60
Leo, St., 8
Macarii, the, 7
Maillard, Oliver, 12, 13. 43. 70
Marchant, Jacques, 40. 136. 155—176
Meffreth, 70. 81—99
Menot, Michael, 21. 70
Narni, Jerome de, [[Page:Post-Mediaeval Preachers.djvu/66}56]]
Narni, Philip de, 12
Neuilly, Foulque de, 11
Origen, 7
Osorius, John, 33, 34. 177—191
Pantænus, St., 7
Paoletti, 56
Polygranus, 26
Raulin, Jean, 69—80
Salvian, 9
Satan, 81
Savonarola, 12
Segneri, Paolo, 60. 134. 194
Simeon, Mr., 54, 55
Stella, 39, 40
Turricremata, John, 22
Valerian of Cemele, 9
Venerable Bede, 10
Vieyra, Antonio, 60
Wulfstan of York, 10
Protestant preachers, 23—25
Proverbs, 114, 115
Relation between Nature and Revelation, 28, 29
Scott the commentator, 39. 235, 236
Scriptural illustrations, 34. 37
Sermons for,—
First Sunday in Advent, 198—202
Christmas Day, 14. 25
St. John’s Day, 153, 154
Sunday after Christmas Day, 148—153
Epiphany, 70—73
First Sunday after Epiphany, 107—110. 119—125
Sexagesima, 85—87
Septuagesima, 64—68
Ash-Wednesday, 194—198
First Sunday in Lent, 213—236
Fourth Sunday in Lent, 103—107
Palm Sunday, 111—113
Good Friday, 169—171
Easter Day, 110, 111
Easter Monday, 172, 173
Low Sunday, 172, 173
Easter Tide, 161—167
Second Sunday after Easter, 126—131
Ascension Day, 173—176. 186, 187
Trinity Sunday, 181—185
Second Sunday alter Trinity, 88—93
Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 140—144
Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 144—147
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 29—33
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 137—140
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, 36, 37
Feast of
St. Andrew, 198—202
The Purification of our Lady, 27, 28. 148—153
The Annunciation, 28
St. Peter, 14
St. James, 189—191
Transfiguration of our Lord, 49—54
Nativity of our Lady, 28
Name of Mary, 17
Similes, 22, 23. 34. 74. 113, 114. 139, 140. 142. 181—186
Subjects of sermons, 47—54
Sermon on
Birds, 29. 31
Danger of neglecting trifling faults, 137—140
Example, bad, 148—153
Elect, small number of, 36, 37
Flowers, 31—33
Heaven, 126—131
Hell, 119—125
Judgment, 198—205
Resurrection of Lazarus, 186—189
Shortness of life, 194—198
Sower, parable of, 85—87
Supper, parable of, 88—93
Temptation, 213—235
Uncertainty of our future condition, 153, 154
Vanity of the work of sinners, 140—144
Wounded Side, 169—171
Tales related in sermons, 75
Beasts at penance, 75
Toad and his son, 77
Widow and her servant, 78
Hermit and the way of safety, 79, 80
Mice in the larder, 94, 95
Poor Robin, 97, 98
Hermit and the olive-tree, 98
Priest and capon, 99
Crab and oyster, 139
Hannibal, 143
Women and the clew of wool, 146
Children and the child Jesus, 209
Priest and the acolyte, 211
Texts, strange, 13. 43—45
Unction, 84
Viaud, Theophilus, 15
Violent denunciations,
Vitry, Jacques de, 11