number, as the sand of the sea-side for multitude. How
many of these thirty-two thousand men did God suffer Gideon to lead into victory? Three hundred only. Many, even thirty-two thousand men, were called; three hundred chosen.
“Type and figure this of the many enrolled into the Church’s army, of whom so few go on to ‘fight the good fight of faith!’
“Of the tribes of Israel twelve men only were chosen to be Apostles; and of those twelve, one was a traitor, one doubtful, one denied his Master, all forsook Him.
“How many rulers were there among the Jews when Christ came; but one only went to Him, and he by night!
“How many rich men were there when our blessed Lord walked this earth; but one only ministered unto Him, and he only in His burial!
“How many peasants were there in the country when Christ went to die; but one only was deemed worthy to bear His cross, and he bore it by constraint!
“How many thieves were there in Judaea when Christ was there; but one only entered Paradise, and he was converted in his last hour!
“How many centurions were there scattered over the province; and one only saw and believed, and he by cruelly piercing the Saviour’s side!
“How many harlots were there in that wicked and adulterous generation; but one only washed His feet with tears and wiped them with the hair of her head! Truly, ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’”
We hear but little in modern sermons of the mystical