< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 80

I N D E X.

Academy, of Sciences, Paris, Edward F. Williams 91
Academy, of Sciences, Paris, Edward F. Williams 164
"of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Centenary of 517
Administrations, Conflict of, Frank L. McVey 142
Administrative Changes in the American University, The Need of, George T. Ladd 313
Age, Death and Conjugation in the Light of Work on Lower Organisms, H. S. Jennings 563
Ameghino, Florentine, W. D. Matthew 303
American, Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington Meeting 205
"Desert, Glimpses of the Great, Raymond J. Pool 209
"University, On the Need of Administrative Changes in, George T. Ladd 313
"Philosophical Society, Scientific Program of 617
Anesthetics in Surgery, the Use of, and Crawford W. Long 616
Antarctic, Exploration and Adventure in 414
Assortative Mating in Man, J. Arthur Harris 476
Atomic Theory of Electricity and the Kinetic Theory of Matter, Robert Andrew Millikan 417

Bain, H. Foster, The Imperial Universities of Japan 246
Beyer, Henry G., The International Hygiene Exhibition at Dresden 105
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, C. Stuart Gager 339
Bugbear of Reformers, T. N. Carver 499

Cajori, Florian, a Review of Three Famous Attacks upon the Study of Mathematics as a Training of the Mind 360
Carnegie Institution, Ten Years of the 308
Carver, T. N., A Bugbear of Reformers 499
Cattell, J. McKeen, Science and International Good Will 405
"A Program of Radical Democracy 606
Centenary of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 517
Chamberlain, Alexander Francis, Some Interesting Characteristics of the Modern English Language 158
Child Hygiene, Professional Training for, Lewis N. Terman 289
China, University Education in, Thomas T. Read 441
Chinese, Science among the, C. K. Edmunds 22
"Mathematics, David Eugene Smith 597
City Milk Supplies, The Problem of, P. G. Heineman 66
Cockerell, T. D. A., The Red Sunflower 373
(Colleges, Small, John J. Stevenson 58
Conjugation, Age and Death, in the Light of Work on Lower Organisms, H. S. Jennings 563
Conservation Ideals in the Improvement of Plants, Herbert J. Webber 578
Convocation Week Meetings of Scientific Societies 99
Coral Reef, Collecting on, Vernon L. Kellogg 80
Coulter, John M., History of Gymnosperms 197

Davenport, Chas. B., The Origin and Control of Mental Defectiveness 87
Death, Age and Conjugation, in the Light of Work on lower Organisms, H. S. Jennings 563
Deaths among American Men of Science 518
Defectiveness, Mental, Origin and Control of, Chas. B. Davenport 87
Delta, Mississippi, A New Development in, E. W. Hilgard 237
Democracy, Radical, A Program of, J. McKeen Cattell 606
Desert, Great American, Glimpses of the, Raymond J. Pool 209
Dresden, The International Hygiene Exhibition at, Henry G. Beyer 105

Earth, Ancient Portals of the, James Perrin Smith 393
Edmunds, C. K., Science among the Chinese 22
Education, University, in China, Thomas T. Read 441
Efficiency Wage Standards, Scott Nearing 257
Electricity, The Atomic Theory of, and the Kinetic Theory of Matter, Robert Andrew Millikan 417
Ellwood, Charles A., The Instinctive Element in Human Society 263
English Language, Modern, Some Interesting Characteristics of, Alexander Francis Chamberlain 158
Exhibition, International Hygiene, at Dresden, Henry G. Beyer 105
Exploration and Adventure in the Antarctic 414

Fallacy, Price, of High Costs, Ralph H. Hess 493
Feet, Small, and Narrow Jaws, Richard Cole Newton 138

Gager, C. Stuart, Brooklyn Botanic Garden 339
Geography, Philosophy of, Walter Edward McCourt 587
Gold Mining in the United States, History of, R. A. F. Penrose, Jr. 174
Gymnosperms, History of, John M. Coulter 197
Foreign-born Population of New York 619

Harris, J. Arthur, Assortative Mating in Man 476
Heineman, P. G., The Problem of City Milk Supplies 66
Hess, Ralph H., The Price Fallacy of High Costs 493
Highway Construction, Science in the Service of, Clifford Richardson 326
Hilgard, E. W., A New Development in the Mississippi Delta 237
Hooker, Joseph Dalton 102
Houses, Modern Tenement, Jonathan A. Rawson, Jr. 191
Howe, Jas. Lewis, Notes on Norwegian Industry 36
Human Society, The Instinctive Element in, Charles A. Ellwood 263
Humboldt, Alexander von, Edward F. Williams 346
Hygiene, International Exhibition at Dresden, Henry G. Beyer 105
"Child, Professional Training for, Lewis M. Terman 289

Immigration, The Medical Side of, Alfred G. Reed 383
Industry, Norwegian, Notes on, Jas. Lewis Howe 36
Instinctive Element in Human Society, Charles A. Ellwood 263
International Good Will and Science, J. McKeen Cattell 405

Japan, Relations to the United States, David Starr Jordan 151
"Imperial Universities of, H. Foster Bain 246
Jaws, Narrow, and Small Feet, Richard Cole Newton 138
Jennings, H. S., Age, Death and Conjugation, in the Light of Work on Lower Organisms 548
Jordan, David Starr, Relations of Japan and the United States 151

Kellogg, Vernon L., Collecting on a Coral Reef 80
Kinetic Theory of Matter and the Atomic Theory of Electricity, Robert Andrew Millikan 417

Ladd, George T., On the Need of Administrative Changes in the American University 313
Language, Modern English, Some Interesting Characteristics of, Alexander Francis Chamberlain 158
Lefevre, Edwin, Ptomaines and Ptomaine Poisoning 400
Life, Mechanistic Conception of, Jacques Loeb 5
Lister, Lord 310
Loeb, Jacques, The Mechanistic Conception of Life 5
Long, Crawford W., and the Use of Anesthetics in Surgery 616
Lowell, Percival, Precession and the Pyramids 449

McCourt, Walter Edward, A Philosophy of Geography 587
McVey, Frank L., Conflict of Administrations 142
Man, Assortative Mating in, J. Arthur Harris 476
Mathematics, as a Training of the Mind, A Review of Three Famous Attacks upon, Florian Cajori 360
"Chinese, David Eugene Smith 597
Mating, Assortative, m Man, J. Arthur Harris 476
Matthew, W. D., Florentino Ameghino 303
Mechanistic Conception of Life, Jacques Loeb 5
Medical, Research, Rockefeller Institute for 413
"Side of Immigration, Alfred G. Reed 383
Medicine, Research in, Richard M. Pearce 503
Medicine, Research in, Richard M. Pearce 548
Men, Types of, S. N. Patten 273
Mental Defectiveness, Origin and Control of, Chas. B. Davenport 87
Milk Supplies, City, The Problem of, P. G. Heineman 66
Millikan, Robert Andrew, The Kinetic Theory of Matter and the Atomic Theory of Electricity 417
Mind, Mathematics as a Training of the, A Review of Three Famous Attacks upon, Florian Cajori 360
Mining, Gold, History of. in the United States, R. A. F. Penrose, Jr. 174
Mississippi Delta, A New Development in, E. W. Hilgard 237
Modern Tenement Houses, Jonathan A. Rawson, Jr. 191

National, Museum 101
"Parks from the Scientific and Educational Side, Laurence F. Schmeckebier 531
Nearing, Scott, Efficiency Wage Standards 257
New York's Ten Thousand, William J. Roe 461
Newton, Richard Cole, Narrow Jaws and Small Feet 138
Non-instrumental Weather Observations, The Value of, Robert DeC. Ward 129
Norwegian Industry, Notes on, Jas. Lewis Howe 36

Origin and Control of Mental Defectiveness, Chas. B. Davenport 87

Paris Academy of Sciences, Edward F. Williams 91
Paris Academy of Sciences, Edward F. Williams 164
Parks, National, from the Scientific and Educational Side, Laurence F. Schmeckebier 531
Patten, S. N., Types of Men 273
Pearce, Richard M., Research in Medicine 503
Pearce, Richard M., Research in Medicine 548
Penrose, Jr., E. A. F., The History of Gold Mining in the United States 174
Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Centenary of 517
Philosophical Society, American, Scientific Program of 617
Philosophy of Geography, Walter Edward McCourt 587
Plants, Conservation Ideals in the Improvement of, Herbert J. Webber 578
Poisoning, Ptomaine, and Ptomaines, Edwin Lefevre 400
Pool, Raymond J., Glimpses of the Great American Desert 209
Population, Foreign-born, of New York 619
Portals of the Earth, Ancient, James Perrin Smith 393
Pratt, H. S., The Four Periods in the Development of the Modern Zoological System 298
Precession and the Pyramids, Percival Lowell 449
Presidents, New University 206
Price Fallacy of High Costs, Ralph H. Hess 493
Professional Training for Child Hygiene, Lewis M. Terman 289
Progress of Science 99
Progress of Science 205
Progress of Science 308
Progress of Science 413
Progress of Science 517
Progress of Science 616
Ptomaines and Ptomaine Poisoning, Edwin Lefevre 400
Public, Duties to the, of Research Institutes of Pure Science, Wm. E. Ritter 51
Pyramids, Precession and the, Percival Lowell 449

Radical Democracy, A Program of, J. McKeen Cattell 606
Rawson, Jr., Jonathan A., Modern Tenement Houses 191
Read, Thomas T., University Education in China 441
Red Sunflower, T. D. A. Cockerell 373
Reed, Alfred G., Medical Side of Immigration 383
Reef, Coral, Collecting on, Vernon L. Kellogg 80
Reformers, A Bugbear of, T. N. Carver 499
Research, Institutes of Pure Science, The Duties to the Public of, Wm. E. Ritter 51
"in Medicine, Richard M. Pearce 503
"in Medicine, Richard M. Pearce 548
Richardson, Clifford, Science in the Service of Highway Construction 326
Ritter, Wm. E., The Duties to the Public of Research Institutes in Pure Science 51
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 413
Roe, William J., New York's Ten Thousand 461

Schmeckebier, Laurence F., National Parks from the Scientific and Educational Side 531
Science, among the Chinese, C. K. Edmunds 22
"Pure, Research Institutes, Duties to the Public of, Wm, E. Ritter 51
"The Progress of 99
"The Progress of 205
"The Progress of 308
"The Progress of 413
"The Progress of 517
"The Progress of 616
"American Association for the Advancement of, Washington Meeting 206
"in the Service of Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 326
"and International Good Will, J. McKeen Cattell 405
"Deaths among American Men of 518
Scientific, Societies, Convocation Week Meetings of 99
"Items 104
"Items 208
"Items 312
"Items 416
"Items 520
"Program of the American Philosophical Society 617
Small Colleges, John J. Stevenson 58
Smith, David Eugene, Chinese Mathematics 597
Smith, James Perrin, Ancient Portals of the Earth 393
Society, Human, The Instinctive Element in, Charles A. Ellwood 263
Space and Time, Charles W. Super 280
Standards, Efficiency Wage, Scott Nearing 257
Stevenson, John J., Small Colleges 58
Sunflower, Red, T. D. A. Cockerell 373
Sunlight, Tropical, Paul C. Freer 521
Surgery, The Use of Anesthetics in, and Crawford W. Long 616
System, Modern Zoological, Four Periods in the Development of, H. S. Pratt 298

Ten Thousand, New York's, William J. Roe 461
Tenement Houses, Modern, Jonathan A. Rawson, Jr. 191
Terman, Lewis M., Professional Training for Child Hygiene 289
Time and Space, Charles W. Super 280
Tropical Sunlight, Paul C. Freer 521
Types of Men, S. N. Patten 273

United States, Relations of Japan to, David Starr Jordan 151
Universities, Imperial, of Japan, H. Foster Bain 246
University, Presidents, New 206
"American, The Need of Administrative Changes in the, George T. Ladd 313
"Education in China, Thomas T. Read 441

Wage Standards, Efficiency, Scott Nearing 257
Ward, Robert DeC, The Value of Noninstrumental Weather Observations 129
Webber, Herbert J., Conservation Ideals in the Improvement of Plants 578
Williams, Edward F., The Paris Academy of Sciences 91
Williams, Edward F., The Paris Academy of Sciences 164
""Alexander von Humboldt 346

Zoological System, Modern, Four Periods in the Development of, H. S. Pratt 298
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